binrobinro ago

Because it never happened. Use any numbers you want.

mudbear ago

Simple, we dont know how many of the jews were gay

nosam ago

JEWS all suck cock or vacuum out tranny vag hourly. That is why

cactusairforce ago

Do not forget Catholics.

thebearfromstartrack ago

You forgot about the feeble minded.

fellowwhiteperson ago

We don't. Auschwitz originally had 4 million dead. Then it got revised to 2 million. Now it's at 1.1 million and anyone asking anymore questions gets thrown in jail. Where did those other 3 people die? Supposedly lined up and shot in the streets.

The story first started with human soap and human skin lampshades and magic ovens and has slowly morphed to be more grounded over time. There's no account of how many jews died except for the Red Cross's very low figures. Any other number is made up.

SuperSub ago

ask the red cross


Maybe they didnt ask the jews if they were gay too

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Freemasons? This will be the first time that I have heard that freemasons were being killed.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Not accurate according to the red cross or any other 3rd party sources. I'm surprised it hasn't increased over time, as jewish communists are responsible for more than 100 million deaths over the span of about 50 years. Tens of millions of those being White Christians.

niggerfaggotjew911 ago

How is it that you are about gypsies and fags all of a sudden. Glow in the dark nigger.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

The Freemason murders are extremely interesting. Wasn't one of the 1st political parties in the US the Anti-Masonic Party?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

The Snopes link is literally both fake and gay.

Sernie_Banders ago

Its a "meme" number to them for some reason. "6M Jews" has been used multiple times before the war broke out. Someone have that newspaper highlight of it?

boekanier ago

Only jew lives matter, i suppose.

Smallest_Skil ago

It is much easier to have an exact number when facts dont exist and you make up the number of people killed in a fantasy.

romanstock ago

it's because jews are smarter and know these things, unlike those other groups mentioned, and they know that we are all equal and that white supremacy is a false hateful ideology.

KnifesEdge ago

Tis true! I must now go reexamine my path and begin to atone for my white sins!

neg ago

Also never seen a someone that wasnt a Jew claim to be a Holohoax survivor despite there being more non-Jews killed (supposedly).

jimibulgin ago

No, not more non-jews supposedly. The largest 'official' estimate you will ever see is 11,999,999 (usually, 11 million.)

How do they get this number? The Six Million Jews(TM) plus the largest possible number of people that is less than six million.

neg ago

Older numbers I've seen claim 13 million total, but yes you're right, usually they just say "idk but less than Jews".

ReAwakened ago

I'm going with, because the whole thing was made up and nobody has taken the time to make up those other numbers. What makes it more interesting is with the impossibility of the jew numbers what does it look like when you start trying to add in those others. Now it's not 6K a day, but like 10K a day.

SparklingWiggle ago

the hoocaust was fake?

LibertarianForChrist ago

Look how you can't question it, or even investigate it. If you do, you are inprisoned in places such as Germany, or unpersoned here. Anything banned from questioning can't stand up to the truth and is therefore a lie.

jews were the leaders of the communist revolition in Germany. They set up postmodern institutions like we have today during weimar. They owned the financial systems like they do today. They were punished by being put into labor camps during the war. A few hundred thousand were killed in work camps at the end when supplies ran out.

Unlike band of brothers, no western general ever documented seeing death camps in their journals. All death camps were magically on the soviet side. 90% of the bolsheviks were jewish and they hated White Christians, German or Russian.

Think about it, you are in a war against the entire world. Do you: A. put the people who started it into safer camps while using expensive methods to torture and kill them while using up thousands of tons of coal?

B. Just kill them using a cheap bullet in the head so no one survives and you don't use up prcious resources?

The first is massively illogical, and the 2nd didn't happen. The 1939 to 1949 census data holds steady for jews at around 15 million worldwide, while other races suffered devastating losses. Third party sources including the red cross have never gone much above 400k deaths total, including an accurate record of 271k jews. Again, because supply lines were cut. Zyklon B has never been found in showers. It was likely used in delousing stations to combat Typhus.

Communists have killed hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Barely mentioned. Nationalism, a right to all people, is now banned in Europe. jews in the media, education, banking, and government always have to mention the holocaust whenever they do anything.

SparklingWiggle ago

The good news is that they are pulling the same shit todsy that caused them to get Germany to throw them in camps. This time we will make sure they all die. They've created a self-fulfillimg prophecy by giving is the idea and thoughts on how to do it right. Door-to-door bullets to the head. Anyone wanting the property can clean up the mess.

SparklingWiggle ago

No, I was answering his question with the obvious (in a questioning tone.) I'm familiar with the holocoasters, live births, and moving the "condemed" from death camp to death camp.

jimibulgin ago

Ah... well. keep fighting the good fight.

peacegnome ago

Parts of it were fabricated. Don't fall for the (((tricks))) of things being all one way or the other; there can be some things that were lies without the entire thing being a lie. For example, there were prison camps, and people did die; but the nature of their death was not (from what i can tell) gassing and being cremated, and subsequently turned into lampshades and soap. The problem is that even bringing this up makes you a "holocaust denier" and the conversation is shut down (but notice that they will never refute anything said).

