Dr5trangegov ago

nobody seems to know they are at war. that changes very soon i think.

badruns ago

Empires and societies come and go in cycles. The fun part is that now with a "global" system we get to see if the entire world collapses this time.

bestongroup ago

Absolutely agree! Liberalism and Communism...one and the same!

Mrwarmind ago

In war, I don't think there is a good side or bad side, there are no good guys in war or any sort of conflict, and each side has manipulative people and fools

However, what you referred to as evil are the guys who play dirtier, that's the law of life, the dirtier you play, the more likely you're to win

DylannWasRight ago

That's what happens when white people are weaklings

thirdsargon ago

Good lives in small places. In the private lives, homes, and habits of people. It's always been that way. You don't need a great big good to fight a great big evil.

punchingtrees ago

Get a Bible... the final victory may look different than you think and it’s going to get much worse before it gets better. The interesting part is real close to the end a bunch of nations will have turned on Israel, I wonder what they will eventually discover that will cause such a plot twist?

Vyasa ago

It is.....suppose to end in flames. This is Kali Yuga.

lovehate123 ago

The evil wants everybody to lose their jobs and take out loans from the banks. to stay hooked on the drug thats why pelosi is so sure of herself.

AngryNobody ago

The problem is that the "good" people have been conditioned to think that violence is evil and fighting back makes you evil, which does nothing but empower the bad guys--they can do whatever they want, but good guys have to follow all these rules and customs. It's like saying one side is allowed to use nuclear warheads but the other can only use sticks and rocks.

If all the good people got guns and just shot the bad people, soon things would turn around.

Rockfish1000 ago

If all the good people got guns and just shot the bad people, soon things would turn around.


THIS. A million times, this, right here. We have been convinced since kindergarten by a monopoly of bureaucrats to centralize defensive violence to a monopoly of armed order followers, and conditioned to us to call them heroes despite and endless record of verifiable abuses.

I spent close to 20 years working in the Criminal JustUs field, and I can tell you from experience, that street/vigilante justice is much more swift and effective than the government version. Also, vigilante justice seems to get the wrong guy less often than the monopolized government system. I genuinely feel sorry for people who get into criminal justice with a good heart and noble intentions. It tends to totally destroy those people. Ask me how I know.

WokeazfuQ ago

If they were in full control they wouldn't be acting so out of control

stray502 ago

Nope you are not seeing the big picture. They will lose.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Their best candidate is Pedo-Joe.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Lol they are desperate

XSS1337 ago

Yagoda already set the score and the jews owe us quite a few of their sons and daughters ....

boekanier ago

Good=the right, evil= the left. The left wins.

Angryelectrician ago

Rome died because it overate and fell to indigestion. The US overate by bringing in so many different cultures and having the hubris to believe it could not fall from within. Which we see now.

Shadowlight ago

The analogy is that there is a very old play-book for destroying civilizations.

It is beyond obvious much of this is being PUSHED, as it was in Rome two thousand years ago.

But in this case, evil is not winning, we are letting them show their platbook to wake up as many as possible.

Remember, appear strong when you are weak, and appear weak when you are strong.

GumbyTM ago

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

                                                                    -Edmund Burke

We've all done nothing.

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AngryNobody ago

@GumbyTM finally someone talking sense.

ISaidit1 ago

Of course there is. The star of David is even a star of Moloch. A depiction of Saturn god Remphan. They call it a star of David just to hide the fact under which banner they operate.

Intrixina ago

It's not. If it was, the propaganda and concernfaggery from them would be completely unnecessary.

BW-414 ago

evil people started the conflict. and they've attempted to prevent good people from defending against them, or even speaking against them. the evil people are ruthless terrorist liars, cheaters, hypocrites, etc. and fairness, honor, etc. mean nothing to them. so, they are at an advantage. but good people haven't even begun to defend themselves, because they are tolerant and don't take the law into their own hands. recently, truckers said they might not deliver to cities with communists mayors who allow rioters. and that's not even about politics. it's about safety. it could be an effective defense against the communists. and that's only 1 idea. good people, especially law enforcement and the military, could easily overpower the communists, if conflict was unavoidable. but there are many other ways, such as the trucker boycott, that should be tried, before conflict.

