NotAntifa ago

It's amazing anyone is able to call out double standards with the censorship.

getshanked ago

I have noticed this too. But radio, entertainment and mainstream media continue to advance and comply with anti-white attitudes, which shows how insulated they are from the experiences of the 99%. The distance between right and left continue to widen, and something has to give soon.

degenerate7 ago

The strong men influence the women who influence the weak men.

Fuhrer1488 ago

Ive seen normies start to say nigger and post black jokes. Somethings finally clicked in their minds and they can see nigs for what they are.

Pirate008 ago

"American brothers"

Fucking yanks....

16tons ago

Once BLM sided with Palestinians, they effectively set themselves on fire.

Antifa was already classified as a terrorist group. Then the ADL said saying anything against Antifa was "hate" speech.

The ADL and BLM both declared themselves to be anti-American for any half thinking normie to see.

More and more see it. Keep firing those red pills Goats!

HappyMealBullshit ago

The world isnt changing. Youre just a whiny little faggot from reddit. Simple as that.

OldNumberSeven ago

Open your mouth for daddy

HappyMealBullshit ago

Fuck off back to reddit turncoat faggot. You dont need to post these pathetic and transparent pleas for attention and acceptance. You will never be one of us.

capnflummox ago

*a lot

LickiRake ago

Yeah, I don't think it's as big as you think, but it is noticeable.

For example, last week Youtube "recommended" a bunch of BLM propaganda to me. One of them was some self-serving horseshit from various black NBA/NFL athletes with net worth in the millions saying, "If you support us on the field, why won't you support us off the field?" Bitch, you've literally never experienced oppression in your whole fucking life. You live in a mansion in a gated community I'd never be able to afford even if I lived for a thousand years. If your life is really so terrible, you can easily afford to move to anywhere on the planet. Fuck these racists and fuck you and your victimhood complex.

I clicked into the comments and was surprised to see 2-to-1 downvotes, and most of the comments expressing my same sentiment.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

I made a comment about blacks living up to their stereotypes on reddit and it was UPVOTED! I couldn't believe it.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

This is what they want. BLM and antifa are supposed to awaken whites so they can go to war against brows. At least I think that's the end game. Then we can have more civil rights taken away and maybe martial law.

Inquisitioner ago

AmRen had a great article on this which I highly recommend

Timur9000 ago

World’s been ending for thousands of years now.

New-World-Ebola ago

everyone should mentally prepare for war because it's inevitable.

whether you are directly involved is another matter.

romanstock ago

yep but nothing is being done about immigration

RoBatten ago

Silent Majority finally getting some courage to speak up?

AngryInVirginia ago

Maybe I am and maybe I am not. But being aware of the kind of comments that are being spoken on those platforms is a decent way to get a better understanding of the world around you.

Catfishbelly ago

Your absolutely correct! Every red pill you drop helps,get out there and spread the message goats.

IsaacJan ago

If you were actually dying, and the last things you do are come onto Voat and blackpill and demoralize, you should hurry up.

IsaacJan ago

Better kill yourself then

folgeyharry ago

About the same time calling obnoxious women "Karen" became popular, I wonder if the two are related?

Deceneu ago

... putting your hope on revolutions, reforms, etc..

I was only speaking about justice, not revolution. That involves getting the globalists and removing their controls.

You probably are still under the influence of your last blackpill. I don't blame you, but this too shall pass.

Beanandginger ago

America is rising. And is all organic. Sure there’s there Trump admin and relentless patriotism and the Q Anon movement - but they only planted the seeds and provided constant encouragement. We are doing the rest by slowly getting the word out and changing hearts and minds. There was never going to be a light switch that flipped and suddenly transformed liberals into Patriots.

IsaacJan ago

Q is fake.

Finsterbaby ago

Agreed. I see as well. And I called it: The pressure will build, severe negro fatigue will set in, and the backlash will be severe.

tom9152 ago

1960s riots ended when the national guard shot rioters on sight.

Finsterbaby ago

Sounds good to me.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Losing whites would be the end of the world.

All the sub races will starve and the chinese will eat whatever is left.

Before long they will have dammed every river and hunted every species to extinction.

Blmisblacksupremacy ago

Chinese would literally eat them

Deceneu ago

I don't think they'll accept things just being fixed since they'll never get back what was stolen from them, the lost years. They'd probably prefer seeing everything die in a way that nothing can escape their vengence.

That's a fair point, but after all the black pills, I'd still prefer simply justice. As an early millennial, we were many times called a 'lost generation'. So be it, call it a group survival instinct, call it what you will, but I would rather prefer you save the Zs.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

lizard jews have been desperately throwing everything they have at trump and the nationalism redux happening around the world. jews will drive their train off the tracks like they have 109 times before rather than give an inch back to white civilization

degenerate7 ago

Hopefully. The worst possible thing would be a brief return to traditionalism without naming the jew and the real issues corrupting our country.

iyskreem ago

Whites are the only group expected to play by society's rules, and we're the only group not allowed to consider ourselves a group

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

I'm more negative than most on human nature. People are more likely to fight for things they are going to lose than gain. People around the world are probably realizing with the loss of white people everything they built will go away.

nossnox ago


Timur9000 ago

Stay strong my American brothers. You're fighting the good fight.

