GlowWorm ago

The problem with cheap gas driven AR15s.

Call_Me_Sir ago

Y'all ain't doing shit. We own this country now. Our time is here. Black don't crack. We getting ours. Stupid pasty milk white mayonnaise boyz. Y'all weak af. Won't say shit in real life. Scared to look a king in the eye. #BLM bitches.

Nosferatjew ago

We wuz kangs

lol shut up nigger. Everyone knows, including you, that your life doesn't matter.

Call_Me_Sir ago

Such a brave keyboard warrior. All you pasty azz milk face mayonnaise boyz just talk on this board. Y'all scared to say shit in real life and forget about doing shit. You know its true boy. Y'all gonna be shining our shoes. #BLM

Nosferatjew ago

Typical nigger, no self awareness. Or you're probably just a LARPing kike. Either way, the rope awaits you.

Call_Me_Sir ago

Big talk from a punk azz little dick white milk pasty mayonnaise boy. You are all talk and no go. Y'all ain't doing shit. #BLM

Nosferatjew ago

Ooga booga, ooga booga.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

And this is why I wont use ar style platforms. My AK has never jammed. When I was in the Corps that stupid M16 jammed all the fucking time. Tap, rack, bang. clear a jam in three steps. Or no steps with AK. Glad this patriot survived.

herbert_west ago

... or you buy an AK instead of an AR.

forgotpwagain ago

he did real good overall for the shit situation he decided to go into. and no unintended ppl got shoot either.

Gorillion ago

Yeah, I noticed that. Amazing gun handling at all points.

pdpbigbang ago

Tap. Rack. Bang.

86USSLiberty ago

Just spent all day shooting at the ranch. Just found out about the events last night. Remember you guys need to break your guns in. Feed it lots of different ammo. Don’t be a lazy nigger and not clean them.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Its gone

Angryelectrician ago

I'll find another.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Great work!

Fz1 ago

This deserves its own post

Angryelectrician ago

Go ahead.

Nosferatjew ago

Fucking alpha.

Doglegwarrior ago

if you are not preparing to win you are preparing to fail. as i say this i am not doing nearly enough practice im to busy trying to get out of debt and the city if things popped off tommorrow shit would be ugly.

Glipglup ago

You're right but I'm still calling this a glow nigger thread.

CheeBooga ago

Kike medic shot made me happy.

antiliberalsociety ago

I had a jam once, sort of freaked me out a bit till I worked the action and cleared it. You need these hiccups to happen in order to develop confidence in fixing it. Probably wasn't his first rodeo.

voatuser1128 ago

I don't know man. ARs jammed on me before (rented one at the range). And of course the military version has its share of jamming stories. Maybe there's something wrong with the design.

Phantom42 ago

Yeah, jams are easy once you know the routine.

Mag out, rack, check for clear chamber, mag in, load, fire, hope it works. If not, consult your local manufacturer.

PanicDrinker ago

this is not the way to clear a misfire under duress. just remember: TAP, RACK, BANG. If right handed, keep your right hand on the grip, with your left fist, TAP the mag from the bottom, hard, RACK the slide, or charging handle, hard, with your left hand, line up your next shot and, hopefully, BANG. REPEAT. If this does nothing and you are not in immediate threat of death, drop the mag, rack twice hard and insert a fresh mag, hard, and TAP, RACK again, and hope for BANG. if you are under immediate threat, go for your secondary weapon if you have one.

DO NOT do the following: 1) tilt the firearm left to check the chamber. if there is debris created from the missfire, congratulations, you just put it deeper into the mechanism. 2) DO NOT use the forward assist. if a casing is jammed, this will only jam it more, potentially requiring tools to remove and putting you out of the fight. 3) DO NOT remove the mag BEFORE tap, rack, bang. 4) DO NOT USE CHEAP MAGS. use good mags, and test them at the range. some are just bad and should be labeled as such and not mixed in with your good mags. id stake my life on magpul pmags with windows. 5) DO NOT GO INTO COMBAT WITH A BRAND NEW FIREARM. if you have a choice. they are far more prone to misfiring due to the mechanisms not being sufficiently worn in and mated. put AT LEAST a thousand rounds through the weapon prior to really needing it.

Phantom42 ago

Under duress, right. I was just talking about normal scenarios.

rumorhazard ago

That doesn’t sound great. Imagine if he had dropped the mag. RIP in Peace

Phantom42 ago

That's why you don't drop it.

