Piedentity ago


BatFairy ago

An old book called Negroes in Negroland should be required reading. This gives the real rundown on niggers.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Lefties USE science (and religion) as a tool of their FRAUD. Lefties HIJACK honorable things (from science, to degrees, to pop culture professions, to trophies and awards, etc) and turn them into a corrupted PILE of fraudulently manipulated phony SHIT!

winners_history ago

Well, then our "science teachers" should be able to provide abundant examples to prove the "truth" of that statement, now shouldn't they?

Gytr82 ago

We're living the dystopia we feared

oh_alf ago


tom9152 ago

Fish can't walk because bigotry, not DNA. I can't breath water because bigotry, not DNA. Damn fish bigots!

DrBi ago

Teachers are racists that roll their eyes at that slide anyway

Ocelot ago

Lehmann is also a kike

allahead ago

(((Claire Lehman))). EFT.

BaronVonCockmurder ago

Science is actually the 'bigotry' of ideas: it exists to discriminate between fact and speculation.

If everything and everyone must have a flat value, then science can't serve any function. That's not science, its dogma. Its atheistic religion.

Attac ago

It IS a broken system. A broken biological system.

jewish_fables ago




neg ago

Damn wonder why they pull for women in STEM so much. Lmao. Only a retard would believe it's for equality when it's clearly control.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Yes. The slide is 100% accurate.

Racism = recognizing reality

That is what "racism" has always been. Recognizing the reality of non-White dysfunction and dealing with it in a practical manner is what "racism" has always been. Segregation, the formation of the KKK, real estate covenants, locking up black hair care products at Walmart are all steps taken to protect society from the faults, limitations, and pathological behaviors of non-Whites.

It was a Jewish psyop that tricked Whites into believing that "racism" i.e. recognizing reality, was this great sin and was the cause of non-White failure.

big_fat_dangus ago

Evolution stops at the neck, didn't you know that goyim?

Tevelyn ago

ya know, thats not wrong... it insinuates teh wrong things, but the slide is actually right. The system is broken, our welfare system keeps poor people poor by punishing people for being in a family. It's a broken as fuck system. Just not in the way they want you to think.

lovehate123 ago

This Whole Race War Crapp thats not actually hapening on a large enough scale is to Distract the Masses from the Foreign Aid that politicians Skim off of.

ReichCommander88 ago

Early life check

selpai ago

Jesus Christ...

HatefulTwerp ago

So they want prisoners to be 50% female?

peacegnome ago

and oil workers, miners, and trashpeople.

Carpools ago

What do you know, science deniers accusing others of being science deniers.

The communist way.

Khash36 ago

Systematic racism is such a bullshit jew buzzword, that is all they can screech when talking about inequality. If anything there is systematic racism against the white race, but we still succeed because of our superior God given genetics

Khash36 ago

Yes, we are all equal blank slates! Our lineage doesn’t matter at all! genetics & natural born talents don’t exist! Niggers are genius silly white goys, they invented Obama & peanut butter!

slwsnowman40 ago

Isn't it amazing how quickly their "we are all the same" bullshit falls apart?

Khash36 ago

It’s more amazing to me that people cannot see this leftist ideology falling apart. They can’t argue against nature of course their logic is wrong. It’s a difficult lie to maintain but somehow their media is capable of doing so to the minds of many otherwise bright young people

slwsnowman40 ago

I suspect they just read whatever the teleprompter shows them or they are told in their ears. When you can insult Fredo to his face and he doesn't react, it reveals everything we need to know about them.

Khash36 ago

Yes it’s all scripted, and yet we believe that there is a freedom of the press. The only free-thinkers you may hear are in the real world & here on voat for the most part. This is one result of the corporatization of America & jewish elite rule

MrBateman ago

Should send this to all potential employers. Their degree value will tank.

ketoll ago

It made my brain explode that they are literally demonstrating bigotry themselves with this slide.

HatePrincipal ago

but you see how the inherent underlying premise behind the leftist slide is that there exists some ideal on size fits all system and Leftists know what it is and any being with any history from anywhere and they should be able to sit in classrooms designed by white liberals and read books written by white liberals and be taught by white liberals curriculums designed by white liberals, and an equal percent of each demographic should end up equally rich and poor because that’s all that matters.

I mean holy fuck these people have power, even over your children, and that’s the insanity underlying their ethics and praxis.

fritz_maurentod ago

That's the point when you stand up and leave the conference.

deepsouth_scoundrel ago

It can't be that groups are different, must be every straight white man unconsciously conspiring against them; wokeness is a literal conspiracy theory.

Civil_Warrior ago


blackguard19 ago

What the hell? I’m just tying to figure out the fucked up syntax of this garbage.

AlaskaMountain ago

That's so depressing. It feels like it came on so suddenly in just the past 10 years or so, although in reality has been slowly building since the 60s.

