bonghits4jeebus ago

There was a warning on here too

AnotherNewAlt ago

coordinated? could one say they.... CONSPIRED to do this, and that it was a.... CONSPIRACY??

also lol russia conspiracy isn't being talking about anymore

mattsixteen24 ago

It's time who does what? 2.6 years on voat? This must be a sleeper account.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Trump ain’t going to do shit besides monitor

Sam1976 ago

Of course it was all coordinated...and the people are seeing them do it...they are digging their hole deeper and deeper everyday exposing themselves...and all for nothing...cause nothing can or will stop whats coming...

The giants and Dumbocucks are openly committing terrorist acts...sedition...insurrection...treason...for starters...

Fuck me the next 12 months are going to be eventful...

I honestly think Trump allowed the Dumbofucks to win the house just so they could publicly expose and bury themselves...which is exactly what they have done...What better way to expose them but to let them do it themselves for all to see multiply times a week...a day...and thanks to the MSM...for showing the entire country...who made the huge mistake thinking we are all does anyone here think this sick twisted fucks are going to be allowed to get away with making a mockery of our country...I THINK NOT LMFAO....Trump being the fucking boss genius that he is gave them the noose to fucking hang themselves.....these stupid fucks have climbed up on the gallows...put the noose around their neck...and kicked the stool out ...

Titanbikes4ever ago

How blatant does it have to be for you to stop using social media? It's like you're waiting for a Jew to do a good deed.

version7 ago

Ya think?

EyeOfHorus ago

Surprised? FBIAnon spoke of this 5 years ago. I wonder if he committed suicide.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

No shit it's coodinated.

That's why the legacy mainstream media, the corporate and server buildings of Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Instagram and more all deserve to victims of massive truck bombings and mail bombings.

These people are enemies to the United States and every last one of their buildings and every last one of their employees deserve to be destroyed and killed.

rubberdougie ago

When jews own all the media, this is what you get.

superspathi ago

It's the most massive public effort to undermine a US election that I've ever witnessed. It's frankly terrifying because it means we're perilously close to violence.

CountryWaffles ago

wasnt it Kennedy who said something like; when you make political speech impossible you make political violence inevitable

Agent7851 ago

And the left thinks it’s them who are being held back.

Buzzzard ago

That Satanists are totally panicked. The ones among them still capable of somewhat rational thought know that the jig is up. The battleship Globohomo is sinking.

Merlynn ago

Why didn't you learn that from Gamergate?

amd2020 ago

Republicans! Help! Come on, you can't be that naive.

It's not about Dem vs Rep. It's about (((them))) vs decent people.

Don't get fooled by the official masquerade.

ManOnFire ago

Once the full force of Reddit lands on Voat, this site will crash, get hacked, DDOS and end up like 8chan... I liked Reddit when the Great Awakening and Calm Before the Storm were banned so I hope all the NewBies bring some fresh meat...

9NaughtZ ago

fuck you with your executive order! You are helping to create a dictatorship idiot. You think it wont be used on you?

Have some freaking forethought you political retard.

curomo ago

It's the 2020 version of Night of the LongKnives

ABreathlessJogger ago

And now the Mid Term Exam for Boomers.

Get it yet?



heretolearn ago

are we ready to organize and fight back against thr tyranny yet?

DexterM1776 ago

Tim pool - "There was no meeting, no conspiracy."

I like Tim and he's slowly coming around, but wake up dude.

awildbanannaphone ago

Can anyone post the media's article related. On mobile but would like to save on a sheet for later

arniecuntingham ago

it CAN'T be a coincidence and it PROVES conspiracy.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Headline in my POS local newspaper: 'Reddit bans 2000 Trumpist subs for hate speech''s all so tiring. I am done with that God-forsaken leftist shit site, forever.

CheeBooga ago

Its jewish in nature.

joshafool ago

Wikipedia had Stefan Molyneux list as a "former" YouTuber within hours.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Wow the amount of asshole mother fuckers here saying nobody will do nothing about it is really making me think we're over the target or something bad about the communist left is going to leak and you are all reddit fags. Fuck off back to reddit reddit fags we're full nigger spic kike pajeet mudslimes.

Niggerlivesaretrash ago

I'm pretty sure twitch is based out of Cuckifornia, but what about Reddit? It would assume the same.

tastelessinvective ago

That theory that's its about invading Palestine was interesting....

fuckinghell ago

Link's broken now.. funny, that.

nohiddenmeaning ago

time to shut these artificial communities down.

Unless they put up a paywall and call it "paid membership only" site.

Evict everyone from the digital ghetto slums

Nonymous608 ago

Of course it's's ALL fake. Fake news. Fake outrage. Fake "threats". This is only about 2020 elections...nothing else.

ZenoOfElea ago

Remember gamergate and games journo pros?

