StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Ruqqus can suck my nut. They are Faggit with more fags.

Ashtraykenazi ago

Ruqqus is a middle ground for people who leave Reddit in search of truth. The instant truths of Voat would burn a hole clean through their eye sockets so they have to warm up first. Let them breed future goats.

Glipglup ago

People on that shit hole are already complaining about racism and wanting mass bans. God, fucking retards literally want the exact same shit that drove them off Reddit to begin with.

DukeofAnarchy ago

Why are you posting about ruqqus, then? Post timestamped nose pics so we know you're not one of them.

PacifistRacist ago

It is not about your Comfort, it is about the question whether you can redpill some innocent FAggots that you can only meet on ruqqus------ BUT: That site is small as shit! I WILL NOT waste my time on dropping redpills on posts that have 20 views. THATS why is stay off Ruqqus… its a waste of time, UNLESS it grows.. show me posts with thousands of views, THEN i will start dropping my Redpills on this site.

Choose your battles, Niggerfaggots

throwaway6000000 ago

No. You trying to tell me what to do is no better than a kike. Now I might go there to see what's up just because a dumb fuck like you thinks you know better than I what to do with my time. Fuck off loser.

voatdied ago

you guys should check out RUCKUS's, however.

let's do patriot shit.

redpilldessert ago

How does Saidit compare in comparison to Ruqqus?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I just searched for a way to donate to voat...there is none. Would love to see this site grow, and crush Faggit under the weight of its mighty iron balls.

OogaBooga696969 ago

Still a good place to educate people and bring some over to Voat if they aren't complete retards. For now, I can still post facts and statistics about races. We'll see if that gets banned at some point though. It definitely triggers the cuckservatives though.

Helena73 ago

You guys are being silly.

Its nice to be able to blow off steam here but if one of your goals is to PERSUADE more people to accept the truth then Ruqqus is fertile ground for your message. I see some very conservative people over there that are becoming disillusioned with bolshevik schemes.

But you need to do it gently, dont wack them over the head with the 3rd reich! Cmon guys, it’s not about you. @smokratez is like a bull in a china shop over there. If your endgame is to proove ruqqus censors people you will succeed in being de-platformed, but we already know that.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

You said nearly the same thing 8 days ago and got downvoated to negative. Spineless downvoaters. I was the only upvoater.

I dont understand people that like to be in groups and people that change their mind.

Helena73 ago

I appreciate the upvote. We cant always be consistent. I contradict myself daily. It is a tough decision, knowing how much to compromise. How big a tent you want to house your allies. There is a fair amount of diversity on voat in terms of religion and womens roles and pot, to name a few issues. We wont succeed if we demand absolute accord on every position. If I can agree with someone on 80% of the issues, I consider that very good.

If political perspectives can be thought of a points on a compass, approach a political discussion with an “opponent” as an opportunity to move his bearing 5 or 10 degrees in the right direction. People will reject a big course change. That is how I have been trying to think about the conversations I am having with people. The temptation to fulminate voat type arguments is strong. I try to resist it with normies.

wipeyournose ago

I dunno. This is the first post i see, dissing jews:

wipeyournose ago

its a fucking joke. the site takes 20+ seconds to load on each click. they are reddit faggots with dick envy. they want so badly to be taken over by jews and sold out to the chinks.

Mein_Tarnaccount ago

SaidIt is worse. That shithole has been taken over by feminists and nofap cultists.

MemeDropAcct ago

90% of posts on Voat are Gas The Kikes! Race War Now!

This is going easy on jews

Cool story, Bro.

CheeBooga ago

I've been trolling normie places more & more here lately. I go to a band website and found a bunch of jews hanging out there and poke them with my stick but I have tio be subtle about it. Its Disgus.

Ocelot ago

It's not like anybody's going to go over there and think "wow I sure do love the faggotry here, bye voat!"

Attac ago

Went over. Saw faggotry. Went right back.

yt4cz9 ago

I like voat but we need as many options as possible. Right now voat is doing nothing for the movement other than containing our anger. The fucking front page won't update. I sent several people here with some light redpilling trying to get them on their way and I wouldn't be surprised if they just turned away because of that.

POTUShasnoballs ago

The front page is fine across multiple devices on multiple accounts for me I have no idea what the few of you guys are complaining about seems to be working for the majority of us

yt4cz9 ago

That is untrue. Screenshot it. It hasn't updated in a week. I've done the same as you're saying with multiple devices.

Mr_Wolf ago

log out and look at the front page, it doesn't change much if at all.

TemetNosce ago

They are talking about the front page BEFORE you log in. Before you log in, the "front page" has been static/the same for over 10 days now = old content= it's stuck. AFTER you log in the front page is normal/new content from the last time you logged in. Just my 2 cents worth. CHEERS!!!

POTUShasnoballs ago

Out of everyone who is complaining you are the first person I have seen specify this important and critical detail

Makes sense now it is an issue that needs to be fixed I see why everyone is bitching about it

yt4cz9 ago

Not working for me logged in or not. Same shit posted 7 days ago. Also cleared cookies.

POTUShasnoballs ago

That’s bizarre because it works for me across multiple accounts on multiple platforms and multiple operating systems

yt4cz9 ago

If I click on top or new it works but hot, which is the default still has stuff from 14 days ago.

wipeyournose ago

I agree. It's a good place for anger outlet, but not for the stupid distracting hobby stuff.

it would be nice to see a great pulled pork recipe among everything.

Amerikaner ago

Here’s one, start with a big slab of beef brisket. Don’t use pork because it’s not really bbq. Get a good rub and coat the brisket liberally. Smoke it, fat side up, for about 12 hours on a low heat, or until your thermometer says it’s done.

yt4cz9 ago

Well we can't deprogram enough people if we don't get the masses here. We need more pulled pork recipes.

Plavonica ago

pulled pork recipe

It's so stupid easy though. Chop onion into bottom of crock pot. Put pork roast on top. Cook until done(it literally slides apart as you try to pick it up). Shred pork into big pot/bucket/bowl.

Make BBQ sauce, I prefer sugarless. Use about 1/2 the juice and the onions into a bowl, mix with your favorite spices like garlic, pepper, salt, and so on. Pour a bit of your favorite BBQ sauce in, mix until it's more of a sauce than a juice.

Add small amount of this to the shredded pork until you get the consistency you desire. I prefer it a bit on the dry side. Serve any way you wish. Bread bowls, sandwiches, as a side with soup, whatever.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Become reddit to beat reddit? ehhhhhhh

yt4cz9 ago

Don't become reddit. Entertain. Bring people in. Then deprogram them.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

You're welcome to post any recipe you like.

wipeyournose ago

true and i shall. i have a spreadsheet where i keep recipes that i enjoy.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

tried going to it once, site was down. amateur shit

angryspin ago

I'm staying here and making it easy for my nominated federal agent - you're welcome.

antiliberalsociety ago

Never been there

GovernmentShill ago

Yeah. The place is dead. They're all flooding back to reddit.

ZeframCochrane- ago

Ruqqus failed the litmus test. They're no better than Reddit. Fuck them. or die.

godamn ago

Turd fail the litmus tear. They’re no better than returded.

Fuck em.

Vapid.cock or dirth.

Aryanawakening ago




TrialsAndTribulation ago

It is, and I got -5 rep with my first two posts. Since I now have nothing to lose, it's made trolling much easier.

shitface9000 ago

It’s not working, just the opposite

lucabrasi ago

They tried the same with Poal. We see how well that worked out.