DerJudenfresser ago

Good. One less Isreal loving soldier for ZOG.

jimibulgin ago

Officer, not soldier.

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

If only Corporal Klinger had known how easy it was.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I feel like a broken record. Why the fuck would anyone have a public profile these days? With their real name and picture? How many times does this have to happen to wake people up? The last public profile I had was back in like 2011

ArcherMcTaco ago

Actually military isn't allowed to use TikTok and it is considered a security risk.

But I mean Don't let me stop the circle jerk

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Islamophobia is encouraged but poke fun at Jews and railroaded. Really makes you think.

FriedChicken ago

Do we have more info on this? I'm tempted to write my congressman to bitch about this. This is absurd.

NotAntifa ago

"Our" military is fucking pathetic.

DanielR ago

THIS is how you know the kikes own your military

Titanbikes4ever ago

They played their hand by doing that. Now everyone will know who runs the US military

CheeBooga ago

But he could say anything he wants about Jesus, God, Holodomor, etc and nothing would come of it. Every jew is a foreign enemy combatant.

SexMachine ago

It's the Israeli Foreign Legion, of course they'd discharge him.

WorldSerpent ago

Based Military.

iDontShift ago

why the joke isn't even related to anything in real life.

bcboncs ago

Should be contendable.

bcboncs ago

Ty for doing ops work

arniecuntingham ago

i have never participated in any of the "social media" bullshit, so i don't really know too much about it, but WHY THE FUCK do people use their real names on these platforms?? how many people have to be fired and otherwise persecuted for POSTING something "offensive" before they just stop posting anything??

NarrativeControl ago

I don't think that is too relevant. People will film themselves and they will have a lot of IRL friends. Getting the real name of someone in that scenario is very easy.

Agent7851 ago

Are we also gonna ignore that tiktok was banned for gov employees? Or maybe that was just on gov issues phones and I’m talking out of my ass.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago


ScottMAGA ago

Yeah, this seems fake.

Military discharge civilian equivalents:

Honorable discharge: he quit, wish we could have kept him.

General under honorable conditions: we laid him off.

General under other than honorable conditions: we fired him.

Bad Conduct: he was convicted of a misdemeanor.

Dishonorable: he was convicted of a felony.

Those last two are in the law, you can't get a dishonorable without being convicted of a felony. The UCMJ isn't the same as civilian law, but last I heard making a joke isn't a felony.

silic0n ago

Yeah.. Most likely he'll get general other than honorable.. if it's real.

Running_in_the_20s ago

You seem to be putting thought into something. You’re violating my safe space!

reason247 ago

Wow... what a fucking nightmare. So glad I dipped outta that bullshit.

HighEnergyLife ago

Lots of you guys in this thread are straight up faggots. Hung up over chinese spyware when every other single piece of software running on your mobile is jew spyware.

veteran88 ago

Jews are ungrateful vermin.

The holocaust isn't even real.

Everyone involved with this decision should be hung for treason.

Maroonsaint ago

They say trump is Hitler when he hasn’t done shit to even resemble Hitler. Meanwhile holodomor happened because of communist Jews and they have a communist jew claiming that’s what he wanted and the lefts like YEA YEA YEA. Fucking kikes

The1stLantern ago

Hitler doesnt even resemble the public zeitgiest of Hitler.

ChiCom ago

If your gf accuses you of cheating all the time but you don't - you just might.

Maroonsaint ago

You would think a lot more relationships would end with murder

veteran88 ago

I wish Trump was Hitler.

Maybe less kind and forgiving than Hitler.

dodgyrog ago

Eradicating kikes, gypsys, niggers, retards and fags on time and under budget.

Chimaira92 ago

In reality he is closer to Stalin than Hitler. There were no communist fuckheads running rampart in German cities whilst Hitler was in power. Russia however...

Rellik88 ago

Thats because Hitlers brown shirts took out the Antifa problem in Wiemar Republic.