892012518HEROS ago

If you have a 30 round clip only load 28in it never fully loaded clip it usually causes malfunction a 40-round clip put 38 in it always leave Extra Space so your spring isn't under so much pressure learn that from an ex-navy seal

Nosferatjew ago

Clip? Ok nigger.

892012518HEROS ago


antiliberalsociety ago

Punctuation needed

892012518HEROS ago

Done sorry was trying to put my cattle away.

892012518HEROS ago

Note taken take apart your weapon put it back together now run a mile and take apart your weapon again in the dark then repeat.

user9713 ago

Simulate duress, simulate malfunctions, time yourself, run a 1/4 mile and do 30 pushups before having to engage your targets.

Great advice. You're not gonna be relaxed when you're in conflict, so might as well simulate the worst conditions so you can be prepared.

SearchVoatBot ago

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u_r_wat_u_eat ago

How about I train myself how to hide in the boonies so I can avoid all the niggers and jews period.

Niggertown ago

They'll find you and built a migrant center next door.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

oh no

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Run, Forrest. Run!

Samsquamch ago

So you're training to be a pussy that runs and hides?

KingOfTheCorpses ago

Exactly. White flight is the reason niggers own Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, etc.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

..says the internet warrior who's doing nothing

Samsquamch ago

How would you know? You're hiding in the boonies, remember?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

If going out and engaging in domestic warfare is such a walk in the park then what's stopping you from joining up right now?

Samsquamch ago

There are lots of things you can do besides going out and blasting random people.

I'll stick with my close knit white group that is organizing and educating other young whites in my area through a number of positive activities, such as hunting, fishing, voting, speaking publicly. Meanwhile you're sitting in the woods arguing with other whites online because all you can do is hide.

Get out of your hidey hole and help, we need you.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Nobody said any of that can't be done in small mountain towns. In fact it's more welcomed here than it is in the niggerfaggot cities. And you have lesser chance of being jumped/mauled/shot up

SexMachine ago

Battle March and Shoot was run 6 miles, full kit, then hit the ground and shoot. I didn't hit shit, my glasses were fogged lol.

Voats_conspiracy ago

I agree so much

downvoatmachine ago

gun was malfunctioning in the first place indicating he likely hadn't really broken it in yet... he handled himself very impressively if he's a true noob although age indicates he received the firearm through family or something which I'm sure will encourage restrictions on such things.

antiliberalsociety ago

That can also happen without proper cleaning and lube

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

The rifle misfed and jammed because the muzzle was almost touching the chest of skateboard boy when the weapon fired the last shot.

CrackerSlant ago

Skateboards are deadly

Gunk ago

Ban assault skateboards.

Mind_Games ago

Its sad that you don't understand that literally anything can be a deadly weapon under the right circumstances.

CrackerSlant ago

It's sad your face will be crushed in be my deadly weapons aka my fists, bitch

Gunk ago

Bringing a fist to a gun fight. Good luck!

CrackerSlant ago

I'm not an anatomy expert, but pretty certain my fists are at the ends of these guns.

Gunk ago

You're not an expert on anything. You're a retard.

SexMachine ago

I didn't know this, and my AR10 was a jam factory the first time I took it to the range. All it needed was more bullets. Now it's like butter.

jonnyquest ago

Seconded on that. They really need to be broken in similarly to new engines -- some are more well fitted than others from the factory, but all are relatively tight when new. Running ammo through them at the range is the best way... But even at home a new setup can be worked in in your spare time.

Even the triggers need to be broken in. A lot of folks sit in the chair while watching weekend movies just exercising the trigger ("dry firing" ... a somewhat "controversional" practice, depending on the specific weapon [claimed firing pin wear, yada yada]) ... but point being, the mechanism itself smooths out significantly after it's been well worked in.

Phantom42 ago

Feed the girl and she'll be happy.

And never get fat either....

Plavonica ago

She will get loose though.

Nosferatjew ago

You're probably right.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Take note - A crap AR15 will do this way too much. A good one will shoot any ammo and almost never jam. You get what you pay for.

Nosferatjew ago

Can confirm.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

just buy a non chinese AK47 and put dinnerplate side holes in people, in self defence of course.

AgentSakura ago

aks are nice

watts2db ago

I thought Norincos where good guns, I have to admit though I don't know bc I have never fired one

fzohh ago

Norincos are good

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

still chinese but probably still better made than some illegal spic made gun in some californian sweat factory

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Lever action henry repeater. That bitch will shoot just about any ammo

MrDarkWater ago

They make a lever 6.5 creedmoor now ...