86USSLiberty ago

To think these emotional fucking tards dare to lecture us on science denying

irelandLost ago

The definition of bigotry is intolerance of the beliefs or opinions of others. Reaching conclusions about outcome differences of different demographic subgroups is therefore not, by definition, bigotry. (It annoys me how misused the word bigot is. The one opportunity they had to use it correctly, intolerance of Muslims, they wrongly declared it a form of racism)

peacegnome ago

this just changed almost every conversation in my future.

Literally-Oppressed ago

People really don't understand what bigotry means. All leftists are massive bigots.

albeit ago

Off the top of my head, it is: Unwillingness to tolerate other perspectives, especially an unwillingness to reconsider one's beliefs despite evidence.

I think it's likely that online dictionaries are gradually changing their definitions. Here's one that apparently hasn't been tampered with:

the fact of having and expressing strong, unreasonable beliefs and disliking other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life

Trash_Panda ago

I thought it was hilarious that whoever made this attached an asterisk because they're fully aware they are lying.

"By definition it's bigotry* "

*Here's my made up definition of bigotry

irelandLost ago

Ha I hadn’t even noticed that. Any time I hear any of those words these days all is hear is “heretic” though, so I might need to add an asterisk were I to make a slide too.

OogaBooga696969 ago

Especially regarding health (one of the main focuses of science, in general) differences in outcomes always happen with race. There CAN be cultural factors at play, especially when diet is a factor, but genetic variance, by race, is always a factor.

Doglegwarrior ago

science died a long time ago we have been lied to big time for a long time.

Deplorable_Me ago

She Blinded Me With SCIENCE!

8_billion_eaters ago

Call me a bigot. Call me a cracker. Call me a racist. ...it doesn't matter. You know why? Because I can call you a nigger and you will piss yourself. LOL!

You know why? Because the WHITE RACE is SUPREME!!! Hahaha... Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

MrPim ago

Call me a bigot. Call me a cracker. Call me a racist. ...it doesn't matter. You know why? Because I can call you a nigger and you will cry

We need to set this to music for the FNGT

DrBi ago

Most white people are descended from peasants that ate rocks in their bread, slept with and fucked animals, and never lived a day without mites and fleas for maybe 80 genetations.

8_billion_eaters ago

Maybe, but at least there were no jews or niggers. LOL!! I'd trade this all for those days. You forgot to mention a beautiful wife, a dozen kids and a hard days work to feed your loving family. We was kangz. hahahaha

buckhorn ago

The slide isn't necessarily wrong in how it's defining bigotry. The problem is the implication that bigotry is necessarily wrong, even when it's supported by compelling evidence.

VitaloStarbucky ago


great_white_saxon ago

A long time ago before I knew what the deal was, it always seemed weird to me how there's nothing you could call Whites that would make us react the same way an african would react to being called a nigger, an arab would react to being called a paki, chinese a chink, jew a kike, etc. Then it dawned on me, we don't care because we know innately that we're superior.

Plavonica ago

Then it dawned on me, we don't care because we know innately that we're superior.

The phenomena gets obliquely referenced here.

natural-disaster ago

They get angry because deep down they know it is true.

Rockfish1000 ago

I know what ya mean. Even the word "Cracker" is short for Whip Cracker. They are legit calling us Master when they call us that. It's so funny. Now, I do get pissed off and will push back, but that's only because I'm sick of the hypocrisy and double standard. I like to show how they can dish it out but can't take it. However, bottom line, underneath it all, I really don't care what they call me.

superspathi ago

These are religious fanatics.

big_fat_dangus ago

Yep. Puritanism is back, baby!

alt_account_4 ago

Look at everything else they worship: climate change, evolution. Now both of these have relatively big holes in them, evolutions' ones are more nuanced, but still, so their immediate reaction is to place another float theory on top of that, to explain why there's outliers, and never realize the theory is just wrong

78616BC93459 ago

So, for example, the difference in the number of prostate cancer cases between men and women is due to system misandry? Am I doing it right?

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Or higher incidence of genetically-linked diseases like cystic fibrosis and melanoma in white populations or Lupus and sickle cell in black populations.

Nature is a bigot.

puggy ago

the difference in temperature in January vs August is due to a broken weather system

Soyboy69 ago

Obviously. But that can be solved by re-writing the definitions of words to be meaningless and instilling mass mental illness in the population. See how easy it is to fix society?

AlaskaMountain ago

Funny, but they'd probably reason like this: Men and women both can have prostates, ovaries, boobs, penises, vaginas, etc. Transwomen are women and have prostates and get prostate cancer at the same rate as cismen.

78616BC93459 ago

Fair enough, but what about incarceration rates? Far more cisgendered straight men are in prison than gays. Obvious systemic problem right there.

AlaskaMountain ago

What "they" would say: it's mostly black men. The system is broken and fails to prote t black men and funnels them into prison, while whites prodit.

78616BC93459 ago

And where are all the black trans men? Are they profiting too? We know there are a lot out of prison because liberals tell us there are.

Rockfish1000 ago

No you bigot. Misandry doesn't exist because sexism towards men doesn't exist. Men are the oppressors so they cannot experience sexism, especially not at a systemic level. It's the same with Whites. White people can't experience racism because they are the oppressive racist. Good God, man. Do you even Prog Stack, bro?

