Blehblehbleh73 ago

The move will be made with Nike

theKiernut ago

Except hockey.

Logansrun ago

For the time being, it’s probably on their list of things to fuck up

86USSLiberty ago

I ran track at a big 12 school. I was always into playing sports myself. I refuse to support niggers getting paid millions and then acting oppressed. Running track in college is what nigger pilled me to begin with as I was from a rural town and had never been around them until then.

jimibulgin ago

I dunno man, I really enjoy watching track and field.

REEEEEapWhatYouSow ago

First segregation, now this. I think these colored folks are on to something.

SmokeyMeadow ago

I've noticed that in the past few years, the number of other males I encounter who attempt to make conversation about sport of any kind has basically dropped to zero.

Doglegwarrior ago

i am done with pro sports. i will watch mma.

college i am probably done with as well i still might warch March madness ncaa tournament thats about it.

awile ago i was going to start a sports clothing line promoting being a player not a fan... get of the couch get into a game.

im im 45 i still play in basketball leagues in open leagues having to gaurd 18 year olds and college players if i had became a typical ex college player and just watched sports and drank instead of still playing no fucking way would i be able to compete.

ALIENS2222 ago

I have been saying this my whole life. What a pile of gay faggots niggerball fans are.

369693936 ago

Also any wypipo who use Disney to babysit or reward their kids.

Scald85 ago

Sports were ruined by the "half-nattie" (natural) phenomenon. Drug enhanced training offers permanent benefits and risks and there's no way to test for the results because there are no rules against being suspiciously too skilled.

The fact that colleges continue featuring sports is just openly admitting that they're corrupt.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

This will backfire. someone will sneak a "14 50" or something on their jersey and people will chimp the fuck out

Merlynn ago

Better to get some friends,hit one of the public baseball diamonds,and play a few quick innings. It's more entertaining,fun,and healthier for you. You can have some goofy bastards play to the crowd for some laughs. Make up your own team names and just enjoy having a day out.

thebearfromstartrack ago

professional (including collegiate) sports are an ABSOLUTE WASTE of time, energy and resources (PRECIOUS). PARASITES one and ALL.'s the MAIN artery for wealth for NIGGERS (ie nigger ball). SHOULD reveal a LOT to you about niggers AND nigger lovers. ALL PARASITES. WHY do we HONOR people who are COMPLETELY parasitic AND self centered (despite the crumbs they may throw at retards and such for PR PURPOSES (doesn't count in the BIble as charity)) STUPID, VAPID, consumerist pieces of SHIT???

geekpuk2 ago

Put a Winnie the Pooh shirt and let us see the NBA shut the whole woke shit down

GhostBalls ago

By all means shun me for refusing to cede any ground to Lefty by continuing to enjoy one of my few pastimes.

Plant_Boy ago

Everyone who sat and watched niggers take over their sports while swilling on their phytoestrogenics (Beer hops) should be shunned in my opinion.

stoicmanchild ago

for millenia, nigger spear-chucking has evolved them for throwing stuff...throwing balls through hoops. throwing rocks at cops.

This is what you get, primitive nigger-lovers.

Watch jeopardy or read a book instead, like civilized high-IQ chads.

500five ago

Waste of time, one could be exercising or working out instead of watching niggers.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

I can watch MMA and sometimes boxing. I don't watch any football or basketball. I have a lot less desire to now. Seeing stuff like this just makes me happy I don't pay for cable.

wonderfuldonut ago

Bread and Circuses never left western society, it just became televised sports! or Negroid on Negroid violence

Ilisyer ago

We need more of this - Timbersports The announcers are annoying.

ardvarcus ago

It's simple: if you are not a nigger, don't watch niggerball. Don't watch fat niggerball (football) and don't watch tall niggerball (basketball). Just say "no" to niggerball.

con77 ago

white athletes are denied scholarships in favor of blacks. Theyre not better athletes. Theyre given the opportunity.

RustinKohle ago

I believe this but do you want any evidence?

Glipglup ago

It's because without mUh sPorTsBall 95% of niggers would get booted from college the next day. Imagine going to a place where people are studying to become doctors, world moving engineers, or fantastical artists, people who want to go to the moon, and yet there is Tyrone, his biggest aspiration in life is to sign some sponsorship contract with a slimy kike and run down a field for 15 yards followed by brain damaging concussions.

jimibulgin ago

people who want to go to the moon

useless dreamers.

Reinhart ago

brain damaging concussions.

What brain?

One-Way_Bus ago

He was being generous.

Glipglup ago

Niggers have brains, it's capable of processing "gibsmedat", "muh dik", "needat three fiddy" and a handful of other basic commands (simple things like cop = run, if can't run, muh dik).

boekanier ago

Millions of them, I don't see that they are shamed, not even a little bit.