WireResource ago

Do they?

I wish they made one in 10mm. That would be such a fun combo. lol

Phantom42 ago

I've got a 6.5 I lost in a tragic accident.

Good round, very speedy. 10/10 would 6.5 again.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

I recently discovered Extar EP9. It can't be beat for the money. About $450. No, it will not put dinner plate holes in anything but you can rapid fire this thing faster than anything else I have seen. Its reliable too with crap ammo. Solid gun.

chairfag ago

To anyone who things this is good advice: Don't buy a shitty toy 9mm like this for your primary weapon. Even soft, cheap shitty level II armor will stop the round. Choose a good, inexpensive ballistic that you can practice with, has penetration, and a very similar ballistic path to the rounds you use in a minecraft situation.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Your opinion. I don't agree with you. Most gunfights are much closer than what AR15s are great for. Unless you are talking about all out combat where most of the time you can not see the enemies face because they are too far away. Most people to not walk around with level 2 armor. There are many low grain 9mm rounds out there that do great. For home or city, 9mm is great because it is cheap, everywhere and you have many options on load and grain. No, it is not a super fast round but it has been known to get the job done.

To those that hear people complain about any round from 9mm and up, don't fall for it. There has been this ""war" between these people for decades. Kyle shot one in the head and one in the arm. I promise you he was not aiming for the side of the head or the side of the arm. He did aim for center mass on the one guy. This is why a longer gun like an AR15 is not the best choice for up and close. A carbine on the other hand is perfect.

Also, anyone basing their choice of gun on Minecraft... Just get whatever you want. Nothing anyone says to you or shows you will help.

chairfag ago

The more you talk, the more you prove that you have no idea what you're talking about. AR15 is a platform which can accept all kinds of barrel lengths. An AR15 can and often does come carbine, which refers to one of the shorter barrel lengths. It's no wonder someone who likely doesn't own a gun like you is recommending a shitty toy 9mm which is mediocre at both CQB and reaching out at a distant target.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

See, you took what I said personal so now you have to make it personal.

A decent AR15 starts around $3000 and the EP9 $450. I always keep cost in mind. I am not a rich man.

Yes the AR can take a short barrel but that will cost you even more. Most suppliers don't sell them new with a short barrel. Even with a short barrel on an AR the EP9 is still shorter and lighter. Again, this is for up close fighting. Shooting a block away, I would rather a carbine. Shooting 2 or more blocks away I would prefer an AR15

Look, I am not knocking the AR15 at all. I am saying use the right tool for the job. Kyle used the AR which is fine for the most part but I would rather a carbine in that position. He came close twice to missing his targets. No doubt he trained but that last guy could have killed him. There was a touch of luck with his last shot and it took half an arm off.

PS I'd be shocked if that guy doesn't lose that arm. Yes, I own guns.

chairfag ago

Again, you say "carbine" and AR15 like they're different. "fruit is better than grapes because fruit isn't usually sour" is your argument. 0 of your supporting facts are true. Carbine are standard and tend to be cheaper. You can get a decent one new for under $1000.

If you can't afford a gun, saying sour grapes and making stuff up about it makes you look childish.

Naughtius_Maximus ago


FFS, you are almost as bad as my ex when it comes to wanting to argue. Did Kyle have a carbine gas system on his AR or a full size gas system? I believe he had a full size and it is my opinion that he would have been better off with a carbine system and that implies an overall shorter gun. I also believe anyone in that environment would be better off with a shorter system and I don't give a flying fuck if you disagree unless you have evidence I am wrong about what I believe is the best weapon for that environment.

Either present evidence I am wrong and I will change my mind or fuck off.

chairfag ago

Way to move the goal posts after making a fool out of yourself. You can do the research yourself as to why 9mm is a dogshit caliber for your primary. I'm not wasting time hunting down links for someone who doesn't know the difference between a rifle platform and a barrel classification.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Dude, fuck off... As for the difference between a rifle platform and a barrel classification, a carbine has a shorter barrel and a shorter gas system.

