Paying the toll for burning the coal (
submitted 4.7 years ago by Maddmartigan
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slwsnowman40 4.7 years ago
Why didn't anyone help?
I'll tell you why nobody fucking helped - that dumb bitch will defend him no matter what.
Usernamenameuser 4.7 years ago
If a white guy jumped in to help he'd get arrested.
charliebrownau 4.7 years ago
Spot on
Suck shit women
Are you ready to give up those "RIGHTS" and "EQUALITY" yet
Keep getting beaten, smacked, slapped and kills by non whites
let me know when 10-100-1000-10k-100k of white "equal" women are willing to march, protest and demand the goverment remove
Pussy Pass
Duthal Model
Diversity pass
Affirm action
Diversity quotas
Non whites into the nation
race mixing
honk_atcha_boi 4.7 years ago
You mean Duluth Model?
Killnigs3 4.7 years ago
Fuck that niggerjew
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slwsnowman40 ago
I'll tell you why nobody fucking helped - that dumb bitch will defend him no matter what.
Usernamenameuser ago
If a white guy jumped in to help he'd get arrested.
charliebrownau ago
Spot on
Suck shit women
Are you ready to give up those "RIGHTS" and "EQUALITY" yet
Keep getting beaten, smacked, slapped and kills by non whites
let me know when 10-100-1000-10k-100k of white "equal" women are willing to march, protest and demand the goverment remove
Pussy Pass
Duthal Model
Diversity pass
Affirm action
Diversity quotas
Non whites into the nation
race mixing
honk_atcha_boi ago
You mean Duluth Model?
Killnigs3 ago
Fuck that niggerjew