The good fight? Whites are losing for over a hundred years - there is no reverse from this and no one will do anything. You are beyond retarded. You’re autarded.

spreadthosecheeks ago


Bigdickedelf ago

Your jewfro is glowing

veteran88 ago

Your jewish gas lighting won't work here schlomo

vastrightwing ago

Would you like a little cognitive dissonance with your news?

Torqueness ago

There's a shift because "they" want there to be a shift. It's not organic. They play both sides, remember? Problem, Reaction, Solution. The Right is now in the early stages of being empowered to strike back at decades of intolerable Leftist rhetoric, just as the Left spent the last 40 or so years gaining a strangle-hold on public (and many aspects of private life) in a response to what it saw as the intolerance and hate of the Nazis and their ideological bedfellows. People keep falling for the same trick over and over again.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago


RogueWaveofGoats ago

You are correct. It's called social engineering and they've mastered it. BLM, antifa, covid - it's all top down manipulation. Agit prop.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Bintemcflinty ago

The coronachan and the recent blm bs are the biggest red pills as of yet.

gerberlyfe2 ago

America will still fall. We are too mongrelized to ever recover. And we are entitled.

AngryInVirginia ago

I noticed a lot of comments on places like Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube that did not fit the standard narrative. I do not know if this is a shift in the tone of regular commenters or if more people are making accounts and trying to get their voices heard.

Secret555 ago

I have heard a few boomers talking about how the race card is being overplayed and that minorities ( more like majorities) are gaming the system. One boomer was telling oyhers just a couple of days ago that they come to our country to leech off the system and will never actively contribute.

I live in a senior type building. Median age would be about 65. A year ago these same people would have labelled me racist and would have openly shunned me for saying the same thing. There is definitely a shift going on. But, then again I had an office of lib women (I was the only man) screech at me for close to an hour. All due to my objection to yhe government mandating that I wear a mask at my desk. I was called selfish, a jerk, uncaring and on and on. So, there are 2 huge divides going on in this world.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Probably a combination of both.

MaxVonOppenheim ago

I've even seen this on Quora. I'm only over there too drop truth pills too, but ot wasn't like this before.

hytreap ago

Even the niggers are naming the kike now.

drhitler ago

good luck with that you need more ID for a facebook account than you do to vote, try it.

Fuckoffniggerfaggot ago

All you need for a throwaway facebook account is a throwaway google account. It will ask for a phone number and picture, but you can skip it. I've burned through hundreds of accounts dropping race facts and naming jews on my small town newspaper comments.

10-38-57-69 ago

Next is to remind the red pilled that the only safety whites will get is by organizing

AngryInVirginia ago

I think that we are all looking at each other right now and nodding our heads in silent approval.

Fancy451 ago

A general strike of the law abiding.

truth2025 ago

Through gov that centralized power and got too big, we got to this point. Big and powerful as never before, they now don't have to listen to the people anymore. Introducing new rules and laws, step by step, to strengthen the power structure even more.

What is the solution?

IMO there can only be

Extreme self determination and voluntary or self imposed rules on a local level.

All laws greater than local level must be made void and illegal and any attempts to reduce freedom rights - of individuals, voluntary states and voluntary communities, must be denied and harshly punished.

How we will get there is another question.

smokratez ago

Through gov that centralized power and got too big, we got to this point.

Nah, it was jews, faggot.

gerberlyfe2 ago

This. Any answer that doesn't involve the Jewish mafia or mass jew induced migration is wrong.

truth2025 ago

Govs are like a vehicle, that get controlled. Of course someone drives the vehicle.

Your perspective is from top down, i described a layer below.

You see, that does not make it wrong, they confluence each other

smokratez ago

jews are responsible for white genocide, no matter who or what you are talking about

truth2025 ago

Don't you think it's better to lead people, to let them make a conclusion themselves, instead of just throwing them the answer?

Will an uninformed mind dismiss direct answers? Is it valuable to let their mind make a connection on their own so that they have no reason to doubt or dismiss?

smokratez ago

Will an uninformed mind dismiss direct answers?

Let's find out. Are jews responsible for white genocide?

Faustian_Spirit ago

A few things, non-Whites are not American, they are invaders. Excluding invaders, the vast majority of Americans that remain are fat, lazy, and weak marshmallows who constantly repeat Jewish propaganda. While a exceedingly small percentage of heterosexual Whites are "waking up", our birth rates are sub-replacement, our birth rite has been stolen 10x over, self defense while White is illegal - and this is while Whites are the "majority". The Constitution is a shredded lie and has been for well over 100 years. In one generation Whites will be a minority and the genocide against our people will accelerate even faster than it is now. Stay strong, for what? To sustain the parasitic system that is being used to erase us?