Chimaira92 ago

Yes whist Stalin pretended to hate Jews but filled his cabinet with Bolshevik Jews.

veteran88 ago

Stalin is the best of the worst. He killed a lot of evil Jews but only after they did the holodormor and other atrocities right under his nose.

CapinBoredface ago

the boogyman version of hitler

Patnar_doozy ago

The US military is the Israeli Foreign Legion. That's why they can kill civvies in the sandbox.

Remember all wars are bankers' wars.

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israelmossadjewgold ago

the graduates at west point called eisenhower the terrible jew or something like that... then he helps the jews get israel...hmm

but then later warns about the zionists orgnizations as president but doesn't do anything about it...

kind of like grant talked about the jews and then becomes president and is a big supporter of the zionists.

I think they are just that smart that they know people will be seeking out their bullshit and it's all a front.

It's called the art of deception. you feed a little bit of truth or what they want while also feeding in lies.

toadicux ago

The Swedish Jew actually.

SexMachine ago

Damn, I just called it the same thing.

Trope_ ago

Gotta catch all 6 million pokemon.

NoBS ago

That is a lie. He needs to be charged for breech of security and aiding and abetting enemy combatants.

Then executed for installing spyware that can be traced to a military asset.

Kat-the-Cat ago

Was he in Uniform whilst joking about the Holohoax?

gazillions ago

He must have been on social media with his real name laid out and talking to strangers. And he is not a teenage girl.

Logwarrior ago

No, he was in jeans and a Cleveland Browns tshirt. No insignia or army id in the video.

Maroonsaint ago

Hey let me see the log between your legs

NoBS ago

He was in uniform with an open microphone and video spying for China, Iran and any third party spook with a tool kit.

Executing him should be on the table.

The fact OP is doing the drama queen theatrics which makes CNN jealous is really impressive.

Let me guess niggerZ, your day job is headline editor for CNN, am I right?

niggerzdid911 ago

Nah I’m just pissed that Innocent young American men are allowed to die for Israel, but the second they make a light joke towards (((them))) their whole life is ruined.

NoBS ago

But you jump to conclusions like a CNN (((Journalist))) with corncob up his ass. Have you thought about writing for a pinko commie rag? You have the the sensationalist part down pat.

niggerzdid911 ago

So I’m not allowed to be mad that thousands of my peers join the army to defend their (((country))).

NoBS ago

You a right to continue as a consumer who supports a weaponized IRS.

You have every right to to worship Socialist media like a vapid consumer.

You even have a right to pretend that Unions and Collective Bargaining are not Communist.

Yet deny that you are part of the collective which is the problem. Willful ignorance is your birth right.

Kat-the-Cat ago

My understanding, something something code of conduct and honor and blahblahblah that is taken very seriously.

Maroonsaint ago

I should have joined the military. The marines. Back when I was younger and dumber. I bet I would be good at it. Plus the possibility of killing somebody. What’s not to like. Then y’all gotta respect soldiers so you’re more likely to send me nudes

Kat-the-Cat ago

Hey, find me a picture of a really sexy Marine completely naked and PM it?

NoBS ago

My oldest sister was a BAM\ back in the early 80s

As in Broad Assed Marine. She was nurse and I was in the Army, aviation.

Get this, females did their push ups on their fucking knees. How contemptuous. Never served with females in Combat roles back then, but Army females at least had to do real push ups.

Maroonsaint ago

I did a quick search it’s not coming up immediately. I’m lazy

Kat-the-Cat ago

That's alright, someone else beat ya to it.

Maroonsaint ago

Still waiting on your nudesb

Kat-the-Cat ago

I'm a cunt. Never forget.

Maroonsaint ago

Why you lookin at a naked marine. Thinking dirty thoughts. Doing dirty things mmm?

Kat-the-Cat ago

Worry about your own twiddling.

Vrblpollushin ago

In Okinawa..honor verrrrrry serious.