Most of the time, not always, a carbine has a shorter barrel than a full size whatever the fuck it is based on. There are ranges for this. The main difference is the fucking gas system! It is not as long as a full version! Because of these reasons there is confusion as to what makes a gun a carbine. A short version of a full length gun that has a shortened gas system and barrel is a fucking carbine! As I said in my original post, a carbine, shorter fucking gun, would have been better for Kyle and the evidence of that claim is in the fucking videos. Of the 3 targets, he hit one center mass! I don't fucking care what percentage you may or may not claim a full length weapon had on that. I already know.

As for a 9mm as a primary, I do not agree with you. Yes there are more powerful rounds out there that are better at getting through whatever but then, we already covered that dick hole. How many cunts are walking around, rioting, with body armor? Close to zero if any at all. Go stick your finger in a 9mm barrel and find out how useless it is. As for a primary, I have a H&K USP 40 S&W for my home defense. It has LESS PENETRATING POWER THAN A 9MM. Wonder why.... (notice there is no question mark)

Now, fuck off. I don't want to block you in the off chance you grow a brain and post something useful.

chairfag ago

If you typed all that out and still don't get why calling a "carbine" better than an "AR15" is retarded, you've got brain damage. You must be if you're comparing penetrating power of a handgun to that of a handgun pretending to be a rifle. If you want to piss what little money you have on a gun that can be defeated by $100 soft armor, go for it. Hopefully your poor decision making gets you killed before you can spread your worthless genes.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

I'm not reading your bullshit anymore. Fuck off cunt.

chairfag ago

Struck a nerve, brainlet?

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Your relentless and insatiable desire to be the biggest cunt on the internet has struck a nerve. Now I am blocking you. 24 day old account acting like a cunt...

voatuser1128 ago

I love pistol caliber long arms. I wish they were more popular.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

The right tool for the job. Ar15s have their place but so do carbines. Most people go for the most powerful at the longest range they can afford. I believe this is why the AR is so popular.

Phantom42 ago

Is 9mm

Enjoy getting shot from 300m away and having to sit there and take it.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Most AR owners can't hit shit. I have nothing against the AR and it has its place but so does a smaller carbine. In a riots like we have seen, I would prefer a carbine.

voatuser1128 ago

In a home defense/urban unrest situation, long range doesn't matter. You can practice with and shoot steel targets at close range with 9mm. The pistol mags can be used in both platforms. The compact size can be easily stored in backpack or be shot one handed.

Broc_Lia ago

I find it hard to take advice from a guy with a fake name.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

I don't blame you

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

does it come in 10mm

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Not yet but they are working on other rounds.

404LogicNotFound ago

Did he slap the forward assist or just cycle the action?

AgentSakura ago

I think the latter but I'm uncertain.

Nice stoppage clear regardless

Haywood ago

He won, so I would assume he racked it .

404LogicNotFound ago

Both questions can lead to the same outcome.

Haywood ago

Not Likely.

404LogicNotFound ago

Uhh? I can only assume you have no idea what you're talking about. Both scenarios goal is to put a loaded round into battery.

Haywood ago

Jamming a round into battery will seldom work. Do a little research.

404LogicNotFound ago

Seldom work != not work. Pander elsewhere.

Haywood ago

I should no better than to use logic against feminine emotion...

404LogicNotFound ago

Pretending you wouldn't at least try the forward assist if you were in a combat situation is like saying you'd just take off your seat belt before a 100mph collision because small odds might as well be no odds suggests you are retarded.

Pretending your terrible argument is logical even after I've so easily demonstrated it's illogical proves you're retarded.

Haywood ago

You have the world of information at your finger tips. I asked you to do a little research. Now who is the retard?

404LogicNotFound ago

You have the world of information at your finger tips.

I've trained with and used weapons with a forward assist. Unlike you, I don't need to use a search engine for this topic because I have real world practical experience using it with my own two hands.

Now who is the retard?

You, still.

Haywood ago

Now I know your full of it. Training is muscle memory. Its just like clearing a pistol. Only a novice would try to jam the slide forward before racking to clear.

404LogicNotFound ago

Only a novice would try to jam the slide forward before racking to clear.

Finally, thank you. I was wondering if I was going to have to literally drag you to the trough. And here we come full circle to why your argument failed to begin with. We are currently discussing the tactics used by a 17 year old boy.

Haywood ago

17 year old boys have fought in every war since this country was founded. Still no logic in your argument.

404LogicNotFound ago

Now you're going to backtrack and try and claim this 17 year old boy is trained by the military?

If not, then you've finally hit bullshit paydirt and run out of bad arguments, it seems.

