UK authorities ignore Muslim's video threat to murder Tommy Robinson and rape his wife (
submitted 4.7 years ago by fanabba
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Derpfroot 4.7 years ago
Tommy is zionist....jihadiwatch is zionist. Fuck 'em both.
yiddlerontheroof 4.7 years ago
Exactly. He'll attack moslems all day long but won't tell you who fought for their right to immigrate into your country to begin with! There would be ZERO moslems in UK if there were ZERO kikes in the UK.
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Derpfroot ago
Tommy is zionist....jihadiwatch is zionist. Fuck 'em both.
yiddlerontheroof ago
Exactly. He'll attack moslems all day long but won't tell you who fought for their right to immigrate into your country to begin with! There would be ZERO moslems in UK if there were ZERO kikes in the UK.