danjo_kandui ago

I don’t know who that is and I find it gay that there are people that do.

Nukeisrael ago

Jesus Christ, if you aren’t a race realist just get out. Everything you believe is wrong. Fuck man I forgot why every time I make a new account I purposely get permabanned from TGA and then block it. These people are just the_donald. “Black people and white people are the same it’s the DEMOCRATS that make them commit crime all over earth and never invent the wheel and be .25 fst distance away from european. The democraps molded their genome! Fucking complete trash retarded fucking boomers. Honestly worse than communists. At least communist can critique capitalism and don’t worship megacorps assraping them. It’s official “conservatives” are the worst people on earth.

Nukeisrael ago

“The hostility is because it is getting a little insane. Everyone knows what the problem is. Black people are NO different than White people or any other color people.

Inner city blacks have been convinced that they are different than other people. that combined with welfare that gives enough to survive but discourages any thoughts of getting out. Welfare that pays only if you have a broken family. The KKK and the Democrat party are still playing their games.“

Ladies and gentlemen, Qtards. Kill a traitor before an enemy.

Nukeisrael ago

Never argue with retarded civnats. Anyone who worships a person over an ideal unless that person is literal the avatar of the ideal and never faltered they are retards. They worship trump and Q and that’s their truth, they work backwards from “trump and Q are always right so I’ll fit anything to make what they say good and true.”

404LogicNotFound ago

It's full-blown police worship over there. Disgusting.

THC_Hydra ago

Oh thats nothing steer clear of this one, he is into baby corpses and labeling everyone a pedophile.


Crensch ago

This user is white knighting for a pedophile that admitted she had child porn on her phone and financially supported this website's biggest pedophile who threatened and doxxed pizzagate researchers.

THC_Hydra ago

She claimed your friend put it there also, is that true?

Crensch ago

I never fail to back anything up. You and your pedo crew ALWAYS fail to back up your claims.

She claimed your friend put it on her phone so is that true?

She accused a PG researcher of putting child porn on her phone. She NEVER backed that up with any evidence, and even claims to have gone to the police. Why would someone without physical access to her phone have been able to put child porn on her phone?


Prove she funded that guy?

Can't find it now. How about how she drove him away from a crime scene?


I believe she was doxxed first by your crew.

She was doxxed first by zyklon. And herself. Nice try.



Crensch = backs up his claims

THC_Hydra/GG/SBBH = make up lies

THC_Hydra ago

You claim she killed her kid before. I asked you to back that up. You say "Nah thats not something I give a shit about" after it was you that claimed it. https://voat.co/v/SBBHTantrums/3973917/25294901

Now you say she was truthful when she had cp on her phone, yet a liar when she blamed a Great Awakening mod for putting it there. Can't have it both ways man.

Now you claim she funds a pedophile, and again have no way to substantiate that claims.

She was also doxxed by your crew as well 2 wrongs don't make it right does it?

I have personally watched your disgusting habit of getting joy from making fun of child/infant death, and there is plenty of evidence from that. Would would you ever think you are better then them is flabbergasting the shit out of me.

Crensch ago

You claim she killed her kid before. I asked you to back that up. You say "Nah thats not something I give a shit about" after it was you that claimed it.

I back up my claims that matter. That's not one of them that I care to back up. You and your pedo ilk don't back up any claims.

Now you say she was truthful when she had cp on her phone, yet a liar when she blamed a Great Awakening mod for putting it there. Can't have it both ways man.

She's a liar.

She had CP on her phone and panicked, blamed it on a PG researcher.

It wasn't that she was truthful, it's that she let the truth slip with her false accusation.

Again, I win, pedo.

Now you claim she funds a pedophile, and again have no way to substantiate that claim. Wasn't it @Neogoat who funded him?

He lived in her house. She gave $39,000 to the last guy that looked her way. Even a meth head wouldn't touch that troll without being paid, come the f*ck on.

She was also doxxed by your crew as well 2 wrongs don't make it right does it?

Doxxed. By. Zyklon. And. Herself.

NObody knew anything about her until they did those things. Otherwise, prove any one of us doxxed her.

I have personally watched your disgusting habit of getting joy from making fun of child/infant death, and there is plenty of evidence of that. Why you would ever think you are better then them is flabbergasting the shit out of me.

I am. I enjoy mocking that pedo bitch, and i hope everything bad in this world happens to her. I don't care about her beetus corpse, it's a means to an end.

