dummythicc ago

Do you think evidence matters? Oh you silly child. Remember the video evidence of the hambeast that had a heart attack and was nowhere near being hit by the car? Same energy.

Old_Gravy_Leg ago

Ah yes...the exact moment that the idiots arm explodes. I wish it was clearer so that I could frame it and hang it up.

BurqaFart ago

If the judge doesn't dismiss it, he/she is asking to be shot outside his/her house.

MrPancake ago

Clearly that thing in his had is a portable, battery powered neck massager. After being hit with a skateboard the (((guy))) was simply trying to loosen those tense muscles.

Tennis123 ago

25 to life for being a whitey

Tennis123 ago

When are we gonna do something about this? Our freedom and livelihood are at stake here

TheyLie ago

What's the best coverage of this with as much video & photo content as possible?

Kleemin ago

it is no longer about legality goyim, it's about headlines and political pressure for the city to charge whites with self defense

Firinmahlazer ago

No way they're getting him on murder 1.

Pointyball ago

Kyle Rittenhouse is being held without Bond. This is not justice. This is the government protecting the criminals and prosecuting the victims.

Planetoftheclown ago

Case not dismissed. I hate to break it to you, but Kyle and his family are going to experience years of civil litigation from multiple rioters even if the criminal case is dropped. You can bet that the rioters that survived being shot are going to sue and others that were by-standing to this event are going to sue because of the pain and suffering they experienced having to face someone defending themselves while the rioters were raping and pillaging the community.

I'm sorry, but I'm a cynical pessimist and I see no easy way out for Kyle "Rambo" Rittenhouse.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I share your pessimism - things aren't looking good for the Fentanyl Floyd case. More independent autopsy reviews saying, "Yea, it was a lethal dose of fentanyl... and meth to boot... but nah we think it's homicide." What the fuck.

TheyLie ago

I hope his family shoots every person who tries civil litigation against them... Self defense :)

tankingwrong ago

Then it’s our responsibility to quietly start taking them out, one by one.

Tandemlee ago

Heroes never have an easy life. This man is clearly not looking for the easy road of comfort showing up to protect the businesses like he did. Not everyone is pussy

Pointyball ago

The McClosky's should help him sue BLM, Thousand Currents, The Bail Fund, George Soros etc for funding these riots and rioters who attacked him.

sjwtasi ago

Or they could all get together and sort out the problem once and for all

NPC2733 ago

Thats not a gun its a cultural enrichment vaccine injector

Scyber ago

Case dismissed?

Your case shows blurred bullshit

Try again you kike fuck.

Jiggggg ago

Oy, can't you see he's just a medic? Do you not see his medic hat? Why would a medic have a gun? Are you saying we're making this up? Why would we tell you that he was an innocent medic if was really a thug with a gun? After you an anti semite?

Scyber ago

Oy vey your panties are all bunched up. Why are you making such a promlem for medics?

Intrusion of medics in combat is a war crime.

My nose can't handle this anymore and must be sacrificed for the shykock sheclke gods - who will rain shekels upon my people after crying "MEDIC!" - the cry of my people after we slaughter goats to feed ourselves!


-Blows ram horn to warn other jooooz.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

OK. Let's pretend you aren't a paid shill for a minute....why are you so butthurt over this and why are you ignoring the mounting evidence that it was obvious self-defense?

Scyber ago

Why are you so adamant to defend that kid?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

He had as much right to be there as the rioters...more if you factor in he was there to protect. Most important is that he defended himself when attacked. You seem to be saying he should have let the rioters kill him. What fucking sense does that make?

Scyber ago

He absolutely no right to be there when he traveled to another state to take part into a riot - Donald Trump made that a FELONY over 2 months ago.

He put himself in danger by going to the riot that was illegal to go to engage in.

How stupid are you to not understand that.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

So you watch these videos of all this destruction of private property and the only thought in your head is "those people defending those properties shouldn't be there..."? And then use a technicality to dismiss klye's right to defend. He lived 15 miles from there. I know that one faggot he shot had to travel 1 1/2 hours to get there.

Your argument is so weak. You are a terrible shill. You suck at this.

Scyber ago


How much clearer does it need to for you and the the other dipshits to understand.

Now you're just trolling and trying to get me pissed off.



PuttitoutIsGone ago

I don't usually block people but you are obviously just farming responses with nonsense for $. Fuck off kike.

Scyber ago

Can't think of a constructive rebuttal so you automatically default to to calling me a kike - you simple-minded dipshit who couldn't even come up with a original slur.

Go push buttons in front of your mommy and daddy's big TV screen you little cunt.

I've been trolling online before you were a load in your mommy's twat.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I've been trolling online before you were a load in your mommy's twat.

And you still suck at it. Pathetic.

Scyber ago

Why are yountalking bad about yourself.

Trying to get the last word in but you're not

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Did you just " I know you are but what am I?" me? Did you really? lol Voat gets the worst shills. Bottom of the barrel.

Scyber ago

You're the type of faggot who needs to be beat with a baseball bat and thrown into a woodchipper and have their guts fed to hogs.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I is? Are you threatening me with violence? I feel threatened. I do believe you just broke a law. You have no right to be here.

Scyber ago


Freedom of speech you scared little fag.

You can dish it out but you can't take it up the ass like a real faggot.

You really are butthurt.


PuttitoutIsGone ago

No. You made a threat. That's illegal. You have to leave now. Make sure you don't cross any imaginary lines.

Scyber ago

Shut the fuck up asshole and stop twising my words.