Look at another use of the same (((trick))) (this time with something you are hopefully more familiar with). You say: "a group of people control media, education, banking, etc.". They will call you an antisemite, but they will never say something like "You are wrong, look at these examples of how the education system is controlled by Catholics."

SparklingWiggle ago

I'm a holocaust denier and proud of it.

peacegnome ago

Right, but you still agree that undesirables were rounded up in germany and taken to camps, and that many of them died.

The typical (((history channel))) watcher thinks that a "denier" believes that nothing happened, because that is what they are told. The barrier of entry to be a "denier" is extremely low, like if you said that hitler didn't use the holocoaster; but once you are labeled you are presented as someone who thinks that jews were never even put in camps (many jews weren't, but that's beside the point).

SparklingWiggle ago

Some people died of Typhus...

peacegnome ago

Typhus, starvation, etc.; all the normal deaths when supply lines are cut.

I think the simple question is "why would Germany divert delouser, coal, coke, food, etc. to run some keep them alive, but kill them in this elaborate way program; when the german people starved and war effort was low on supplies?"

rightbyroy ago

always has been

SomeGuy ago

you must be new

SparklingWiggle ago

No, I was just answering his question in a tone that didn't translate to text.

Fried-Laptop ago

Because only a halfi million jews in total died during WWII.

Nazis HAD to keep meticulous records.

Every Jew that came in the camps ...



TrialsAndTribulation ago

Only a little more than 271,000 TOTAL deaths during WWII, according to the 1979 ICRC report. This is everyone, not just jews.

crazyjuan ago

There were six million freemasons.

version7 ago

Cause they only used the IBM punch cards for the Jews....obviously.

Patranon1 ago

Sounds like coronavirus tabulations. Exact number of covid deaths is perfectly known. But flu cases are between 20k and 60k.

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Nobody1 ago

The true concentration camps were the gulags, they turned and twisted it till somehow it fit the narrative,and the russian gulag became the nazi deathcamp. Not even people like Irving debate about how the jews were mistreated,or beaten,those are facts,those were the times,jews mistreated germans,germans mistreated jews, however the death camp myth and the gas chambers and all of that is pretty much copy/pasted from the gulag.

You did not have theaters and swimming pools in a gulag,you had work and then death,that was pretty much it. It wasn't that hard for them to twist the narrative as a lot of what they said is factually true, only it's true for the russians and not the nazis. They added the cherry on top with the gas chambers to make it somehow more believable,but in my opinion that is what they should not have done. Were it not for the over the top evil nazi who is the personification of satan, who gassed the jews, I might have actually believed that crap,that the nazis were THAT bad.

But they went over the top with the gas chamber crap. The rest of it is pretty much true, if you take out the gas chamber crap,and remove the nazis,the russian gulag was just as bad as some jews describe it, they know as during the beginning of the communist movement, a lot of them were political prisoners,they saw with their own eyes what being literally worked to death meant, the horror stories of cannibalism and many many others are actually true. Gays,jews,gypsies,did not matter, they were all sent to the gulag,after a while the jews took power and a lot of them were released from the gulags, but the rest weren't so lucky.

whambamthankyouham ago

The joos will swear up and down that they keep track of their people very well (even though keeping track of a number so accurately would require supernatural abilities ut then they'll claim they have that too).

peacegnome ago

You shouldn't use that spelling, it is typically something that a shill does.

From what I can tell they do keep good records, so it should be easy for them to produce before and after numbers. The only thing I have ever seen was the almanac, and it was pretty clear that 6M did not vanish.

Maat4u ago

Why is there more Jews collecting money today then there was decades ago? Weird.

ConanLibertatem ago

Because the 6 million number has been around since 1917 and very likely before that too.

There would always be exactly 6 million jews killed in the holahoax. Not 6,000,001 nor 5,999,999. The number they really wanted to use, 6,660,000 would have been far too obvious.

RoundWheel ago

6,000,000 since 1850s.

ConanLibertatem ago

I know for sure of the early 1900's. That's good enough proof of a lie to me. I'll keep looking just because I want to see how far back it goes.

HolePunch ago

the jews are so concerned with accurate number that they started counting their dead even before the war

Infearmal ago

HolePunch ago

what documentary is that from?

Infearmal ago

Who knows, it was posted on Voat a while ago.

dayofthehope ago

Here is an inforgram corroborating:

HolePunch ago

awesome, thank you

nowhat ago

In the 19th century, even.

fellowkikepeople ago

Incredible foresight.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

But zero foreskins :(

Grizzlystorm ago

Makes up for the lack of foreskin

fellowkikepeople ago

Does it really though?