OogaBooga696969 ago

Why are you ignoring all of the women with prostates, you fucking racist?!

clubberlang ago

*dilated prostates

Planetoftheclown ago

Did you just literally disparage women who feel like they have prostates?

OogaBooga696969 ago

Oh. My. Allah. I am so sorry. I'll go on twitter and self flagellate as much as possible. I'm about to get soooo many likes for this....

78616BC93459 ago

Wait until they hear about the gender life expectancy gap. Obviously another case of systemic misandry.

Also worth noting: men only live 93% as long as women on average, so it makes sense that women make less to ensure equitable lifetime incomes.

I think I'm starting to like this leftist bullshit.

GreenSlug ago

Men and women? MEN AND WOMEN!? Oh my god, you literal Hitler bigot! Thats so transphobic of you! What about that dragonkin xir over there!? What about its prostate!?


ImmaLueserBaby ago

Excuse me, the correct nomenclature is prostrate-owners and menstruators, bigot!

winners_history ago


Ownership is so capitalist; it's 'temporary possession for the needs of the state'.

CowWithBeef ago


I can't even right now. Mods!

Planetoftheclown ago


owners?!? WTF are you on about implying you can own somebody. Prostate-differently-advantaged!

CenturioChameleon ago

And who said that these group are distinct you fascist bigot?

What about intersex people born with genital birth defects? They can have both! Checkmate transphobic nazi

anoncastillo ago

Bigotry is scientific.

Gargamel ago

and i bet they just sat there and said nada

TheFlameOfTruth ago

It takes too much energy and effort to sustain these weak societal views. Just keep bettering yourself, teaching all those who will listen, and watch these destructive and dishonest cultures tear themselves apart.

Don’t get sucked in, to their messages nor the idea that it will stand.

HappyGoLuckyGoy ago

Or, you know, Brenton Tarrant... but yeah no we can sit back, do shit that makes us happy, and watch white culture get raped and murdered, that’s also an option

TheFlameOfTruth ago

But they are too scared, and by the time they actually have the numbers and start acting, those of us prepared for it will make quick work of them, if it wen gets that far.

Currently, the left is acting so batshit crazy they are getting the attention of normies, and not in a way they want. We could be a year away from the majority of society doing our work for us and rejecting a weak cultural view.

HappyGoLuckyGoy ago

True, or we could be a year away from Animal Farm, it's kinda hard to tell right now.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Impossible if the populous is armed and our armed forces/police remain of strong character and culture. Either the system continues pressuring and we split off (the easiest way to “reset” to a better tomorrow), or regain sanity again politically, socially, and economically.

FattestConsequence ago

The party in control of teaching our children has no business teaching anyone anything at all.

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favoritecoloriswhite ago

Kikes are in control of the education system, not some "party".

slwsnowman40 ago

They do call the shots for both.

PaperPhone ago

outcomes differences

These people shouldn't be in charge of teaching.

Plavonica ago

Teaching is one of the lowest IQ jobs out there for a reason.

clubberlang ago

Slide outsourced to enrich Street shitters vocab checks out

ShoeShineJoey ago

Mongloidism, Negroidism, Ineptism but above all else Kikeism.

Bintemcflinty ago


malkoman ago

If you fire them, it's bigotry.

Mr_Quagmire ago

*racism, classism, sexism, etc.

toobaditworks ago

The way you typed that was quite homofaggot.

con77 ago

So IQ, work ethic, culture, mean nothing?

fartyshorts ago

Those are raycis terms

con77 ago

idiocracy in effect

malkoman ago

It means bigotry according to them. IQ is bigotry.

ilovejuices3 ago

Unless you're Jewish. Then IQ explains why they're rich, and in control of everything. Nothing to do with religion or culture.

GenderPronoun ago

Claire (((Lehmann))).

Atkho ago

I'm on your side goyim. Buy my book 👋^👃^👂

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

well it is good she leaked this slide

78616BC93459 ago

I don't think she's promoting it, but calling it out.

smokratez ago

How do you like your bagels?

78616BC93459 ago

Watching you trying to figure out how to use them to escape the oven.

smokratez ago

Are jews responsible for white genocide?

Don-Keyhote ago

There is no genocide only white suicide you dumb little victim BITCH. Who's genociding the Japanese, all the Jews and niggers there? Inb4 muh (((postwar Constitution))), now men are Literally Genocided by paperwork right, lmfao

smokratez ago

jews have already spend thousands of years on trying to kill off the white race. If they weren't such inbred faggots they would have already succeeded.

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL so bitch abt it for another 2k years you whiny fucking faggot

Races end from being BRED OUT by invaders, not by NOT BREEDING PERIOD. You can't answer the Asian examples because you're literally a retarded sperg nigger

smokratez ago

You are a jew. Your life is hell.

Garglemysac ago


paybythepound ago

NF you beat me to it lol

BipolarExpress ago

Think within this narrow perimeter, and don't you dare veer off. Quality scientific insight.