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Crikes ago

An even better one is to alwaya focus on individual merit (which is the opposite of what the communists want) and their individual crimes. If you reference "slavers", "communists", "tyrants", "terrorist", "treasonous", betrayors of Oath", "criminals against humanity", "genocidal bigots", etc., not only does it not let anyone of them off the hook based on demographics those truly interested in justice don't care about, but it also doesn't create an attack vector to be used against you.

Claiming "communists conspiring against the Supreme Law of the Land, must not be tolerated in the United States" is objectively true. There is nothing to rally against.

Claiming that about one group of people, even if thwy were to a man communist, gives them an out, as they can claim you're racist, rally the world against you, and genocide you.

There is a reason why communists perpetually astroturf bigotry, and why communist Jews specifically astroturf anti-semitism. It enables them to divide and conquer their victims.

Dauphin ago
