minx88 ago

Oh so the Jewish pedophile well they’re all pedophiles n pedovore canabals wellIt seem that one of the his victims shot him before they got a chance to vampire on his victim well good get used to a juice do you think that you can continue to murder children or rape children then you’re gonna get fucking shot

elfmaster5 ago

The johnson chad poster

QueensNewYorkGuy ago


This truly made my night. I’ve been having a pretty rough 24 hours and this little bit of meme magic brightened my day. Thank you, OP.

TonyTronic ago

Just cant get this song outta my head. Boom HeadShot!!! Time to know the Probabilities of 3 random people getting shot all (((Them)))... Should Be a Wake Up Call... Spread the knowledge take the ridicule, People Need 2 Know.. Then this happens to (((Them))) bye bye...


Civil_Warrior ago


Nosferatjew ago

Umm, 3rd degree burn

dirt_reynolds ago


LOL. What a useless turd. First this fucking frittata throws a Molotov in a plastic bottle (derp) and then tries to LEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY mmmmJENKINS a guy with a rifle. The global IQ rose very slightly once the lights went out for this manlet ginger Jewish convicted pedophile.

ConanLibertatem ago

He was shot be his own fucking friends! He was hit by some jackass firing AT Kyle, he was not shot by Kyle.

Also, wound size in his head is way too small for the rifle Kyle had. Go look at that head wound and compare to the arm wound of the other jew faggot we all know he shot. No comparison because the weapons were different weapons. If he shot that rifle at his bald dome at point blank range it would have blown his head apart like a watermelon.

letsgoallthewhey ago

" it would have blown his head apart like a watermelon." - That would have made an awesome picture.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

This is a good point because while I’m not even a novice with firearms, I thought that wound was way too small.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Proof that someone else shot him in the dome?

I think you're right, his head would have been blown the fuck off with an AR-15 at almost point blank range, but beyond that I can't explicitly identify someone else shooting him.

ConanLibertatem ago

You have to know that rifle did not shoot the bullet that entered his head from the side. If you listen to the videos closely, shots were being fired as Kyle retreated. The dead jew pedo was chasing Kyle while his asshole friends were simultaneously shooting at him. One of them obviously struck this dead fool and killed him. The AR-15 would have blown his head off at that range.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

This says it was a graze according to the autopsy.


ConanLibertatem ago

That would make sense but I will bet money he took at least one hit from "friendly fire" too.

WesternCarnival ago

The fellow medic had a small beat up gun. About 380 size.

WesternCarnival ago

Shit. Voat blows my mind sometimes.

Conejo_loco ago

I didn’t know this, thanks for sharing

ConanLibertatem ago

It will come out eventually, but there is no way that wound was made by a bullet fired from Kyle's weapon.

1human ago

maybe it was faked!

Crabapple07 ago

Wasn’t his name Goldstein or something? Dead jew pedophile is a huge win for me tbh

AttackHelicopter ago

Rosenbaum. Looks quite a bit like actor Michael Rosenbaum who played Lex Luthor on Smallville. Maybe it's just the baldness. Maybe not.

Conejo_loco ago

That was the dude shot in the arm if I am correct

Crabapple07 ago

I think it was both brah. Kaching.

77777777777 ago

These people do not die. They get to "become new people" after they preform the psyop. Almost always people involved in psyops have records. Its part of how they can easily control them and get them to do immoral things.

Conejo_loco ago

I believe you are very much correct

ShineShooter ago

Pics or it didn't happen, and there are lots of pics of it happening this time.

FurSuitCleaner ago

Ever heard of special effects makeup?

Skateboard jew had no blood btw

puggy ago

kek of the day!!

muffalettadiver ago

And people will defend him somehow for something something Trump. Language has not even done any more. Can we haz peace? I can haz war.

Amerikaner ago

Being a dirty jew?

Nukeisrael ago

When we win can we get an inglorious bastards but with commie killers instead?

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Don't compare real life to kike propaganda.

It creates unrealistic expectations and is massively harmful in 6 million other ways too.

hagelangs ago

Once the ovens have done their job. For real this time. Until then: enjoy watching degeneracy, race-mixing and anti-white hatred.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Silly goy, this is Hollywood! Who is gonna make dat movie? Mel Gibson?!

Sympozium ago

Mel Gibson for minister of culture!

CheeBooga ago

The beady-eyed pedo kike is in hell with his father Satan now ah ah ah

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RockmanRaiden ago

Someone somewhere actually downvoted this.

everlastingphelps ago


CheeBooga ago

The jews who control QRV down vote me.

FurSuitCleaner ago

Maybe people who know its all a psyop and nobody dies

King_T_Roll ago

thus just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Nosferatjew ago

And better and better.

Nuffin ago

17 yo paladin protects ungrateful citizenry from the ravaging horde of brigands.

It’s like a bad Brother’s Grimm tale crossed with the Canterbury Tales.

minx88 ago

well saidAnd eloquently with literature reference

QueensNewYorkGuy ago


His enchanted Rifle of Might (+5) easily smites three goblins; killing two and inflicting 8 hit points of damage on the third.

Sympozium ago

this fucking timeline im telling ya

Civil_Warrior ago

It's because they keep going back and try to kill Hitler...the timelines are in shreds thanks to irresponsible time traveling judes.

lipids ago

The joke is on them. Every time they kill Germany's leader, another one takes his place. Almost like they have no understanding of the conditions that birthed the nazi party.