NukesArePropaganda ago

Its in the bible

Roy_Underthump ago

Yeah, that Yahweh guy needs to be locked up.

yaksarefinetoo ago

Good news is you get to fight for freedom. And you thought your grandpa had all the fun.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

It seems that way because that is the message delivered by the media.

But is it true? Not exactly. The forces of good have majorly upset the evil agenda. Knocked the bastards off track if nothing else.

I see the actions as a response to the fact evil knows they are losing severely and they are quit desperate. The bear is cornered, and perhaps now most dangerous of all. They could do anything now, including WWIII. Why stop at merely burning the cities? Or biowarfare? They might try to burn the world.

Intrixina ago

What do you think this plague shit is? It's the first stage of biowarfare.

WolfgangBlack ago

It is a coronavirus.

Also known as a cold.

Average age of death?






CrustyBeaver52 ago

I think so.

kishind ago

Between healthy winners and the sickest, most deviant losers.

JJNova ago

Evil is a bad winner. I would like to move for a mercy rule.

DontBeRacist ago

There is a word with a variant or two that makes conservatives incapable of conserving anything. If you're liberal or leftist it makes you bat shit insane. The word is "racism." It is a communist invention of Leon Trotsky (formerly Bronstein) imported into the USA in the 60s, most likely by Jews here who were working with their Jewish brethren in the Soviet Union. It is a word that has no validity to it, because it is based on the false assumption that races of people are exactly the same in traits and behavior. You will notice that the entirety of the Democrat party and the vast majority of the Republican party are subject to the power of this word. They are all worried about being someone who notices that distinctly different races of people are indeed different. Even if people were 100% products of their environments, the word would still have no validity. Niggers come from the hood and from poverty, so we should be justified in noticing they are different even in that scenario. The issue of nature verses nurture has already been settled, though, and it is genetics that works to determine the majority of what people are like, although not the entirety.

WhiteFathers ago

If you consider yourself a conservative or liberal you have already lost.

DontBeRacist ago

Well, there isn't much left worth conserving at this point. If you're a conservative at this point, you're trying to conserve liberalism.

Rockfish1000 ago

A conservative in 2020 is just a liberal from 1970.

DontBeRacist ago

1970? More like 2000

Turnagain ago

A small correction. Bronstein (Trotsky) didn't coin the word "racist". However, he was the first to use it as a pejorative. He was referring to Poles that wouldn't subjugate their national identity to communism,

Rockfish1000 ago

Yeah. You're right. He didn't coin the term. Some American abolishionist did. Bronstein did, however, use develop term in the rhetorical dialectics that we see today. It drives me crazy when I say that "racism" is communist because it is the same way Trotsky used it, and some libfag will say, "Nuh uh! Trostsky didnt invent it. It comes from American abolishionist! Checkmate, bigot!"

DontBeRacist ago

In America there was the word racialism that existed long before racism. I don't even know what kind of stuff was associated with that archaic word. I would assume it was a natural by product of white kindness and compassion getting applied to niggers.

DontBeRacist ago

Sometimes the inventor of something isn't as important as someone who popularizes it. Jews didn't invent gansta rap. Niggers did. Jews are the ones that decided everybody should be listening to that shit.

Barbarian ago

You can't be a racist. You can only be a race traitor.

ChanceIIorMershekeI ago

Well said. The way that the Left have managed to problematize basic in-group preference, twisting it into something that needs to be engineered out of people (the more ignorant ones think that in-group preference is learnt rather than innate), is crazy. Trying to root out 'racism' is like witch-hunting—except that everyone is to varying degrees a 'witch', 'good' (i.e. 'non-racist') people simply repress the 'witch' within. It's a witch-hunt where all burn all—no one can consider themselves safe from the label without being deluded. And it's only going to get more crazy as the definition of 'racist' becomes increasingly inclusive. It's already reached a situation where 'White = racist', and non-Whites who question this are also 'racist'; and where words as innocuous as 'All Lives Matter' and 'It's okay to be White' are somehow 'racist hate speech'.

