fightknightHERO ago

The mixed abomination looks a bit jewy doesn't it?

critias ago

As opposed to that skank who works for some jew?

Sympozium ago

Isnt he a big supporter of LGBTQP, i.e not a real christian?

serfer0 ago

Camacho/ Not Sure 2020

CalibanFresco ago

If they don't want Terry Crews, that's their loss.

ianadba ago

I couldn’t figure out if Kellee was black or a jew. I guess it doesn’t matter.

LoveRight ago

Jesus only came for his sheep, and his sheep were not the jews.

FederalShill ago

that mutant abominations skin color is not even black.

kishind ago

Oh Terry... folks like you remind me that I would rather be an assimilationist civnat... but that's a fantasy world, for children. Facing reality won't allow me to be one.

Roughpatch ago

And sacrifice

gazillions ago

Wickerman because no one told them not to.

Floppyhorsecock ago

He knows about the jews. He is an ally.

Roughpatch ago

Not all, black lives matter.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

The mixed ones are always the most hateful and extreme. They have to hate extra hard to prove their blackness.

CrackerSlant ago

This is fucked up, I grew up with all Whites and acted the part but never accepted as a White and I would get upset if people called me Asian names. Grown up later in life I accept my Asian side but also understand I will never be accepted by the Asians either.

Now we have a multitude of mixed White/ Niggers who call themselves full blooded nigger, do the dark shitskins really accept the mixed niggers as full nigger. Look at Bubba Smollett, both are mixed. Hussein Obama, mommy was White.

DohBoy ago

Oh shut up, gook.


tony2shirts ago

I've never fully understood why they automatically pick the black side when they are mixed... I guess it is some old time thing to make sure they don't lose their "blackness". Even if they have 1/8 in them from their grandparents, they still claim black. It seems like in todays era they claim every race above white when they are mixed.

idk ago

Do you want to be the smartest black person or the dumbest white person?

tony2shirts ago

Good point lol. I always thought of the subtle racism in it... like they know they will never be pure white so they fully embrace the black side.

DohBoy ago

White gloves get muddy, mud doesn't get glovey. See - niggers are a dirty stain.

CalibanFresco ago

It's because picking the black side is the one that gets all the benefits. Privileges, you might say.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Best comment

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Seems like an odd thing to do since they claim being white has all sorts of privilege.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Hierarchy of victimhood.

QualityControl ago

Elizabeth Warren Syndrome

Roughpatch ago

Reparations and stuff

RustinKohle ago

They dont always. I know one who says hes irish

gosso920 ago

"He ain't Black!"

slowcrash101 ago

Says the worthless nigger. At least Nigger Crews can act.

dassaer ago

Yess, yesss "act niggerrr, act" ...

SpreeFeech ago

No thanks. ALL niggers must go to Africa.

BoomerHater1488er ago

That's presumptuous of you. Blood is the basis of my morality. Degenerate sexuality is a mental illness that should be purged.

I love how you use the echoes and yet you have no problem worshipping a Jewish god that fulfilled Jewish prophecies making him the Jewish Messiah.

Aryanawakening ago

You're arguing with a demorilization agent

BoomerHater1488er ago

But it's a public argument that others will hopefully see.

Aryanawakening ago

Maybe you're right

antiracistMetal ago

The bases for objective morality are consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics, which do not require a religion.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Slapping a few philosophical terms together does not create a coherent worldview.

Lets just take 2 of your 3- consequentialism (morality determined by result) and deontology (morality determined by action of following rules, regardless of end result.) If a parent has a kid who has been poisoned and will die w/o immediate medical care, would it be objectively moral to ignore speed limits while rushing to the hospital?

antiracistMetal ago

How big of a car are they driving in?

kawyzoqau ago

That letter Q just posted from the Bishop to the President - he is right.

We are seeing the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness taking their places.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I'm an ethnospiritualist, not an atheist. You're a cuck for worshiping a seimitic god that hates you.

Roughpatch ago

Tags, tags everybody wants one.

Either you believe in God or you don't. What's so hard about that?

