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Nesano ago

Q is against Kyle? Wtf?

CheeBooga ago

That's the way it looks. QRV sub sided with antifa/blm

robot7247 ago

The QRV sub or the mod; why are you lying about it?

The post was pulled down -

CheeBooga ago

The "no call for violence" sticky was also pulled for a short time and that means the sub is compromised. It says so right there. Very troubling for this sub and its members. It appears leftist antifa terrorists have taken control of the sub. There will be a very detailed & documented thread about it tomorrow.

robot7247 ago

You are way too interested in that verse redditor.

Way too interested, like it's your job.

CheeBooga ago

No. I detected antifa terrorists here in a take-over attempt of a sub and feel it is my duty.

robot7247 ago

You're saying that QRV isn't a larp and it's your duty to defend it?

This thread is about v/QRV not about v/whatever.

Because who the fuck cares what is said on QRV except you, you are very interested in it like it's your job.

CheeBooga ago

No. They are a zionist front. My attention is on antifa/BLM terrorists infiltrating Voat. You seem like you work for the infiltrators. Very suspicious behavior by you. You are part of the crensch/zionist front here or an alt. all of you kikes know what i think of you.

robot7247 ago

Said the new gatekeeper. Looking forward to your new alt and I'll find you again.

CheeBooga ago

but... I don't hide and my new username will be evry similar like my last three. fucktard kike.

robot7247 ago

Way too interested in the workings of voat, way too interested.

Because you are paid to be interested and slide.

CheeBooga ago

Paid? By whom?? Lay off the meth, jew. I know you are a jewish zionist. Bow at my boot, little doggy.

robot7247 ago

kvetching intensifies