GhostBalls ago

This is why I will never stop celebrating the Fourth of July.

I don't care how much blackpill shit you guys give me for it. We're free from Britain, and that is absolutely priceless.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Which footballer was it?

Name and shame.

zen_music ago

Funny how so much of this kind of thing originates with the West Midlands Police.

Who is setting their investigation policies? Why are regular officers willing to pursue such strange psychology? Where does this agenda originate, and why is West Midlands the most vocal location for it?

GhostBalls ago

"Who is setting their investigation policies?"

All of Voat will screech that it's Jews but I really don't think so. IMO it's more likely feminist/gay/troon activists breathing down their necks. Ever notice how much rainbow shit and "Save Our NHS" stuff they constantly post?

zen_music ago

Thanks for replying. I wrote to another comment in the thread about my puzzlement at so much strange energy. They must look in a mirror once in a while!

AlfonsHilter ago

The cops there must be brainwashed during their training plus they probably only choose people who are already pretty stupid and militant leftists..

zen_music ago

Seems like very odd priorities, with the increasing numbers of full-on terrorists and the unremarked human trafficking all around them. This incident with the 12 year old had an odd air about it from the start...who starts up a steamroller to kill a mosquito? Not an entirely rhetorical question. Brainwashing and stupidity, I hear you; but being willing to do that much paperwork would be so odd, even for a dummy. The 'unseen hand' of woke left culture, startlingly effective in our generally bumbling world...

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Racism won't be tolerated, unless it is directed to White people.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

how about you not tolerate human trafficking and things like that?

get your shit together, britain, you fucking imbeciles!

mendelbot ago

Racism is likely jewish invention:

The British police are cucked beyond belief. If they only listened to Churchill on the jews.

AlfonsHilter ago

Racism is just a natural "feeling"/reaction. The modern definition of racism is a jewish invention.

antiliberalsociety ago

Leon Trotsky weaponized it. I mean, Leon Bronstein from the lower East side of New York

SurfinMindWaves ago

Remember when they tried to ban the image of moohamed and everyone drew pictures of him? Why doesn't everyone get together and all express themselves at the same time? What could they do, arrest everybody?

AlfonsHilter ago

That's the herd behaviour. You are right. They couldn't arrest everyone. But unless everyone speaks out, nearly no one will speak out. "I don't want to be fired from my job because of racism" then gets fired from his job because they looked at a nigger the wrong way and he didn't like it.

Anson ago

They tolerate antiwhite racism every day

Killnigs3 ago


DishingShitLikeA ago

I went to the original tweet and wanted to scream. This shit is getting unreal.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Marxist brittian

version7 ago

Thought crimes.

xenochrist15 ago

Great Britain deserves all of the contempt the western world can throw at it. The masses choose to live in a world where a child is arrested for saying some words online. No sympathy.

Ilisyer ago

Another disgusting attack on our children. A child tells a mildly offensive joke, because he's 12 you niggers, and he goes to jail and his parents are now 'literally Hitler' and will likely to be fired from any job.

Our children are allowed to be beaten, stabbed, raped and murdered; publicly, by invading hordes; unwilling to be protected by those we task with the most important of duties and when questioned or criticized, again we are punished.

If there were any doubt we are being victimized by hostile masters, certainly this must dispel it.

Jujubean ago

In 12 years he will be killing shitskins and cops

IsoDidact ago

I know America isn't perfect, but thank fuck our ancestors rebelled against the Crown. Is it the generations of inbreeding that have turned the Brits into these lunatics?

FightingTheDarkArts ago

I have stopped being bitter about it and come to accept it. That doesn't mean I like it. I know it won't last. You can't hand over an army of inventions to people who didn't create anything and expect them to run a society with electricity, roads, automobiles, planes and supercomputers that fit in your pocket. Jews will do what they have always done, even to their own detriment. It is hard coded in them. This time they won't have country #9999 to run off to. The world is much smaller now. The Bantu will do what they have always done for the last 2,000 years and that is destroy, expand then rebuild nothing. The only thing that is a constant with those people is savagery, mud huts, slicing each other up with iron age weapons, rape and poverty.