LibertarianForChrist ago


thislionsheart ago

Here is a humor for the post

Mind_Games ago

The only reason sports are broadcast is for betting.

Move to make betting illegal and watch sports dry up.

Thereunto ago

Fantasy sportsball would still create avenues for betting. Impossible to entirely shutdown.

Mind_Games ago

Where did you read "acceptable forms of gambling". You shut down international sites (IRS/FBI) and you shut down the legal avenues of betting you're removing a TRILLION dollars every year from sportsball.

It would absofuckinglutely go away.

SixBajillion ago

I hate how a typical ice breaker conversation between guys always has to involve sports. I don’t know shit about sports but people always try to bring them up in conversation. Stop!

Nothing wrong with playing sports obviously. Only a loser would watch a bunch of niggers briefly playing sports in between commercial breaks.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

Fucking hate it too.

the people yapping about them are the most unathletic looking people too

HelpAcct123 ago

Yeah I typically dont have an answer when asked my choices in the draft or which qb is doing what this year. Don't care enough to be lectured by millionaires playing a GAME.

Glipglup ago

Anyone who wears another man's name on their chest, white or not, is an absolute beta cuck.

ALIENS2222 ago

What about George Washington?

Glipglup ago

Become your own Washington.

MockingDead ago

Used to watch and listen to college basketball until I learned they whored out coeds to players.

AdaptOrDie ago

Because low iq sportsball millionaire fucks are social justice experts.

rayfarmer ago

didn't he all but get caught spraypainting the word nigger on his garage door?

Riste2424 ago

Agreed. I’m glad to say I never watched that shit. Thank god for anime and the history channel. Eh, before it was ruined by that pawn star bullshit.

MikeyMo123 ago

Soccer already did it. Those faggots in the UK. These niggers probably can't even name 5 niggers that were "killed" by a white person in the last 50 years.

blackguard19 ago

If they could, they would likely all be staged hoax events. Michael Brown, George Floyd, Filando Castille, Trayvon Martin, etc.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Lynch_Tree ago

Hockey is really the only white sport left.

LimJahey91 ago

Golf if you forget Tigger Nigger

oneinchterror ago

Don't worry, they're trying to "fix" that.

User4965 ago

Wrestling (the real kind)

Usernamenameuser ago

I used to catch those "World's Strongest Man" competitions on late night or on slow afternoons and I only recall ever seeing white dudes.

ALIENS2222 ago

A few pacific islanders do that.

ardvarcus ago

I used to watch that. Most of the winners were from Scandinavia or Russia.

gosso920 ago

The puck is black, and White people hit it with sticks. Racist! REEEEEEE!!!!1111

Timmy2 ago

Sheeeeit! That's funny!

ChiCom ago

If anything we should be into MMA and shooting sports.

Practicing as if we are all competing internationally.

superAIDS ago

Get into practical shooting. USPSA is fuckin fun as hell.

revised2 ago

/\ THIS!!!

shillaccount3344 ago

naw video games and drones.

New-World-Ebola ago

NBA games should get vanned

New-World-Ebola ago

if you stare at niggers doing anything you're a fucking faggot.

PagingDrBenway ago

Is MMA/Boxing permissible, Mother?

Watching my beloved anti-Zionist, fellow Irish Gypsy King absolutely school that black nationalist idiot Wilder was a beautiful moment in boxing history. Watching UFC Heavyweight Champ Stipe Miocic stop Daniel Cormier after multiple eye-pokes was pretty epic too.

Whatthewhatthe ago

You can watch anything you want, King. You don't need permission.

New-World-Ebola ago

gypsy king is a nigger loving faggot that kissed the nigger after the match.

a total fucking poofter that acts like a nigger just like cooner mcnigger.

PagingDrBenway ago

It's a good thing o be gracious in victory.

You just sound like a nihilist.

New-World-Ebola ago

kissing shitskin is the act of a sodomite.

quit being a gay cunt, faggot.

Glipglup ago

Hey, I like watching niggers shoot each other and fight, it's free entertainment and after they are done there is at least one less nigger to deal with.

One-Way_Bus ago

You must frequent whuuuurrrrllllsttttaaar often then.

LostInTheStatic ago

Watching men play with balls is for faggots, simple as that.

Scroobius ago

Just say simple as. That's how they say it in Britian. Flows better.

ShackelfordRusty ago

Shunning isn't helpful for anyone.

TheManyHands ago

So I'll keep doing what I've been doing for years.

oneinchterror ago

I'm glad that I was never interested in this faggoty nigger shit in the first place.

NiggadermCQ ago

Unless your kid plays sports ball.

oneinchterror ago

Big difference between local/school sports and paying to watch millionaire niggers on the electric jew.

facepaint ago

Archive. Don't give ESPN the clicks.

TheManyHands ago

ESPN is owned by Disney.

RustinKohle ago

Disney is owned by jews