Now I am pedo simply cause I don't agree. Your logic is off the wall nuts.

You're a pedo because you support one. Or do you think non-pedos support pedos?

I wouldn't believe that, nor would I care. Nooses for all of 'em.

THC_Hydra ago

You were the pedo spammer and everyone knows it.

Crensch ago

Prove I had anything to do with that.

THC_Hydra ago

"Prove it" says the guy who won't prove anything he is questioned about. I know this girl for years. She isn't fat, she has never been diabetic, she isn't a pedo. She is a great mom. She is the exact opposite of what you say. She volunteered her whole summer coaching little kids for like the 10th year. She proved you were the pedo and 80+ people on this site agreed with her. You prove nothing and now are calling me a pedo after I refused to believe you. FYI the 2nd time she was with zyklon he lived in a trailer paid for by Neogoat on his parents property not her house dingus. So enough lying already. Now you double down on your distgusting comments about the baby. Go get your head examined you are repulsive as a Q and Trump supporter we could do without your kind. You bring us down like a crab in a bucket.

THC_Hydra ago

Grow up man.

Crensch ago

You act like a thirsty beta.

THC_Hydra ago

How is that? I heard you act like this over a jilted woman who got bent out of shape after she was trolled.

Crensch ago

Sounds like you're talkin about esoteric and dial.

Otherwise, prove it.

THC_Hydra ago

Honestly man your not worth the effort. I tried to give the benefit of the doubt in the beginning my mistake.

Crensch ago

Thank you for admitting you lied.

THC_Hydra ago

No You lied numerous times. Now go find another enemy your not getting anymore of my time sour puss.

Crensch ago

You didn't prove it and instead claimed you just weren't going to put in the effort to do so. Which means you lied.

THC_Hydra ago

Go get you head checked. No one lied to you, you are the liar.

Crensch ago

No proof. Claim made, no proof presented.


THC_Hydra ago

Go to your room.

danjo_kandui ago

What I find funny is how you retards act like the internet isn’t full of trolls and shills. You take it on faith that the person you are arguing with is indeed a pro QAnon person. What are you gonna do though? Keep pretending like anonymous people on the internet are honest and forthcoming about their objectives? You’re doing great.

404LogicNotFound ago

Jonny is the one being the asshole, haha.

Nukeisrael ago

He’s right though. Niggers are treated differently because they are more violent genetically. Ignoring reality is a losing move.

404LogicNotFound ago

He's also trying to pretend cops in every part of the US treat everyone equally, which of course is bullshit.

Nukeisrael ago

They shouldn’t. They will subconsciously treat blacks differently because they objectively commit more crime due to genetic reason. It’s called using logic and reasoning. Just like how an asian is less likely to commit crime than a white person. Accepting reality is a bitch huh?

404LogicNotFound ago

Nope. Pretending CA cops act the same as NE cops, with all else equal, is a bold faced lie no matter how you pretend.

Nukeisrael ago

I don’t care. My argument is that blacks are treated differently because they act different. It sucks for smart blacks but that’s reality. Ignoring reality is what gets us leftism and allowing criminals on the street. It’s called assuming equality which is retarded. At the end of the day all Qtards should go back to the donald as it’s an insult to those of us who actually went through a tough path to get to our current beliefs studying things like crime stats which leads to questioning why which leads to studying race and iq, anthropology, genetics and the like. We don’t just assume equality like the leftoid or the Qtard. That’s why we don’t like them, they are just leftists wearing a different mask.

404LogicNotFound ago

I'm not disagreeing with your argument, you appear to be disagreeing with mine. Police worship is pathetic.

Nukeisrael ago

Police should discriminate against niggers. Police should use AI to plan where they post up. Where I grew up there were no police inside the local supermarket or even guards by the door. Where I live now there are multiple police officers inside and guards check receipts. Wanna know why? Niggers commit more crime. There is no political solution to this since the problem is genetic. The only solution is segregation with their own police.

404LogicNotFound ago

Providing an impossible solution just makes your entire statement whimsical.

Nukeisrael ago

You think Balkanization is impossible? You have a tiny little imagination of what humans are capable of.

404LogicNotFound ago

Look at the massive thread getting nuked at the bottom. Read a few replies. Holy shit.

hollywood2020 ago

got banned along time ago, thin skins abound in those dusty chambers. It's ok, I still have Professor Shroud to converse with