HappyMealBullshit ago

Go pretend to be a moderator on reddit you worthless turncoat faggot. Begging for acceptance is so transparent youre fucking pititfulZ

jthun2 ago

Jews commit a shit ton of crime.

White collar crime, financial crime, buggery, rape, etc.

The orthodox specialize in welfare fraud.

Bill_Williamson ago

Sorry Shlomo but the ovens are preheating.

theweatherintelaviv ago

He's not wrong. Lots of them are perfectly law abiding, non degenerate conservative types. I've been friends with a lot of jews in my day, and while a lot of them are totally fucked up, a lot of them aren't. This doesn't matter to me, because we have to draw a line somewhere and they'd be happier in Israel anyways. But it's worth noting. A lot of people here seem and have seemed to think in the past that all jews are members of a evil cult and all are drug using ass fucking fags.

I'm not friends with any anymore.

Drunkenmoba ago

They have a stranglehold on lawyers, they using their banking cartel to get the laws written in their favor, and the best caveat in what was said “seem” to contribute to society.

prairie ago

They don't [get caught] commit too much crime and [make it] seem to be contributing to society.

Shotinthedark ago

Looks like tallest skil welcomed him to voat.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, FBI loves to gaslight

Ken_bingo2 ago

Interesting how every President since at least Reagan has been surreptitiously pardoning jews for no other apparent reason than they were jewish.

heygeorge ago

Oh shit now it’s a party. Aren’t I supposed to ban all of you for impersonating a Voat God Mod?


HeavyBeefCurtain ago

HAHAHAHAHA this dredel spinning faggot won't last 2 seconds on this site as compared with their kike loving protectors at Fagdit


Ah, so demographic statistics are meaningful when their own group scores well. But please ignore them when it makes their golem look bad.

metricisokay ago

Depends whether you consider usury or subversion to be crimes I suppose.

Cunty84 ago

No shit? Jews are above the law in every country they’ve infiltrated, they wrote the laws to protect themselves.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

are you guys saying the real president Kushner is not contributing to locking her up any day now?

HighEnergyLife ago

Jews shape shift into whites if they get charged

CritKhan ago

Thanks. This entire video infuriates me and makes me want to find this bitch and shoot her in the head with a shotgun.

Unchien ago

When you have 70% of murderers complaining that they are 30% of police killings, and the world cheers for them, well only jews can make that happen. That is their contribution.

lanre ago

Seems to me that an overwhelming amount of espionage is done by Jews. Nuclear bomb level stuff for example.

goatanon ago

See also, stealing from USA supplies, and South Africa.

noob_tube ago

Charles Lieber, anyone?

anoncastillo ago

Either he'll learn the truth or he'll run from it in terror. There are no other options.

thirdsargon ago

Who supports / runs the waves of subversive immigration?

smokratez ago

  1. You made that yourself for attention?

DontBeRacist ago

The good ol' they're x amount of the population argument. Somehow, though, they control the Federal Reserve, the news media, the entertainment media of movies, TV shows, and music, and the book publishing.

fluxusp ago

And politics, academia. What not?

DontBeRacist ago

Yeah and they own enough politicians to control the government too. Thanks Epstein.

goatanon ago

It came so cheap. All it cost Epswine was a few camcorders!

DontBeRacist ago

What are you talking about? This was his job. He probably could've put the cameras and recording equipment on an expense account.

toowhitegottafight ago

They actually make the best shoes and lampshades ive heard

369693936 ago

Parasites don't contribute - the best you can hope for is lifelong hobbling if you're lucky enough not to be killed by the vampires.

madmardigan ago

Funny thing is, the Israeli Jews will not take in the foreign Jews when shit hits the fan. They want their money, end of story. Black don't care that a Jew is a Jew, all they see is their skin color. Jews will be targeted, mullatos will be targeted, if you aren't dark as night you will be a target.

