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slwsnowman40 ago

Why didn't anyone help?

I'll tell you why nobody fucking helped - that dumb bitch will defend him no matter what.

HighEnergyLife ago

I took a firearms class taught by a cop. That's exactly what he said. You think you're being a hero and she'll turn on you. I think all women are on the hybristaphila spectrum

metricisokay ago

Women actually want you to assault them when they they feel like they did something wrong, it's amazing, I've seen it happen quite a few times in my life.

Drama. Drama. Drama.

But god help you if they don't feel that way, because you are legally fucked.

I don't think anyone should be assaulting women. What I'm saying is that sometimes it feels like way too much of society is structured around what some woman feels like at any given moment. When we see over and over again that they don't have a plan of any kind.

registeretakes10s ago

all you can do is what you feel is right. imagine she dies, you'll hate yourself forever for it. id rather she turns on me and live with myself.

SomeGuyYouKnow ago

"id rather she turns on me and live with myself."

"of course this only works if you've self respect and some integrity." FUCIN WAT MATE?

Get the fuck out of her with your retarded cuck logic.

registeretakes10s ago

after that I'll just kill you both, one rock 2 birds!

SomeGuyYouKnow ago


ssssssoooooooooo you are changing your position and saying she should die as well?

.................................W..WHAT? are you drunk as fuck right now?

noob_tube ago

White knight cuck detected.

registeretakes10s ago

thats only if you do this for sex or whatever. i do it for me. i dont care what race or gender they are

HighEnergyLife ago

If they have a relationship and he killed her right in front of me, i wouldn't feel a thing. No way in this universe I'm throwing my life away for a traitor. If it was some random girl targeted, it's a different situation

registeretakes10s ago

usually you have no way to know.

Jagon ago

"Imagine she dies boohooooooooo im gonna cwyyyy". This mentality is what got us here. Life isnt special, there are 8 BILLION fuckers on earthx and that's 7 billion too many.

registeretakes10s ago

incorrect. the same way you wont do anything here, you wont do anything to save your country either.

Jagon ago

because right now nothing can be done. The real fun will start when utilities go down. After that, I am armed and can take care of myself.

registeretakes10s ago

given they want communism slow death and control, power, water seem unlikely to go down unless some counter revolution starts

ianadba ago

I learned a new word today. Not happy it exists, but I understand the concept.