BoomerHater1488er ago

No, I don't believe that Yeshua ben Yosef is a god. And I honestly think you're a bit stupid for believing it.

Roughpatch ago

Funny thing about free will to choose, you don't get to decide what I believe or don't believe.

BoomerHater1488er ago

No, but if you believe in something that's stupid then I'm free to ridicule you.

Roughpatch ago

It's ok, I'll be free too. Right?

thebearfromstartrack ago

HOW would LIES EVER morph into black lives better!!! Damn niggers SURE ARE STUPID AND DELUSIONAL about themselves. ABSOLUTE garbage thinking they are ROYALTY!!! The TRUTH about niggers ANSWER is right in front of them AND in the MIRROR!!!

BoomerHater1488er ago

For every Terry Crews, there are 5,000 George Flyods.

alele-opathic ago

This is called the Serpent Seed theory, and basically states that Eve's first son was by the serpent, not Adam.

The idea is that it explains why the bible says God cursed Eve's reproduction, and why the description of the first vs. second/third sons and their deeds have such stark contrast, which don't really have good explanation in the standard biblical interpretation. If true, then these Canaanites would be the people who call themselves 'Jews' now.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Or maybe sandnigger creation tales have no more basis in reality than Odin and his brothers crafting the world from the corpse of Ymir.

kishind ago

Evolution chooses which religions succeed. The most successful religions promote population expansion and an identity separate from every non-member. Also they're patriarchal and anti-gay and sex negative (demonizing sex outside of marriage raises birth rates). The perfect religion can be determined by science, but crafting it will be pure art.

Anyway, mythology contains deep life lessons and culture-defining stories. It's valuable. And some of it may be extraterrestrials trying to explain science to linguistically challenged biped ape villages.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Anyway, mythology contains deep life lessons and culture-defining stories. It's valuable.

Like the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Doesn't have to have been a true story to carry a moral.

gazillions ago

Efficiency experts and technocrats. Yeah, science, aside from the media and psychology, the most laughable religion of them all,

MrDarkWater ago

"you ain't black"

Roughpatch ago

That must have been Joe's message "to go".

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BoraxTheFungarian ago

Good God... Can you imagine disowning Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho?! And for trying to be mend human relationships on the internet. And by someone way less black.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

I really don’t have that much venom for Blacks. I don’t want them dead, subjugated or impoverished; I just don’t want them near me. When I visit the zoo, I see the lion enclosure and I marvel and admire a fantastic, natural killing machine. That doesn’t mean I want them wandering my neighborhood.

slowcrash101 ago

We're not imagining, it actually happened. Imagination is for 8 year olds and D&D players.

shillaccount3344 ago

hahaha. A woman who doesn't understand civility vs Terry Crews. I'll take Crews. Crews was molested by those hollywood heebs.

He knows what's up.

dassaer ago

Lmao, OFCourse he knows 'what's up', that is why he's still in hollyweird and on tv, 'dancing, singing, wearing dresses and generally acting like a house monkey' for (((them))). Hes an avid degenerate 'will smoke cock, for work' moon-cricket ....

dassaer ago

Lmao, just a heads up for those who think i'm somehow impinging on Mr Crews very fine name, its been common knowledge and for a long time, thanks to the likes of CDAN and other hollyweird insiders that gay-boy Crews (and also Dwanye ' the rock' Johnson for that matter) are known to actively seek out/ advertise among the 'movers and shakers' to cock-smoke etc for movie roles and acting jigs, its one of the reasons both have had such proficient amount of roles/ movies for the last several years ...

NuckFiggers33 ago

Wouldn't shock me. Any links?

FridayJones ago

And now he's on a horse!

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

I can imagine someone in Hollywood imagining it

ratsmack ago

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

They seem to be confusing white people and (((white))) people.

ratsmack ago

Otherwise known as fellow white people.

GutterTrash ago

Makes sense, he has been pushing hard against the agenda driven left. Of the things I can recall at the top of my head, he called out fatherlessness in black homes, he called out porn addiction, these are among the things they have been shitting all over him for.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago
