FarvingStartist ago

Well said, thanks for the write up.

jimibulgin ago

thw guy with the AR15 was also and "armed medic".

just sayin'.

Wattersun ago

The image is incorrect. Kyle is being charged with unlawfully carrying a firearm under 18

SpaceAgePimp ago

The paedophile was a kike as well, that counts for at least 5 regular commies

smokratez ago

Yet another strawman. You're boring.

What do you mean strawman. You want acceleration. One a scale of the worldwars in which hundreds of millions of white people died. These are your own words and points. No strawman. This is why I hate talking to dumb people. It's such a waste of time.

Demoralization is complete and irreversible; these people cannot be saved.

How old were you when you became redpilled? I was 24. You don't even want to try to save white people. lol. Such a jew faggot.

Why do you think all those White people were killed? The jews did it.

Yeah, and you want the same thing to happen again. Can you see how that makes you look? :D

I destroyed you, by letting you destroy yourself.

It was so good, I had to say it again. You destroyed yourself by admitting you don't want to save white people and instead want hundreds of millions of white people to die. You can't come back from that.

smokratez ago

and look what happened: The Third Reich.

Yeah, hundreds of millions of white people died. Instead of jews. Which is exactly what you want. Which is why I call you a retarded faggot puppet of the jews. Thank you for showing how right I am. lol

is that the limit of your "140 I.Q.?"

The limit of my iq is so low that I made you show that you want hundreds of millions of white people to die instead of jews.

Give historical examples if you want argue against my point.

I destroyed you, by letting you destroy yourself.

Oh yeah? Tell the audience, exactly what is "your way?"

I don't take orders. I've also talked about my way hundreds of times already. Kill all jews. Then brainwashed white people go back to normal and we can get rid of the niggers and beaners. My way doesn't include hundreds of millions of white people dying like yours.

dassaer ago

Sounds like the set up to a normalized degenerate joke one would hear on a netflix special .... cue Ami 'fat slag' schumer ending the punch line with "something something ... my smelly vag"

smokratez ago

I am not a jew. You should for biden. You are the jew puppet.

He's mad because I recognize accelerationism as one of the few viable strategies if not the only viable strategy for saving the White race.

He wants Biden to put us in cages and somehow thinks that will save the white race.

Accelerationism would be a disaster for jews, their stooges, and their pet niggers.

My way, no white people have to suffer or die. How many white casualties are you willing to accept to have your way?

Day_of_the_rope ago

here is all you need to know


smokratez ago

Sir Ebral shills for Biden and thinks that helps the white race somehow.

CheeBooga ago

He is the hero of QRV mods.

smokratez ago

You're literally the dumbest faggot on voat. You're even dumber than the old guy, which is impressive.

sionblade22 ago

Biggest point I got from this is he wasn't charged for illegal possession of guns or state lines shit.

wokeasfook ago

He didn't carry the gun anywhere. It was his friends gun. The gun didn't travel anywhere. Just FYI. Lawyer put that out in a tweet

HiJoker ago

This kid and Sandmann could give a cynical old fuck hope for their generation.

MrPim ago

And all of these riots started because niggers didn't want to get arrested. They fled, sometimes violently. But we're supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume their innocence. Yet Kyle peacefully surrenders to arrest and he's suddenly guilty.

niggers assume if you've been arrested you're guilty.

bonghits4jeebus ago

Only if you're white. If you're a nigger rapist, you dindu nuffin

RoundWheel ago

In their world it's probably true.

FreeBreivik ago

A jew a pedophile and a rapist walk into a bar. He orders a drink. The bartender says "Will that be all, Senator?"


A Jewish senator walks into a bar with a huge brain slug on his head. The bartender says "Jesus Christ! Where'd you get that thing?" The brain slugs says "I'm not sure, but I think I've made a terrible mistake!"

HiJoker ago

lol...that expression.

Maroonsaint ago

Did you giggle like a school girl. DEAR DIARY TODAY JOHNNY SMILED AT ME

HiJoker ago

"Seen Kyle?"

"He's this tall!"

Maroonsaint ago

How tall is your dick


Interesting train of thought.

hang_em_high ago

All of those gun laws are unconstitutional horse shit anyways.

untiloppressionends ago


tankingwrong ago


ObamasVagina ago

Kyle rittenhouse is a female to male transgender

MrPim ago

stfu and get back in your containment sub Hans.

Lagmonster ago

Convicted pedophile and a wife beater? Sounds like the typical hero of the left.

VAT ago

That OP post ALSO is forgetting another fake charge tha will NOT stick! They are using the "minors cannot carry dangerous weapons (switchblades, machetes) law!!!" The SCOTUS ruled time and time againg, long arms are excluded from definition of "dangerous weapon" due to 2nd amendment unless the law specifically mentions guns specifically.

Nor was he fleeing the state and eluding police the whole time, another fake charge.

All their charges are FAKE AND GAY.

No charges relevant until or unless Wisconsin successfully extradites Kye on week after Sept 29th (his first trial to fight extradition is Sept 29th).

Not legally charged as adult YET!!!!

svipbo ago

Someone pointed out that it is contradictory for the state to prosecute him as an adult and yet base their prosecution on the fact he was underage. This seems to go against the principle of "judicial estoppel" preventing parties from making contradictory arguments in court.

NoTrueScotsman ago

All 3 of the assailants Kyle defended himself against were felons. The armed "medic" who fake surrendered was a burglar, that's the one OP didn't list.