Titanbikes4ever ago

He's an FBI informant and so are you

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

He is well read, for a Fed. I like him.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Contributing to societys downfall, they mean

Khash36 ago

Hahahaha contributing to society!? Holy fuck no thanks jews we all wish you kept your contributions to yourself

CheeBooga ago

What percentage of financial crimes were committed by jews? and how many jewish prosecutors and jewish judges have let off their fellow white person?

irelandLost ago

They've not contributed anything

That’s fucking bullshit and you know it. It is well known and well documented that jewish contributions resulted in an approximate 20-25% reduction in the glare from household lamps in Central Europe in the 40s.

CheeBooga ago

hahahaha kek

One of the best zingers I've seen in a long time. Well done, sir.

Shotinthedark ago

Hahahaha untrue but so very funny!

alt_account_4 ago

And they were fixing global warming before it was a thing. If it wasnt for jews, russians would have a carbon footprint that's 200 million people larger!

usernameisnotthis ago

spot on

recon_johnny ago

Yeah, fuck off jews.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Slum lords, porno shops operators, sketchy lawyers, dirty accountants, etc., any dirty industry will be filled with these scum. Any clean industry will be dirty the moment one walks in the door.

ElPadron ago

I took a huge shit this morning... (rubbing hands) Look everyone, I contributed to the toilet bowl

veteran88 ago

That's because they get away with their crimes because they are the judges and the non kike judges are caught up in kike run pedo honeypots.

And because they change laws they corruption to make things like usury legal.

hambcinco ago

I found something out recently regarding jews getting away with crimes. Most jews are born jews, they don't go out actively trying to recruit like other religions. I found out that in US prisons when you basically sign up for your religion, if you pick Christian/ Catholic or Muslim you can just sign up and you are good to go. They automatically adjust your diet and programs for that religion. If you pick jewish you have to be verified, and you have to meet with the rabbi to make sure you are acceptable and you are actually jewish. Pretty interesting, almost like they don't want to associate themselves with criminals.

veteran88 ago


Flawed conclusion though.

They don't want to take care of goys. They want goys to suffer in prison.

HeyJeorge ago

Pretty interesting, almost like they don't want to associate themselves with criminals.

Devils advocate; there is a thorough verification and vetting process, because if you are a jew you get preferential treatment in some small to large way in our two-tiered "Just-us" system.

Drunkenmoba ago

Or they have it built in they are just supposed to let non jews die.


CHeritageP ago

came in to post this exact thing.

"Well no shit they don't commit any crime, they don't get charged"

DontBeRacist ago

A few Jews going around acting like niggers isn't even a concern. With such crime as that, niggers take the cake, and by take I mean steal it.

SumerBreeze ago

Except the jews rape and murder more children than all niggers combined.

HeyJeorge ago

When you create the laws, you care not about criminality.

LightestHour ago

When you create the money, you care not about laws.

AlabamaNigger ago

Rules for thee not for mee

WhiteVictimMentality ago

Yep. Sorry, some people don't foam at the mouth the second they see somebody Jewish.

steven_feelsperg ago

That's expected when you're posting from Tel Aviv, Shlomo.

uvulectomy ago

Oh look, the JIDF kikes are trying to circle the wagons.

PFCKaji ago

Jews as a collective are objectively harmful to any society where they gain enough influence. People who believe that Jews are like any other people are only able to do so out of ignorance of Jewish history, culture, and religion.

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HeyJeorge ago

Oh Dore.. I mean, I aDore you.

glassuser ago

Of course they contribute to society. They contribute a lot to their society. Of course it's almost always at the expense of their host society, but who cares about them, right?

HeyJeorge ago

They contribute the majority of the theft from the rest of society, also.

glassuser ago

I thought that's pretty much what I said in the last sentence.

HeyJeorge ago

I guess I got triggered by "host society", since they weaponize that host society against the rest of the world making the sphere of their theft, at least influentially, global.