Not only was gamergate was right but games media was a microcosm of media as a whole. Remember how gamergate ended??

TheManyHands ago

They're actually going out of their way to show you that they're coordinating.

Gorillion ago

We've been here before. Gamergate was the micro to the macro of what's going on now. Albeit a much larger Crossing of the Rubicon.

There's no going back. They'll never be the "standard"/staus quo platform ever again. In their desperation they've played their hand. It's only a matter of time til they achieve full obsolescence. From top of the world to "Lol, wtf is MySpace/Geocities?" level of meme irrelevancy in less than a decade (and probably across-the-board executions for their troubles too).

And to think it all got rolling because a bunch of thirsty game journo twerps played interference for an ugly, talentless, pink-haired hipster blubberslut who wanted to larp as a game designer and wasn't afraid to fuck a few jewy omega-tier nerds to get positive gamesmedia coverage.

Reminder to those that would follow:

Thirsty boys = Opportunistic girls = Everything you built going to shit. Where boys can't stabilize and build, they will destroy.

CeasarSalud ago

No shit.

This is why it is more important than ever to agree and amplify ad ridiculum.

When a company touts how progressive they are with their pet blacks, say how it is a literal hate crime there are no black trans people.

When liberals talk about how woke they are say their voice is unimportant and displacing BIPOC voices. They need to shut up and donate money or they are part of the problem.

Whenever women's issues are brought up, dismiss them because trans, undocumented, indigenous people's problems are way worse.

Call anyone discussing global warming who has children or does not follow a vegan diet and communist living standards a hypocrite.

Alinsky thinks stressing systems works because he assumes all systems are like those on the left, they can be stressed to breaking or are abandoned as soon as it is inconvenient or unpopular.

theBreadSultan ago

Yes, but also no.

Unfortunately they have a pre-programmed defence against exactly this type of attack...

"ugh, that's just what about ism"

"it's a systemic issue"

"haktually I do 'X' "

Thats not to say that this cannot be or isn't an effective first salvo. But be ready for the above mentioned 'come backs'

The Blue Pill victims, don't realise the full extent of it, they are just repeating what they have been programmed, but the goal of these kind of counters is to give them the advantage, and force the conversation into a 'space' where they can dominate and put you on the back foot.

The main thing to realise about the bluepill method for countering critical thought is the rapid shifting from 'personal responsibility' to 'systemic responsibility', back and forth.

This is why if you have ever tried to debate with these kinds of people, it's a bit like trying to nail down jelly.

It's how ((they)) insulate bluepill victims from their own hypocrisy.

I don't have time to go into detail right now, but if that first opening salvo you have mentioned there gets resistance, pin it onto something physical and or tangible, when in doubt, follow the money.

Another good move is to let them believe they are winning you over, then use that to keep it on specifics (to prevent personal/systematic goalpost shifts) and walk them into a really solid redpill box

Crikes ago

Unless it was one person pulling all the strings without anyone else knowing,/assisting, this is a conspiracy.

obvious-throwaway- ago

In a capitalist society, businesses compete with each other, not collude. At this point it's obvious that all these tech and media outfits are run by a small group of people who collude every single day.

9NaughtZ ago

as @Reinhart says - it's an open-market theory not capitalism. Even the top communists are capitalists.

And there has never been any time that the people at the top don't collude. It's consumer driven.

Reinhart ago

In a free-market, you mean.

Honkswald ago

Well yeah, of course it's coordinated, It's Loxist jews setting up another genocide of whites like they did in Russia..

ABreathlessJogger ago

LOL it's funny that people are trying to bring back Loxist after the jew made the word completely disappear from human vocabulary.

I mean, you can call them Loxist, but really, they're just jews. All jews are loxist. All jews are pedophiles. All jews are cannibals, all jews are degenerate genetic trash that have been desperately trying to interbreed with white people so they're garbage genetic inheritance made them look less like the fairy tales that we warned our kids about them with.

'Hansel and Greta', The Wicked Witch, Virlug, all of these. All stories meant to caution children against the jew.

Chingchongtingtong ago

Convince the nogs to go after them and their data centers instead of statues.

BjornIronside ago

Yes. They all need to hang.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

This all happened before. Of course it's all coordinated. It all happened in 2019 and everyone forgot about it.

Nothing was done then and nothing will be done now.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Fuck off back to reddit faggot. Dont care about a shitty site banning people dumb enough to use it in the first place.

veteran88 ago

jews coordinate with each other across different companies and industries to attack us.

romanstock ago

be wary of the false ploy.. the push to get them to make these 'public services' thus cementing their monopolies, then introducing govt hate speech laws.

the narrative is that the left controls the internet.. which they do.. however the internet is what won Trump the presidency. so they're not exactly in control are they? there are still scores of people who access non-mainstream information. What these alt-sites need is unregulated funding... e.g what Obama did for climate change companies. Trump can do the same to help fund and encourage free-speech alternatives, without government enforcing itself upon the industry. But he won't. This whole thing screams like order out of manufactured chaos with Trump in on it just as much as the dems.