DontBeRacist ago

Something that needs to be engineered out of white people. Niggers are allegedly unfairly harmed by it, so it's okay for them to be racist.

I've been thinking about how anti-racism is one of the whitest things in the world. Only white people in any significant portion mean don't be racist against others. Pretty much all the other groups but definitely the niggers mean don't be racist against me or us. Niggers oppose the so called racism for the benefits to themselves. They don't want to hold their own group responsible for their shittness (trying to fix niggers is utter futility); they want to hold others responsible for noticing the shittiness.

PriMerovingian ago

People should fear being called communist, not racist.

And being a communist should carry the death penalty

Hawkerbuff7 ago

Absolutely agree! Liberalism and Communism...one and the same!

ISaidit1 ago

thou shall not kill. You can not murder communism, only Ideologically dismantle it.

XSS1337 ago

You sends Gods not to Hell, but to the tomes of history to rot.

DontBeRacist ago

If we ever get a sane and reasonable society, I want to bring back nooses... not for the niggers. The niggers won't be there if it's sane and reasonable. It'll be for anyone who wants to welcome niggers. A good ol' fashioned hanging is all about making a public spectacle and letting others know what happens when you step out of line.

H3yGeorge ago

The issue of nature verses nurture has already been settled, though, and it is genetics that works to determine the majority of what people are like, although not the entirety.

Would you be willing to expand on this?

DontBeRacist ago

Before I encountered race realism, I studied personality just because I thought it was interesting. I did a lot of reading on the Big Five. I got a book that sucks, but it mentioned Big Five research that concluded all 5 traits are primarily influenced by genetics. Stuff like identical twins raised in separate families are the most like each other, the second most like their parents, and the least like the people who raised them (as far as raw personality goes). It was found that openness/intelligence is the most influenced by genetics and there's a shit ton of support for IQ mostly being genetic. Most of the environmental influences are actually negative impacts. Then neuroticism (all the negative emotions) and extroversion are next. Finally, conscientiousness and agreeableness are still mostly determined by genes but the least so of the five. Your attitude can change your agreeableness, and conscientiousness can be increased by environmental pressures.

boredTech ago

If you're looking for an analogy for the fall of Rome, I don't really know enough of the history of Rome, but going off of the simplistic analysis from https://www.history.com/news/8-reasons-why-rome-fell I can draw some modern parallels.

1.) Invasions by Barbarian tribes

Immigration, enough said.

2.) Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor

Globalization. Basically they became separated from their work and forgot how to do it (we can't even make pencils in the US any more). Then you also have a reliance on a labor class that doesn't give a shit about quality. As decadence rises, the managerial class (whip crackers) get to lax on quality in an effort to maximize profits.

3.) The rise of the Eastern Empire


4.) Overexpansion and military overspending

How many trillions did the pentagon "lose"

5.) Government corruption and political instability

Enough said.

6.) The arrival of the Huns and the migration of the Barbarian tribes

Once again, immigration.

7.) Christianity and the loss of traditional values

BLM and the cult of woke would be the modern day equivalent of what happened.

8.) Weakening of the Roman legions

The US armed forces seldom act against their enemies directly. What we do is hire soldiers of fortune, or try to train up the locals to fight for us. In essence our military is kind of shit without any real veterans of war. This makes them rather weak in comparison to what we had during the WW2, Korean War, and Vietnam era.

angryspin ago

You forgot usury from that list

Drenki ago

Which side is good on?

yaksarefinetoo ago

Our side. Yes I know how that sounds. Still true.

Libtardscum ago

we the good niggas

niggerfaggotjew911 ago

The death cult of capitalism really is only trying to remove itself from Earth. Typical Jewish self hatred.

jobber ago

Those in power but afraid to lose it always exercise it to excess, bringing their ruin.

The left is hated even by the left now, and that's where evil found a temporary home.

