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Joe_McCarthy ago

I wasn't pushing miscegenation.

I'm also not promoting female sexual liberation as such. Mine is a take on Auguste Comte's worship of woman.

Though I have racialized it and use it for inspiration in displaying what we are fighting for.

Ya know, if you focused on what I actually say instead of the products of your own paranoia this would go a lot easier for all of us. I don't think I'm particularly difficult to understand. Indeed, some of you are so dumb that it comes off like you are doing it on purpose. I can speculate why you might be doing that - but it's well known to all what the possibilities are around here...

tokui ago

I wasn't pushing miscegenation.

Then what would a jew call it? Diversity?!

SumerBreeze ago

“what we are fighting for”


you even speak like a jew, grouping yourself with people that you subjugate and exploit

Joe_McCarthy ago

That the beauty of the white Aryan woman shall not perish from the earth is standard white nationalist sloganeering.

Though granted it preceded the incel movement' misognyny or even the mindless 4chan version of Jewblame.

SumerBreeze ago

Sanhedrin 54b and 55b

the jews believe that as their holy doctrine

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your head is so far up your backside that it probably can't be extracted. Carry on. There is probably a Jew under your bed as we speak. Go get him and leave me be.

SumerBreeze ago

LOL i bet you couldn’t even stomach it to read it thoroughly, but its true!

I’m not 3 years old, why would a jew be under my bed? 😂

tokui ago