You should have just admitted defeat when I whooped your ass 2 messages in, the rest of this has just been embarrassing to watch you self-mutilate.

Haywood ago

As I said before , do a little research. Get in some trigger time. That 17 year old probably has more trigger time than you have typing away like the spoiled kid you are.


Look up the definition of "pander" while your doing your homework.

404LogicNotFound ago

You just can't stop losing. Must be one of the Qews.

404LogicNotFound ago

I get that you can't accept your own failure, but that doesn't mean he knows anything about a forward assist in a combat situation one way or the other. No evidence for either of our opinions.

Which, of course, means you're still wrong - its possible he used it and possible it saved his life. You can reject this all you want, if you must continue to get the last word in - next reply is your last word, I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said.

Haywood ago

Don't be getting all butt-hurt boy...I'm just trying to help you with your homework.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

forward assist isn't gonna do shit if there's a spent casing that didn't eject properly

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

That's what I was thinking. I think the casing was wedged sideways and he racked it out of the way

flaxom ago

I was confused about this too, the video looks like he quickly uses the forward assist but it sounds like he cycles the charging handle, too low quality to tell for sure. Total pro either way.

Niggertoes ago

I would never trust my life to s foward assist. rack that shit.

dirt_reynolds ago

Never. I don't even buy uppers with them anymore. Way quicker to rack a new one up.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It is only there for one specific instance of failure to feed, for all others it wasn't designed to aid in any way. Always pull the mag before racking to clear the jam, re insert and rack again for the best results.

DantesInf ago

Kid might be dead if he had to pull the mag.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

yeah which is why i think it was just a failure to feed and not a stove pipe, again from blasting s8ter boi in the chest point blank. Its always worth the simple rack in a situation like that but if that fails pull the mag first with most stove pipes.

Dixon_Butts ago

How was your daily dolphin fuck?

Haywood ago

The most useless addition to the AR platform....ever.

MrDarkWater ago

It's only there to make soldiers have a bit of confidence

Dixon_Butts ago

It looks cool and is socially acceptable to slap in public.

flaxom ago

One of my ARs has a "sport" upper with no forward assist and no dust cover. I love it, just so sporty. I wedged a dust cover about halfway under my fingernail once, those little faggots are like razors.

lord_nougat ago

That helps build character, faggot!

DirtyQews ago

my scrotum cringed for you.

Nosferatjew ago

Can't tell. He cleared the malf so fast I didn't even know he had one until later.

Chimaira92 ago

There was a youtuber who broke it down in slowmo and the communist medic does a fake surrender, notices the jam and tries to go for the rifle with his gun in hand but Kyle racks/clears the malf too quickly and literally disarms the dude. The best part is the press guy who just films the gaping wound looking for that good angle and lighting. He wasn't going to lift a finger to help the commie at all and got a great shot thats been spread all over voat and other sites ahahaha

herbert_west ago

literally disarms the dude


green_man ago

I think the absolute best part is that kike "medic" committed a fucking war crime with that false surrender bullshit he tried to pull, too bad he only lost an arm.

WolfgangBlack ago

Exactly, he should have been shot dead. Good thing the kid survived though it was a CLOSE call.

Phantom42 ago

War crimes only apply to signatories.

Mittermeyer ago

Also if they admitted this is war then it would be legal to shoot and kill insurgents.

lacrimamosa ago

I need to see that video!

Chimaira92 ago

The guy reaching into his rear waistband for the gun is the guy whose bicep gets blown off. Watch the guy with the camera who takes close up pictures and doesn't even flinch to help lol

Dixon_Butts ago

Alt link? No way I would sign in to yt.

Dixon_Butts ago

I tried that already. 'Video unavailable'

Chimaira92 ago

1:23 shows the commie who gets his bicep blown away but it cuts to different angle before you get to see the PRESS guy getting good shots of his wound without helping him lol

Dixon_Butts ago

Have to watch it again...never saw where fake medic drew his firearm from.

Chimaira92 ago

Yeah his arm lingers there at the rear waistband and then in the high res pictures you can see the gun is in his right arm. You don't visually see him draw it but can come to a 99% conclusion that he drew it from his rear waistband based on the facts and video/pictures. I also use this part of the video to point out that there are no visible chunks of arm missing from him, debunking the false flag shit some people are putting forth.

This was 100% real unlike Las Vegas Massacre which couldn't even produce one picture even close to the carnage that happened here with only 3 people shot.

Dixon_Butts ago

That checks out.