Within one hour, Twitch banned Trump, Reddit banned 2000 subs including thedonald, YouTube banned multiple users and channels, and the media had article about it ready to go. This is all coordinated (whatever)
submitted 4.6 years ago by RampancyLambentRaven
This is all coordinated between big tech and the media. It's time the republican lead senate step in and the president issue a new executive order. Big tech has got to big should fail.
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tastelessinvective 4.6 years ago
That theory that's its about invading Palestine was interesting....
fuckinghell 4.6 years ago
Link's broken now.. funny, that.
hytreap 4.6 years ago
Get the info out there.
We are all Palestinians now.
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tastelessinvective ago
That theory that's its about invading Palestine was interesting....
fuckinghell ago
Link's broken now.. funny, that.
hytreap ago
Get the info out there.
We are all Palestinians now.