fightknightHERO ago

I remember several months back there was a comment linking a thread from v/IsraeliCrimes

about 7 unknown facts about how Israel depopulated arab villages, demolished them, changed their name and erased their names from the map and various other warcrimes

any goat can track this down? its a damn shame i didn't save it...

Eleutheria ago

I'm getting dotted lines that weakly imply a border, but no mention of an actual country called Palestine. They do a better job delineating counties in the US.

Also, when I opened Jewgle Maps, it reminded me to wear a mask. The propaganda is relentless.

tastelessinvective ago

Maybe that ADL leak was legit.

Are they planning to invade?

BentAxel ago

Its there, they don't name it. (Google) but its there as dots.

ALIENS2222 ago


MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

There never was a country Palestine.

Well, okay there was, but nobody lived there-“A land without a people for a people without a land”.

Well, okay Palestinians lived there, but they are nomadic Arabs.

Well, okay they had houses and villages, but they attacked first.


Tallest_Skil ago

What about if you view the map while on a VPN sourced from a Palestinian location? They change what the map shows depending on where you live.

stealthygeek ago

Apparently my VPN doesn't recognize the State of Palestine either.