Butterbread ago

Yes. John Fogarty has a song where he yells JEW LIE for 4 minutes. I think it's supposed to be about his wife, Julie. Fogarrt got lots of money stolen from him by a jew in the record industry. Vance can't dance (but he'll steal your money) is about that.

GrizzlyDark ago

He the guy who sings "Center Field"?

Butterbread ago

Yep, and most famously was in Credence Clearwater Revival.

HoodSafari ago

Nogs call it Mac donaltz

romanstock ago

nah but jewelry is jewry. try to find the origins of the word and you find nothing or lies. yet outside of banking most jews made their money crafting things like jewelry. they didn't become blacksmiths or create farm equipment or any other valuable service. they always veered to 'goldsmithing' a trade that isn't readily available to the common person, whereat they would make trinkets and other junk of absolutely zero service to society, but only to serve vanity and degeneracy. and they always ensured to monopolise it as much as possible to mark up the price so that for a little work they could sell it for huge profits. it is the most jewish thing imaginable, so of course they flocked to it and you can see how the word came about. that shop with the jew stuff... the jewelry.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

This is a month every year we make Jews accountable for all of their lies and treachery

ilovejuices3 ago

Happy 4th of Jews-lie

Gigglestick ago

In German it’s Juli “yoo-lee”

realmonster ago

thats why the joke is that its jewish history month

AfricanZionSafari ago

The Bohemian Grove satan worship ceremonies happen in Jewlie.

DavidGydeon ago

Nope. I also don't violently rape people, don't have ex-cons for parents, or live in a trailer.

voats4goats ago

Should use this month to post a fact each day (((they))) dont want you to know about

ReAwakened ago

That's why I've proposed that we start celebrating National Holocaust Month during that time. Could put up posters, make submissions in comments sections, etc.

Kesagiri ago

It was named after Julius Caesar. August is named after Augustus Caesar. Nothing to do with Jews.

MikeyMo123 ago

*Not much to do with kikes.


It's jewish appreciation month...

eongoat ago

anticlutch ago

No. Never once. But it will be pronounced that way now.

Azibase ago

Very funny though

boredTech ago

Poor Caesar. He has been forgotten.

gosso920 ago


videocodec ago

Caesar proved it's worse to have an enemy in your midst than at your gates.

aefibes99 ago

Never put too much trust in friends. Its better to be alone and live in truth then surriunded around people who seek to drag you down.

aWe5it5 ago

It's far better to reach out and take a chance on finding somebody you can agree with or at least respect. Life is full of risks and finding people is always one of them.

Recoup42 ago

It was named after Julius Caesar, you know the roman emporer.

DavidGydeon ago

Shhhhh. Nazifags like to masturbate to silly shit like this....

great_white_saxon ago

I think you may be lost.

DavidGydeon ago

Negative. I am a Patriot, in America.


Know your enemy "patriot"


But maybe he was actually named "Jews Lie To Us" and they just shortened it to Julius!!!

Literally-Oppressed ago

By God you could be onto something!

kammmmak ago

It is now. Thanks

CheeBooga ago

I always call October "Oventober".

Warnos44 ago

Great. Now I need more woke enunciations for the remainder ten months.