thebearfromstartrack ago

Were they taking them to a death camp? One can always hope.

yamaguchis_ghost ago

Literally can punch a faggot british cop once and they would turn to dust.

RayPinpilage ago


FightingTheDarkArts ago

It's a crime because other people are disturbed? If he was filming in public at a safe distance and not causing a ruckus himself then they're basically arresting him on the actions or reactions of others.

DukeofAnarchy ago

Who's going to do anything to them? The pussy filming just submitted to them instead of fighting back as he should have done.

whatisbestinlife ago

cop lives do not matter

Zinnsee ago

"IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT" at least the writing on their high visibility vests is as honest as can be.

123456788 ago

Don't speak against the state, don't reveal anything negative about the state. This is truly some communist shit

Soyboy69 ago

don't reveal anything negative about the state

Keep in mind that according to the party-line that what has been revealed is something the state claims is a positive thing, so that further adds to the bullshit.

theBreadSultan ago

Always call out badge numbers and if you can the name of the officer during these videos.... That way it can suddenly become very difficult for that officer to do their job...

This often results in the officer having to move patch...

You may spend a few hours in the cell, but he has now added a few hours to his commute everyday.

. It will put off otheers

If you are going to go with the publicity route you need to follow through or it's pointless

DukeofAnarchy ago

Always be armed and ready to kill any cop who tries to wrongfully arrest you.

Conejo_loco ago

How long until the tides finally change? They WILL change but this time it will make the Crusades look like a Disney Princess tea party... When a white man had finally had it, hell hath no fury. Europe WILL rise and it WILL be glorious... Mark my words.

Gunk ago

Every British cop is a faggot.

Anam ago

Not all of them. You forgot the dykes, mudslimes and trannies.

Smallest_Skil ago

England is an islamic shithole.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

They have no weapons and they still punk the shit out of them. Hahahah

New-World-Ebola ago

there's no political solution, arm yourselves.

are you waiting to become outnumbered in your own country?

fucking action now.

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lettersofmarque ago

Subjects vs. citizens.

boekanier ago

Man, they love their migrants in england.

Morbo ago

but they're too dumb to see what's coming.

Scared is the word you're looking for here. They're not doing this because they are dumb. They are doing this because they are afraid to resist their masters. They have families and know that if they don't follow their orders, they will lose their jobs, homes, families and pretty much everything. Sure some may believe they are doing the right thing with this heavy-handed crackdown on normal citizens, but the majority know that they would also be cracked down upon if they defied their handlers. We need to remove the fear. We outnumber our oppressors by huge amounts. Once the static inertia holding us back is broken, the unstoppable power of millions upon millions of people fed up with this world will crush those who hold the power. The key is to overcome the friction and get moving. Fear will be replaced with boldness once we start moving a bit. It's coming but we're still paralyzed by fear. Squeeze us enough and we will have nothing left to lose and then it's all going to move quickly. We're closer then ever before. It will come.

shillaccount3344 ago

Jesus forgave everyone's sins. That's how he did it last time.

HiJoker ago

That's no excuse for them. Their families versus the rest of us? Fuck them and their families. They did this for 'their families', then when the hammer falls, their families die with them. The same goes for all cops who support tyrants. They'd be better off quitting and finding another job, go flip burgers or something. Loose that big fancy house you can't afford without the filthy money.

They'll all pay the price and it will make a cautionary tale of those who might be weak in the future. It needs to be very visual, dead cops with their dead families hanging on a tree next to them.

Bloody November is coming world. You'd better be prepared with the hellish rage of Americans erupts on these scum. Don't shelter the scum or you'll die screaming with them.

Oh_Well_ian ago

The entire UK has turned into a Monty Python sketch.

New-World-Ebola ago

if you think it's funny, you're a dickhead.

Oh_Well_ian ago

we all know you're a dickhead, already

fuck off, you filthy cunt

New-World-Ebola ago

you pathetic cocksucker.

Rotteuxx ago

I always appreciate it when you display how much of a nigger you are while laarping as a fellow white man.

New-World-Ebola ago

good one shlomo

boekanier ago

Only here it's not funny.

GumbyTM ago

Police here are only slightly behind and yet we still have an army of cucks defending them.

Disagree? Show me one police force in the country that has defied the orders of those who sign their checks in favor of upholding their sworn oath.

Just one.

fukyboi ago

However, many Sheriffs have done this.

Pessimist ago

Good point, really. I never thought about it that way. (i.e. the oath)

theBreadSultan ago

Any corporation of the City of London officer, as they don't swear an oath to the Queen or public, swearing an oath to the Cirperation of the City of London, who also pay their wages.

Not to he confused with normal London police the Metropolitan police (who are little more than an anti terror squad, flying squad, serious crimes squad and outside of that a hive of chucked beta fuckwits who protect child abusers)

Donald_Trumpstein ago

Yeah but making fun of those euro cucks makes it much easier for us americans to accept what cucked slaves and pussies we are ourselves. American police are also way more violent.

At least we're not as bad as Britain!

Except we're really only a 5-10 years behind them.

But hey, we got the great orange Jesus and a plan to trust. All the UK has is a less charismatic cheap knockoff with the same haircut.

pimplepeter ago

*jewish knockoff

Ralemlol ago

Our police have to be essentially military because of niggers. Imagine our police not having guns in the USA. They would be slaughtered more than they already are because they are dealing with africans.

Soyboy69 ago

Or more likely they'd just give up policing niggers, and exclusively police whites.

noob_tube ago

slaughtered more than they already are

Blue lives matter cuck detected

Ralemlol ago

The police you idiot. You realize like 15x the amount of cops are killed by niggers than the other way around?

voatusernamevoat ago

Yes, money rules for the vast majority, with this being case you have to solve for that regardless of how one wants that not to be:

Oh_Well_ian ago

Police forces are staffed with pedophiles who are given a choice of free child porn and a steady income, or a lifetime in jail.