We are not fighting the good fight. We are at best moaning like children to stabilize the rate at which we are being eliminated. The average white person is more upset that niggerball has been delayed than they are about the thousands of rapes, murders and violence committed against our people every week.

spaceman84 ago

Slight correction, one that should please you. The American white birthrate is slightly below replacement as a national average. However, rural (conservative) whites are reproducing at twice the rate of urban whites (libtards and commies), so in time we won't have so many race traitors and leftists to contend with, just the brown hordes.

Timur9000 ago

And whites in rural areas are not a threat with their BB guns

spaceman84 ago

A right wing radicalized white population is totally no threat, Rabbi. Of course.

Faustian_Spirit ago

This is a fair point, and a white pill no doubt, but it's no where near enough to outpace the shitskins already here, and I am not comfortable raising my children and keeping my women around feral carnivorous animals lead by pedophile vampires. We win the war waged against us, and the baby boom will follow.

Timur9000 ago

Won’t win the war. Didn’t do so for two world wars - certainly won’t now.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm a White South African and from where I'm standing, this is an accurate analysis - perhaps because I've already seen it happen in SA.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Whites will simply find themselves legislated out of society like what happened in SA. People who think their guns are going to save them are ignorant and or stupid. It's not that kind of war. The controllers have sophisticated emf weaponry to neutralise anyone they want instantly. That's why 5g was developed, for crowd control.

You can't win here, you say something negative but accurate , you're accused of being a demoralisation shill. You ask why no one is fighting back in a way that matters, you're accused of being an agent who is inciting violence.

BjornIronside ago

It's "that kind of war" if we make it so.

This is North America, fren. We gots lots of guns.

LurkedForever ago

^This guy boogaloos :-)

hytreap ago

You ask why no one is fighting back in a way that matters, you're accused of being an agent who is inciting violence.

The first part of non-violent resistance is to always BDS the kike.

If BDS didn't work, the kikes wouldn't be so afraid of it.

Faustian_Spirit ago

I know it's hard for a lot of ethnically conscious White men to hear, but hear it they must. I've found the most effective way to motivate White men is for other White men to shame and humiliate them for being weak cowards. Appealing to their intelligence through reason and debate only works on the 5-10% of us who for the most part have figured out what's going on anyway.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm a woman btw. But yeah.

Faustian_Spirit ago

It is equally important for White women to shame the men too! Helps accelerate mate selection and elevate social status. I can't imagine how terrible it must be to be a woman surround by men who will not protect you from the horrors of niggers and jews.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Haha! I like you. When I was a young woman in South Africa (I'm old now and no longer in SA But have close family there and visit regularly), men protected me plenty of times. In fact, a man (stranger) saved my life. He was a so called Cape Coloured (indigenous capoid race) who saved me from being gang raped and torn limb from limb by 5 feral bantu invaders.

White men (Boers) would also jump in if they saw me being harassed on the street.

But those days are gone, my people's spirit is broken. If a White person dares defend themselves against feral bantus who delight in torturing defenceless elderly White people to death, they are prosecuted for murder. Of course there are only 3 million Whites left, around 5 million Cape Coloureds and 70 million bantu invaders (official number is 52 million). And despite being a tiny minority, there are 114 racist laws and regulations to keep Whitey down. I posted a list of them the other day.

big_fat_dangus ago

Despairposting is the worst kind of cuckoldry. Make babies and buy guns you pussy.

Timur9000 ago

Obviously you’re too inbred to understand basic math.

big_fat_dangus ago

Sure thing faggot

Faustian_Spirit ago

If you think speaking truth is despair, then you are demoralized and a liability to Whites.

big_fat_dangus ago

Your display of hyberbolic whining is not the "truth".

Faustian_Spirit ago

Acting like a faggot and arguing like a nigger - I smell a jew.

big_fat_dangus ago

Faggot! Nigger! Jew! Let me know when you figure out how to do anything besides complain and name call, kid.

Faustian_Spirit ago

I wrote plenty for you to respond to. You haven't made single point. Thanks for demonstrating your qualities.

big_fat_dangus ago

My point is that your pissing and moaning about how everything is hopeless is quite exactly the opposite of Faustian spirit.

Faustian_Spirit ago

To the contrary, I have no doubt Whites will overcome and thrive, but only by accepting reality for what it is can we impose our will to create that which can and should be.

big_fat_dangus ago

That's more like it.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat sucks commie pig dick, fucking retards.

lemon11 ago

Too little too late. The latest power ratchet is cemented, so it's safe for them to release the pressure so we all feel satisfied with ourselves. Nothing will improve.

Gorillion ago

Not an unsound theory*. But fuck you, demoralizer.

*Ties in with an Anon's theory last week that the GOP's version of "Conservatism" is indeed to "conserve" the most recent Liberal-seized cultural norms (Gay Marriage etc). Not undo the damage or even steer us down a separate fork in the road to a better destination.

big_fat_dangus ago

Not with that attitude, cunt.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

You have been fined 10 social credits for not trusting the plan.