ArcturianDeathTrap ago

All you nogunz faggots are basically gonna die. The guy on the right had a roman puny sword

Merlynn ago

Different approaches,different results. Kyle was prepped and ready for trouble because he knew what he was walking into. Sword guy grabbed what he had,probably a decorative sword,in a situation that sprang up around him.

Kyle was ready to use lethal force,sword guy just wanted to "scare them off". Kyle was up against jews,sword guy was up against niggers. So where the situations the same? Not really. However,at this point,if you don't have a gun on you at all times,you're pretty much just asking for a nigger beating.

bingbang ago

Save this meme when some fucked up lib tries to claim they haven't killed anyone. That particular murder was during the Floyd riots. Just a damn shame.


ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

I didn't think that guy died. He looked absolutely mangled, and I got really angry the first time I saw it. But he got lucky. He came out with a long mall ninja sword against a mob. Unless he was a ninja who could cut through multiple limbs and basically teleport, he's lucky he didn't get stabbed.

Jiggggg ago

Oh!! No from what I understand he was in town that day to help clean up the mess from the previous night's riot and was there helping to guard some building. Definitely not pro BurnLootMurder

Jiggggg ago

No he was trying to protect his business. He didn't have a gun but he had a sword... But they beat him up. Very sad

Mr_Wolf ago

seeing the left talk about Kyle is sick.

he showed up with a gun! thats intent! he should be killed!!

uh yeah the others also showed up with guns so..

their logic gets worse than that

Gorak1 ago

he is the only on that situation who was LEGAL to carry a gun. I guess that's what upsets them.. LEO needs to get that dip shits pistol and see who it's registered to. when Media says "no numbers on the gun"... bull shit buddy every casing has a code stamped on it.. so it got shipped with out any of that.. hell even good old O and B could not figure out how to remove numbers (fast and the furious)

Doglegwarrior ago

did that guy die or just seriously injured?

Mr_Wolf ago

curb stomp sword guy I think is alive

Sympozium ago

Be armed.

Angryelectrician ago

Quit fighting back gaww

CheeBooga ago

Kyle is man of the year.

bingbang ago

Yes, he is a man....he left boyhood when he stepped up to defend himself as a citizen and Patriot. He's had quite a bit of training. Watched his 6.

CheeBooga ago

I've taught my sons about guns since they were 6. we hunt a lot. I've also taught them guerilla warfare tactics. I see that in Kyle. He has a good dad.

Olivefigs ago

I don’t know, a good dad won’t bring his kid out in the danger zone to do the job men should have been doing

CheeBooga ago

The youth are starting to change the youth forever forever forever

MisterIdealInLead ago

At a glance he looks and sounds like a luttle pussy, but nan when the shit hit the fan he was a fucking badass. The way he rolled, aimed and fired while under attack? Most of the larping "operators" could never pull that off. This kid was a sleeper. Guess you never know who youre fucking with until you find out. One more reason to be polite and civilized. Theres 2 dead and 1 woubded now who im sure thought this kid was an easy target

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Some of the nerdiest and least 'Chad' looking dudes I know are 100% the most dangerous guys I know. If I didn't know who and what they are, I might make the mistake of trying to walk all over them. And they'd probably let me too, because they don't have anything to prove and could kill me without much effort in a matter of seconds.

Triumph_of_Will ago

I still haven't seen a single post of the original video.

2fat2move ago

Kyle is obvious female to male transgender. Not a man.

LurkedForever ago

Hey you're the 777777 guy right? Damn, bro, how many alts do you have?

Nesano ago

Finally, some variety to the stupid shit people say on this site.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Are you the same guy who says volcanoes and toucans are fake?

HesComingInTheClouds ago

Have you ever researched those claims yourself?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You are that guy. That guy always had dozens of alts.

Splooge ago

Toucans are fucking awesome and they'll nudge you with their beaks constantly to get attention.

CantGetPastFirmament ago

Orange 33 psyop. Rittenhouse is a really obvious female to male transgender.

chirogonemd ago

Yeah, super obvious. Just real super duper obvious. Female-to-male trannies always show up to defend property amid riots, carry rifles, and fucking actually use them against their attackers. Classic trans behavior.

People are seriously losing all of their fucking sense.

Not to mention, he's 17. The dude's not even a decade out from his balls dropping. I look back on pictures of myself at that age and think I looked like a child.

2016 and all years prior: baby face

2016 and after: obvious tranny

This shit is getting out of control. Bruce Jenner is an obvious tranny. That dude from the Game Stop incident...obvious tranny. This shit going on with accusing everyone of being a tranny has to stop.

2fat2move ago

Youre a mad freemartin. I get it.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

And you're going to get the rope, guaranteed. No one likes you, even on voat.

2fat2move ago

I dont think yall can catch me with your t rex arms and fat asses

JustTheory ago

This argument doesn't even make sense. Who benefits from him being mtf? There's also pics from him as a kid and a teenager.. hes just got a baby face. It happens. He is also 17.

2fat2move ago

Ftm not mtf. Skulls and bones tell the tale.

Samsquamch ago

Hi new account with negative ccp. Getting some trolling practice in? Keep at it, eventually someone will take the poorly laid bait.

FinkleIsEinhorn ago

Attacking the person and not the argument is very weak.

DankSniper ago

Found his alt account lol

GutterTrash ago

Fucking commie.

FinkleIsEinhorn ago

Youre all so mad we know orange is 33 and chicks with dicks are the norm

Splooge ago

There are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits.

FinkleIsEinhorn ago

Freemartins definitely have tits. But they arent men.

Samsquamch ago

So liberal jews are getting shot and killed by trannies? This is a great turn of events!

FinkleIsEinhorn ago

Nobody dies in their psyops. Its special effects makeup and liars.

Samsquamch ago

Trying to purity spiral with fake info is not an argument, so there is nothing to respond to.

Don't you have a building to loot and burn? We need more of you out there fucking shit up, it's been great for Trump's polling numbers.

FinkleIsEinhorn ago

Orange is 33 and yall are trannies. Thats just the way it is.

bcboncs ago

You wish, faggot kike detected

FinkleIsEinhorn ago

Orange is the only color that is 33 thats why they love it so much. Youre an orange 33 tranny i gather. triggered?

untiloppressionends ago

I've been looking for that video but can't find it in the sea of "white people getting the shit beat out of them on the streets by feral Africans" videos

RabbiPuttitout ago

I'm gonna hang a picture of Kyle is my hallway and tell everyone, "That's my boy!"

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