You're just a troll living your "mummy's" basement looking for trouble online.

Fuck off.

Or I'll track down your IP address and,.....

I'm not gonna say it because you're a tiny twat who will actually call the the cops.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Halp! Halp! The badman is going to get me!

I've been trolling trolls online before you were a load in your mommy's twat.

c0ck ago


pretty_innocuous ago

All four of Kyle's attackers were armed:

Attacker 1: handgun, shot first

Attacker 2: Lugs, dropkicks on the ground

Attacker 3: Skateboard, to the head

Attacker 4: Handgun, false surrender

Civil_Warrior ago

They tried to take his gun.

He really loved that gun.

daskapitalist ago

Escape From Kenosha: The Movie

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Splooge ago

Thanks, friend.

Hammytime ago

If only he shot six inches to his right he could have a hat trick.

dotesmcscrotes ago

if they all die they cant sue

Kleemin ago

False, the family of the deceased can sue the shooter even if the shooter is not prosecuted and they will most likely win.

fellowkikepeople ago

The only injustice here.

MaunaLoona ago

Man, that kid is a good shot.

thisgoyfux ago

Not only did he shoot well, his techniques were well practiced. How quickly he moves the AR around his body and how fast he cleared his malfunction shows he knew how to defend himself effectively.

Atomicanon ago



Mr_big ago

His arm is mince meat lol. Glad the kid was not hurt.

Derpfroot ago

The pic looks like it's the exact moment his bicep got removed. You see the gas cloud and blurry arm area.

Mr_big ago

Yea i know i chuckled

SixBajillion ago

It should have been dismissed as soon as it was discovered that all 3 victims were Jews

LibertarianForChrist ago

All 3 weren't allowed to own firearms

Niggertown ago

Shouldn't that be a clue that this is all a hoax? Jews don't do their own dirty work.

SixBajillion ago

They didn’t expect it to be dirty work. They thought they were gonna burn down the city, loot to their hearts content, and get praised for it by (((CNN))). Kyle changed the game

MockySpock ago

Don't forget histories of violence including one being a registered sex pedo

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

The Steve Austin doppleganger was definitely not a jew.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Wtf, rosenbaum, he doesn't look like a kike, but the last name says otherwise


WNwoman ago

Plus he’s tiny.

SixBajillion ago

He totally looks like a kike, what are you guys on about? Also, you already mentioned it, but the name is a dead giveaway

RedBullTrooper ago


Mr_big ago

Really i know the ‘medic’ was a jew but the other ones as well? The kid did goid

Joesf23 ago

I know skateboard fag is one for sure. Baldy headshot is a pedo with last name rosenbaum or some shit. Fake medic last name grosskruetz or something which has some saying no, no, no that is a german name stop being antisemetic. Nobody stops to think though that punk still has a mothers side and could very well be a half breed.

Sheisse ago

There are a ton of Germans in Wisconsin. Not so many Jews (although Chicago isn't very far, which has many). I live here, Jews are hard to come by honestly.

Joesf23 ago

Yeah, Im in st louis where we have a high number of people of german and irish blood (myself included). Basically anywhere there is an old brewery or string of wineries, you can usually assume the krauts had a heavy influence there back in the day.

RoundWheel ago

All three Jews with criminal histories. All three communists. First one a pedophile.

Splooge ago

Has anyone actually confirmed that this "medic" is actually a medic? Seems to me that this jew just put on a paramedic hat for LARP/false flag purposes. You know, "Who me? Attack others for no reason? Can't you see this hat, which says I am a paramedic?"

everlastingphelps ago

He's got a linkedin page showing him as a basic EMT for a private ambulance company. Having a few actual paramedics in the family, the difference between EMT and paramedic is almost as wide as between nurse and doctor. EMTs are trained to take your blood pressure, bandage wounds, get an EKG on you, and get you to the hospital. A paramedic is more like an army medic, and is trained into everything up to and including emergency surgery (mainly crics and chest decompression).

hang_em_high ago

He apparently didn’t even have a tourniquet or gauze so not a great one at least.

Planetoftheclown ago

Xir identifies as a medic, bigot.

Serious though, he was wearing a hate that said paramedic. What more proof do you want?

Jiggggg ago

Lol a series of rhetorical questions. Perfect

irelandLost ago

I think the reports were just cut short really. They’re meant to say the jew is a “medical attorney.” He’s only stoking tensions and rioting to give him more ambulances to chase.

“Have you had a limb amputated due to thuggish behaviour that was entirely your own fault? Call Faust and Partners today to get what you deserve. Shaloms.”

Gumbatron ago

I would doubt that shiny of their "medics" are actually trained in first aide or aware of the responsibilities of medics not to engage in combat. They are LARPing, and their chosen role to play is medic, they might as well pretend to be wizards.

Pointyball ago

They are not pretending. They actually have ANTIFA witches casting spells. Clown World.

Gumbatron ago

Well, they still sort of are pretending. Their spells are pretty much like a bunch of kids playing make believe. It's real, but only I their minds.

Pointyball ago

That is what makes it both funny and scary at the same time. Funny that they believe it is real. Scary that they believe it is real.

Splooge ago

they might as well pretend to be wizards

I'm sure a substantial number of them do.

Mr_Wolf ago

theyre known to play dress up medics to try and get by without issue. if tested the most he knows how to do is put condoms on his fingers when making sandwhiches at burger king

SixBajillion ago

All 3 of em my friend. 5,999,997 more to go