Whites will surivive somewhere. Whites that understand in their bones that the world isn't their personal Burger King, they're not always right and they have to work together will survive. We will end up smaller in numbers but stronger and we will rebound as society burns out and goes down the shitter. We will not forget, our DNA will not let us forget all of thid. We will ally with each other and any other tribe where there is a benefit to us. Those that refuse to leave the city, that hand over their guns to cops, that go to police believing they'll help protect their daughters against Muslim rape gangs or black pimps will get what their foolishness brings them. Those that want to live and die alone on their ranch or out in the country alone or think they are protected out there alone with 50 guns and all that space will learn how wrong they are too late.

The Chinese, and you can compare them to bugs if you want, but they will make the tough decisions to keep expanding and keep growing their tech. Interesting things are happening in India, places in S. American and affluent parts of the Middle East. The world will go on. Organized, capable people will survive.

The truth is nothing could have taken down white society but its white leaders who betrayed their cousins in Europe, sold their own people down the river for consumerism and sold their country to the Jews. Our world is falling apart because it and we(ourselves) have become to weak to hold it together anymore. I wish most of us would learn to be more honest, focus on doing on doing our jobs better, being better neighbors and being better to out families but most of our families and workplaces are such a fucking mess this is near impossible. Most white men I know, even veterans I served with, can't stop lying. So many are on the govt. tit that don't need to be. So many of us are lost to illegal and Rx drugs and frankly, it's a graveyard of dead or partially amputated souls at this point. By the time most of us get fed up with the world around mid 30s or 40s and realize all the lies we've been told, we're so set in our ways we won't even fathom it is partially our own fault and even when we do it is seen as nothing but a sign of weakness by other whites. Most whites, you try and be nice to them and they'll bite any hand off that tries to feed them. They don't know what to do or how to act when talking to someone who isn't blowing smoke up their ass or trying to con them in some way. It's just a way of life now for most of is, being the K mart Jew most of us have been turned into or the bitter pile of shit we let ourselves erode into. Half of us literally hate ourselves and want to destroy our own race..the others, most are what I have already described.

I focus on myself, my family worth the time and the friends I still have. The white West is ending mostly because it is sick and needs to end

Smallest_Skil ago

"The despicable offending child will promptly be place for re-education and sexing with the neighborhood mosk. Once the child has paid for his sins by servicing the fine moslem men's sexual emergencies he will be sent to a no-go zone to beg for forgiveness. If he survives he will be listed on a registry to prevent future employment" - UK Police

Yuke ago

Some context. This is largely thanks to the BLM protests that America gave us. Thanks to the George Floyd incident and what followed, our cucked country followed suit and went one further. We have had a daily reminder in one way or another since. The football had been suspended due to corona, but since it came back, many weeks ago now, the players have all - every single one of them, officials and coaches included - took the knee as the start whistle is blown for every single match. They STILL wear a "black lives matter" logo on their shirt sleeves, and for the first twelves games all players had their own names replaced with "Black lives matter" on the backs of their shirts. Football has gone all in on trying to virtue signal to the fucking country, so one 12 year old kid was always going to be made an example of, even if he's only 12 years fucking old. It's bullshit but we're up against a machine that is steam-rolling everything.

GhostBalls ago

"This is largely thanks to the BLM protests that America gave us."

Nope. Sorry, Cousin Bong but you aren't pinning this one on us this time. You guys have been at this shit since at least the Heath years and you're only getting worse. I could spit out fairly recent examples all day long here, none of which are to do with us at all.

You locked up a 70 y/o senior gentleman for mumbling "tink" at a gypsy neighbor who had been tormenting him and his wife nearly daily.

You locked up a black teen girl for tweeting rap lyrics.

