UK authorities ignore Muslim's video threat to murder Tommy Robinson and rape his wife (
submitted 4.7 years ago by fanabba
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version7 4.7 years ago
Robinson is controlled op
REEEEEapWhatYouSow 4.7 years ago
Most likely, but as a white you should still disavow his murder and rape of his wife. I would say "Even a shill like Tommy doesn't deserve this".
noob_tube 4.7 years ago
Maybe after his wife gets raped, he'll understand why its important to name the jew.
I wish you weren't right.
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version7 ago
Robinson is controlled op
REEEEEapWhatYouSow ago
Most likely, but as a white you should still disavow his murder and rape of his wife. I would say "Even a shill like Tommy doesn't deserve this".
noob_tube ago
Maybe after his wife gets raped, he'll understand why its important to name the jew.
REEEEEapWhatYouSow ago
I wish you weren't right.