DontBeRacist ago

The left is just a conglomerate of people united against a common enemy, which is white men but ultimately white people in general because the women will go down with the men.

Margarita and Shintanisha aren't paying attention to any of this shit. They just want the gibsmedats to keep on coming.

jobber ago

White men are the popular smoke screen.

It was the pedos, all along.

DontBeRacist ago

The left tends to point to some real problems, but they also point at some retarded shit. Ultimately, they're angry at white people for not creating a society where niggers can thrive. The fact of the matter is that that is impossible. Nobody else has done that. Niggers can't even do that for themselves. The left would point out the lack of healthcare, but then again they expect us to give it away to all the spics and niggers already here and any of them that just walk in here. It would be nice if all white people could receive free medical care or cheap and affordable at least to prevent people from going full retard.

jobber ago

They are the most easily deceived as Machiavelli says.

Mothers should dominate the democratic portion of the republic. They learn how to read men's lies.

H3yGeorge ago

Probably much bigger than that.

jobber ago

Of course, but the left and Democrats are their home base now.

H3yGeorge ago

Red team, blue team.. they're all the same team. We're the other team.

jobber ago

The dance of democratic republic.

It's almost time for the new republic.

H3yGeorge ago

Long past due, in my opinion.

lokilokipanic ago

thats because you are a black-pilled unaware person who has not properly dug deep enough.

H3yGeorge ago

My response to the low-energy, questionable IQ people who use the term "black pill": https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/3964963/25084251/

Rockfish1000 ago

Hahahaha. Orange. Israel. Jesus. I stopped reading and immediately came here to tell you I am still LoLing. Oh man. Thank you. I will now go back and try to finish reading your link.

CouldBeTrump ago

Your argument seems to be that people think your redpills are blackpills and that most redpills aren't redpills at all. The black pill, by definition, is succumbing to despair after too many redpills. One does not have to become blackpilled to see the world as it is, but seeing the world as it is blackpills a lot of people.

DukeofAnarchy ago

Black Pill means despair. It's a bad thing by definition.

H3yGeorge ago

No it doesn't. It's only despair if you're too retarded to see beyond it into the possible alternatives.

tokui ago

Being offended doesn't equate to evil.

WorldClown ago

I think it is just 'rout'

However you're missing the truth.

Media hasn't covered the massive wins:


H3yGeorge ago

I enjoy our dialogue over time. We don't always see eye to eye, but sometimes you've made me see things I've missed so I always listen carefully.

In this case, while I agree that getting rid of some evil is good, all the other evil being left unchecked, or in some cases outright promoted, far overwhelms any positivity I can see. It's a matter of measure, not preference - though you'd probably disagree on that point, which is OK.

WorldClown ago

You wanna get weird? You ever met one of the blue entities?

H3yGeorge ago

Can't say I have, but I don't remember everything I've experienced. Feel free to fill me in.

WorldClown ago

So after every lifetime, your higher consciousness is moved through a 'limbo'. The way to easily visualize it is like a space station airport vip lounge.

Everyone sits at a terminal and, with access to all their memories from all their lifetimes, they analyze the lifetime they just experienced.

They are able to see things as they really were, and integrate these experiences consciously with all of their other experiences.

When they are content, they choose a new biological form to inhabit, and are reborn. They don't have access to these other lifetimes consciously, though in dreams and subconscious their other experiences (wisdom) can guide them.

The Blue People are light beings who are administrators of this 'limbo'. They visit here and can make adjustments with your permission.

Phantom42 ago

Make adjustments to what?

At what cost?

What is this theology?

WorldClown ago

They can adjust the set of options available to you.

If you master the ability to communicate with them.

It is a mixture of essentially Buddhist thinking with some New Age beliefs and a kind of 'duality' which they call half of nothing.


Make adjustments to what exactly? You? Or things around you?

This is very interesting. Would you mind sharing an example that might relate?

WorldClown ago

So when I am taken or move to other places, lessons or tests, there is always a car.

'They' like to get technical. They tow around an extra engine or things like that, take them very seriously.



Thank you very much for taking the time to share that. I will think about what you said.