AlphaOmega ago

Trump can’t fund anything that calls out Jews. It’s a stalemate, man.

JamesGunnIsPedo ago

The U.S. seems to be almost exactly where Germany was before Hitler came to power. Economy is going downhill, sexual depravity and general degeneracy is packed into almost all forms of media, the public has become extremely demoralized etc. There doesnt seem to be any "legal" way to fight the entities causing this mess. You need some crazy fuckin dictator to come in and start literally cracking skulls. If Trump isnt willing to do that, or even acknowledge the real problems then yeah he's got nothin. More and more it seems like the U.S. is doomed.

OyGoy ago

Trump bring the biggest jew cocksucker available is what won Trump the presidency.

philomath ago

It’s a matter of getting non main stream finding at this point. When visa and MasterCard can unilaterally decide who can operate on the internet, they control its.

MrNevsky ago

You hit the nail on the head. It'll either be a push for nationalization of bit tech or a large amount of regulation thus making it impossible for startups to compete.

Reinhart ago

This is where I see things going. There's a parallel with another conversation occuring now in (what currently passes for) American society.

One one hand, provoke one segment of the population to demand that the government do something! about those mean tech companies!

On the other hand, provoke another segment of the population to demand that government do something! about those mean local police!

The end result will be a nationalized, federal police force and nationalized tech companies backed by the full authority (and force) of the federal government, which is just full of good people who have a long history of never abusing their authority and always doing the right thing!

KikesOnTrikes ago

Same thing with terrorism charges for political opposition.

Neskuaxa ago

Anyone have an exhaustive list of everyone who got banned?

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Left wing is right wing now.

AhmaudArbery ago

It's obvious coordinated . Too bad no matter how much mega corps do for their nigger pets their pets won't stop demanding bullshit.

ShoeShineJoey ago

They're not doing it for their nigger pets - instead they're doing it to try and Gyp' the righteous man: who calls a duck a duck and a nigger a nigger.

Sheeitpost ago


hhhappy ago

Censorship is violence.

9NaughtZ ago

yeah because 4chan is such a warm family oriented place.

It's a business. Fuck off with that narrative and let them curate their content how they see fit. You are still free to leave.

SearchVoatBot ago

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metricisokay ago

This comment is a violent assault on censors

walkernanas ago

Any criticism of the media will be called violence while in the same breathe they wish death on Trump and his supporters. Violence against a Trump supporter is justice not violence to them. Trump tweets a wrestling meme of a CNN smack down, well obviously he is inciting violence onto the innocent normie news journalists. Because they're pussies that need an excuse to push their extremists further and further. People are free to see an endless amount of this violence condoned by the media on top of an onslaught of porn and degeneracy. But if they happen to hear even the simplest idea resembling a conservative opinion, well thats just not acceptable friends. Welcome to your new clown world. Honk. Honk. Good luck America.

ChiCom ago

It could be dangerous to notice.

If you attempt to subvert the censors, you will only cause yourself to be harmed with more immediacy than your peers.

anotherdream ago

Good! Censors are enemies of the republic. Most likely Chi-Com or Jew.

theBreadSultan ago

This is why we should welcome the newcomers.

Their power is based on their numbers and reach

HappyMealBullshit ago

Not surprising a faggot who wants to be a moderator and have power over people welcomes more faggot sheeple. Seriously, fuck off. You are not a contributor and no wants to see your shit.

theBreadSultan ago

What the fuck are you talking about. I've been on voat longer than you, and I've not tried to become a mod of anything, and I'm eloquent enough at exposing subversive narratives and teaching others how to effectively Redpill both online and Irl that my account is attacked by bots.

People with your attitude play directly into ((their)) hands. If this is a small, inward looking isolated echo-chamber then it will achieve not just nothing, but a negative towards the Redpill cause.

Because you will give people the illusion that they are doing something, and thus they will be wasting their energies preaching to the choir.

It is precisely the people who have been afraid to question, we must teach to question. We should encourage to question.

It's through people asking questions of what they believed to be ((facts)), and through that line of enquiry becoming aware of the large scale deception that we can begin to Redpill people.

Just shouting

"You believe X but actually Y is true, and you're a dumb faggot for not realising that" is only going to lodge the bluepill further down their gullet and make it harder for the next person to actually deliver an effective Redpill.

We are up against the most sophisticated, powerful, and all encompassing propoganda campaign the world has ever seen. It is well funded, highly organised, uses advanced social and behavioural science, and has access to the very latest analytical and ai technologies. It does not recognise borders, and has successfully recruited millions of well meaning people who think they are helping themselves and their communities while actually destroying themselves and serving only their ((benefactors))

And those that are caught in this Web are not even necessarily stupid either, it's what makes it so effective and dangerous. Intelligence is no immunity to their control and subversion, but does give the illusion of it.

