What do you think of this outfit? I was going to buy it for @theoldones practice girl. (catbox.moe)
submitted 4.6 years ago by tokui
BackAsswards 4.6 years ago
You fucking pieces of shit are trying to get this website taken down. You need put down.
tokui 4.6 years ago
How? They'd have to take down jewgle, since that's where I got it - I just jewgled "@theoldones" and a ton of stuff popped up. Weird.
theoldones 4.6 years ago
drink cyanide and fucking kill yourself, pedophile.
Yeah so Moms can buy their child a bathing suit. Not so pervs can pass it around. Context is important.
Don't give the Jew bullshit either. If I had the choice between being around a Jew or a pedophile I would happily help the Jew string you up.
@puttitout @Atko @PeaceSeeker
tokui just sexualized a child.
That's not hard to do. They have sex organs, son.
kill yourself you fucking pedophile.
blain_Damaged 4.6 years ago
The pedo hunt is on.
Happy trails to you.
Gingercuntfirecrotch 4.6 years ago
Take your jailbait and shove it up your ass you fucking degenerate kike.
Kiss my ass!
Fuck your moralfag degeneracy.
BackAsswards ago
You fucking pieces of shit are trying to get this website taken down. You need put down.
tokui ago
How? They'd have to take down jewgle, since that's where I got it - I just jewgled "@theoldones" and a ton of stuff popped up. Weird.
theoldones ago
drink cyanide and fucking kill yourself, pedophile.
BackAsswards ago
Yeah so Moms can buy their child a bathing suit. Not so pervs can pass it around. Context is important.
Don't give the Jew bullshit either. If I had the choice between being around a Jew or a pedophile I would happily help the Jew string you up.
theoldones ago
@puttitout @Atko @PeaceSeeker
tokui just sexualized a child.
tokui ago
That's not hard to do. They have sex organs, son.
theoldones ago
kill yourself you fucking pedophile.
blain_Damaged ago
The pedo hunt is on.
Happy trails to you.
Gingercuntfirecrotch ago
Take your jailbait and shove it up your ass you fucking degenerate kike.
tokui ago
Kiss my ass!
Fuck your moralfag degeneracy.