You dragooned into court and tried to lock up a lady who yelled a few drunken racial insults on the tube at a pack of Asian men who had been harassing her the whole ride home causing her finally to snap...jack shit was done to them except to award them damages iirc.

You locked up some kid who yelled a wisecrack at a troon cop. Come to think of it I don't even think the troon was even a real cop either, just some kind of security guard.

Jade Goody investigated for saying "pappadom" at that Indian girl she didn't like on Big Brother

and so on, and so on, and so on

You guys have some serious problems, and you can't scapegoat us for it this time.

Yuke ago

You're missing my point. I'm saying this recent very over-the-top kowtowing to BLM has been given to us by America, which it has because nobody was doing it beforehand. I'm fully aware of the many incidents of bullshit that my country continues to spew out and I'm sick to death of it, most of us are, but somewhere along the line we allowed ourselves to step over an edge that we seemingly can't get back from. America should learn from this because it doesn't come on like night and day, it creeps in slowly, largely unnoticed. You have the first and second and already too much creeping is going on unanswered.

Yuke ago

By the way, did anyone notice the numbers there. Players made to wear Black Lives Matter in place of their own names for the first TWELVE games, and the kid arrested, also TWELVE. Hmmm, who has a hard-on for the number twelve? Oh yeah...

slowcrash101 ago

It's crazy you brits are being made to care about some over the pond nigger scum in a staged event.

antiliberalsociety ago

This is largely thanks to the BLM protests that America gave us

Don't blame the subversive acts of jews on their host nations.

Yuke ago

Well obviously, perhaps the wrong working there. Just pointing out where it came from in this instance because nobody gave a fuck until recently.

CheeBooga ago

Dirty kikes. There's one more boy who will hate jews and other non-white scum

Literally-Oppressed ago

What a bunch of niggers

RM-Goetbbels ago


mememeyou ago

i want off this ride

SaxonWolfcock ago

Hopefully everyone involved in that arrest dies from a prolapsed anus

green_man ago

Everyone shit on their account:

SexMachine ago

Nigger in their banner

Nichtlustig ago

Ok is this post faked or is the police twitter handler actually that bad at English? "Taken to custody" (possibly anglicism?) "Thanks to everyone who raised it" um

GhostBalls ago

As far as I know those phrases are all correct in Bonglish. The part of the post that horrified me was when they seized a helpless twelve year old boy for posting wisecracks to the internet.

irelandLost ago

Black fragility.

Misskylie42 ago

Agreed. The poor baby 😣

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Not really surprising. Britain is the Middle West now. They even have a Muslim, anti white racist and pro terrorist who supports sharia as mayor in London (where Whites are now a minority).

bockbockbock ago

I don't think this is anything new; I've been seeing articles in DailyMail for years about police arresting kids for saying "nigger" or "kike" online. However it's normal for convicted murderers and rapists to be released after just a few years in prison. America's criminal justice system may be a joke but the UK's sounds twice as bad to me.

MrBateman ago

Grown man can't take insults from a kid, has to have them arrested

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romanstock ago

they fucking love to play victim, it's in their dna. like how a dog has learned to feign guilt, the nigger has learned to play victim to manipulate the empathy of the white. they then go back to the same barbary as before because it cannot help it, then play victim once caught out, and this cycle repeats ad infinitum.

MaxVonOppenheim ago

Nigger fragility

fluxusp ago

I bet the officers are proud of their 'achievement.' They've already "forgotten" Rotherham.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

They love thought policing twitter and arresting 12 year old white boys, so much easier than having to go stop all the imported pakis and niggers stabbing and raping people.

