VAT ago

Biggest and truest observation/prediction I saw this week :

Expect to see more of this sort of jewish shit here in the coming months.

I agree!

So astounding to me that that kiking shit lie got stickied!




have dramatically less Jew kiking and jewing, and mods not assholes

None of the three subverses are perfect. All are usually semi-useful. Maybe there's a bit of kike , albeit small, in all three. so fucking sad.

Why do (((they))) undermine and subvert?


Thoutzan ago

Kyle boy showed us that it doesn't take Jewish NY billionaire and his super genius secret grand plan and top military intelligence to get rid of (((criminals))), and the Qew team is very very upset right now.

illuminalto2 ago

I bet.

I get shit on at QRV every time I say it - but WE THE PEOPLE are the solution, not an anonymous message board user.

Thoutzan ago

Ikr ?

Interestingly Qrv is not loading for me now, as if (((someone))) is hiding something from voaters.

illuminalto2 ago

Could be a fluke - except for the part where every other subverse displays the first time I browse to it.

We may possibly be seeing the result of a load balancer/traffic shaper @Puttitout put on the verse to tamp down on heavy handed site traffic - but this is 100% conjecture as I'm trying to Occam's razor here.

Morbo ago

/v/QRV/new works. Yeah, that looks suspicious as fuck with that sticky. I think the Q LARP is coming down. The jews are showing their hand and Q is now mainstream, like they wanted, but as a dangerous conspiracy theory cult (which they were already, minus the dangerous part). Suicide weekend is approaching. Many a Qtard will off neck themselves when they realize it was a jew psyop the whole time. The Plan is moving from dark to light. Goodbye Qtard fucks.

illuminalto2 ago

Thank you, I did get to read and have participated in the mud slinging.

Thank you Sir_Ebral!

illuminalto2 ago

It came back up.

Time it was down while I was opening other verses and having them load ~4minutes.

Rockfish1000 ago

I still cant get QVR.

illuminalto2 ago


that's because it's v/QVC.

You've been typing it wrong the whole time.

Rockfish1000 ago

Hahahahahahahaha. Holy shit. Worked an 11 hour shift. My headbrain isn't operating very goodly.

illuminalto2 ago

Cheers mate!