Redpill those who are not yet Redpilled, and give them the tools to Redpill at least 2 others IRL.

Thats what in my mind, a true goat does.

Calling people faggot and posting for Internet points is the method of kids (as in baby goats) and the ((shill bots))

FYI if I wanted to subvert Voat right now, I would do everything I can to fill the front page with content that would put off as many bluepill Ed and previously bluepill Ed reddit refugees as possible.

Less reach, less impact, less effect.

rebane2001 ago

nice text duplication glitch

theBreadSultan ago


HappyMealBullshit ago

Fuck off

BearDolphin1488 ago

Jews working together to undermine freedom????? Whhhhhhhhhaaaaaatttttt

Mycathas9lives ago

It's time everything Trump be put to rest.

Ocelot ago

What? It can't be, if jews were always like this someone would've warned us!

Oh...Ford and Nixon warned us in the 1900s? And Hitler and the Kaiser?

Oh...Wagner warned us in the 1800s?

Voltaire warned us in the 1700s? Martin Luther in the 1500s? Multiple Popes in multiple centuries? So this started about a thousand years ago? say the Romans had incessant problems with them? They warned us 2000 years ago?

No, it can't be...

jokersmild ago

Next you'll be saying that Jesus tried eating people about the Jews also?

Fatgoat ago

My question is how are YouTube channels like the x22report still going

ABreathlessJogger ago

Not a valid question. If it's on youtube, it's because jews control it.

The end.

SporadicX2 ago

No downvotes? Where are the shills?

BearDolphin1488 ago

I have surpassed them

BalfourYourFace ago

China owns Reddit, with the Jews

theweatherintelaviv ago

It had nothing to do with the jews on TV. I hate muslims and the jew does too.

At one point I thought we were lucky to have people who were so willing to grind up some pakis 'on our side'

PhilKDick ago


Rotteuxx ago

It's time the republican lead senate step in and the president issue a new executive order.

Another blue team vs red team, hurr durr! post... the IQ around here keeps dropping everyday.

Rand01 ago

Whats the alternative framework to work within?

EyeOfHorus ago

Yeah, you keep complaining about it in your online diary called voat.

Rotteuxx ago

Ouch, dat edge!

EyeOfHorus ago

"Dear Diary,

Someone on voat was critical of me today for having critized someone else on voat for choosing the red team.

Forever Yours,


Rotteuxx ago


EyeOfHorus ago

"Dear Diary,

How will I ever enact real change if all I ever do is write to you? At least I get the last word in.



HeyJeorge ago

Pretty close. It's more evident to me that forcing an EO is exactly the response this kind of strategy is intended to create.


bourbon90 ago

Having a discussion about politics with cuckservatives, or worse, evangelical christian cuckservatives is absolute torture. You watch them try and put the round peg in the square hole over and over and over again to no affect. You try and convince them there is more to the game than left and right wing politics, and they go “muh Q, muh Trump, muh Israel, race doesn’t matter as long as they vote republican, demoncrats are the REAL racists...”

After a while you get bored of watching the idiots blather ineffectually and give up on them.

theweatherintelaviv ago

This is the real black pill: It's possible that no one you know, knew or ever will know will ever be smart enough to decipher simple crime stats, or hold different arguments in their brain at the same time to be able to compare them.

I occasionally read a post on here about how "every white person I know is locked and loaded and prepared for the war with the jew!" and I'm thinking "where the fuck are you?" and also "are these people actually smart and know why they hate jews and niggers?"

It takes a lot of time to try to turn people gently, and 99% of the time they blacklist you and try to ruin your life. At this point if you haven't taken an ACTIVE INTEREST in researching and learning the truth, you're a traitor in my eyes. Stupid peoples inaction and sabotage is just as bad as enemy action.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Trying to convince my boomer mom.

theweatherintelaviv ago

Try to make it so she convinces herself. Ask more questions than statements. Make them subtle and small, digestible and widely noticeable.

PhimoticEmbrace ago

Take care of your own. There's little point in trying to change the mind of someone set in their ways. It's harder to convince someone they've been fooled than it is to fool someone.

People open to information ask questions.

theshopper ago

But is it our fault for centralizing our communications and being afraid to talk on a phone instead of browsing the web?

After all of this, very few people will leave Twitter, Reddit, Youtube and the like. Cattle don't care where they graze, they care only if they can.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

And the fake news media is involved too. If i were Donald Trump i'd subpeno Susan Wojcicki who ever runs Reddit and Twitch and CEOS of the media companies and big tech companies.

70times7 ago

If i were Donald Trump i'd subpeno Susan Wojcicki