Tennis123 ago

'Racist' speech is illegal in the UK? A nice little preview of America in 5-10 years. Wrongspeak? Publicly shamed and arrested. Let alone a 12 year old boy? I'd love to kick the shit out of these pathetic little muh powice meN

Ccrack ago

its not just racist, its 'malicious communication' so basicly anything that someone can interprit as mean. dosnt matter what your intention was, context is irrelivent

Broc_Lia ago

Has been for a while now, thoughtcrime laws under the guise of "politeness." It started by making it illegal on public transport, or in public offices or by public officials, then after their free trial of speech policing it was expanded to everywhere else.

Same going on here (Ireland) and they're pushing it everywhere they can in the US.

Yuke ago

Can you post that kind of stuff on Twatter, today, from America, and not face any repercussions from police?

Tennis123 ago

As long as it is not inciting violence you are not breaking the law. However, of course you will get banned from twatter but that's why I don't have one. It's a jew tool to divide... I understand you faggots must brave the leftist battlefield of twitter, someone has to I suppose, but at a certain point, by participating on it we are just feeding the beast. We need a mass exodus from twatter

Yuke ago

I agree, which is why I don't use it, personally.

Grunge ago

It's practically illegal in the USA too, only you have to say it IRL

At the very least, saying nigger around them would give them the legal justification to murder you.

Tennis123 ago

I reserve the right to say nigger whenever I want. Freedom of speech is absolute and it's one of the most fundamental facets of a free civilization. Even just out of sheer principle. Just be ready and prepared for when the chimp out ensues

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I would love to behead these fat pigs and watch them screech as their heads are slowly seperated from their body

Literally-Oppressed ago

UK police are fat pussies.

Drkadrka ago

27 year old multi-millionaire sends police to arrest 12 year old boy over mean words. fucking niggers.

parnellsUprising ago

Kikes working on the behalf of the kike loving queen and the rest of her ilk

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Feeling so much safer now.

smokratez ago

We will enjoy taking back the Western lands from the goatfuckers in a while.

Drkadrka ago

Lock and load, it looks like it is ready to pop off in the states if traitors aren't in chains by Nov, and I can't imagine any government not going into full lockdown mode if the US goes into another civil war, it would be too easy for the rest of the world to join in a revolution.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

If you can only see half the bad guys, that means you only take half-rations right?

And you only need one eye.

Drkadrka ago

I think you meant to switch to one of your alts before replying to the same post.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Fuck your empty fucking eye socket kike

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

No I’m double tapping you

Because you appear to be a myopic piece of shit

Drkadrka ago

Okay glowfag.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Fuck you kike

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You’re gonna need me to glow to see me apparently

Handicapped motherfucker

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You mean the neocons IN the White House?

Shotinthedark ago

Thise fuckers breed faster than niggers good luck

concernedpikachu ago

using your real name on the internet

bourbon90 ago

What a fragile nigger bitch. "jail this 12 year old for insulting me online" like holy fucking kek, I for one would feel GUILTY if I got some kid thrown in jail for being a mouthy little shit. Imagine getting jailed for Xbox Live messages back in the Halo 2 days.

Nichtlustig ago

Are you fucking kidding me, that's it? I figured at the very least there'd be some vaguely credible threat of violence (only before finding out it was a 12 year old I mean), but this is literally tamer than what I'd expect to hear on xbox live.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Every judge and politician involved in this should be drawn and quartered. NO EXCEPTIONS!

I-Am ago

So if this is legit, the take away here is that Twitter is the entity that reported him, not the "community" as the police tried to lead on.

antiliberalsociety ago

Imagine reddit mods having access to your IP, email, required cell #, gps info, etc.

I-Am ago

Exactly, terrifying

Misskylie42 ago

They don’t even help their own population. Self-flagellating whites

ChiCom ago

This is why they spent so much time charging the word indigenous to be apart from white.

This is an attack on the indigenous people, who happen to be white.

Volcris ago

Or all the Pakistanis getting probation for sex trafficking white children for their sexual emergencies

Misskylie42 ago

It’s disgusting

crazy_eyes ago

if they even get arrested

Smallest_Skil ago

If they do they usually get a monetary judgement against the parents and the child for being racist.