reddigee ago

If you were posting on reddit way back when, wouldn't that make you a reddit refugee, you hypocritical fucking kike?

Seventh_Jim ago

Damn, I've been downgoating all your comments because you're a mouthy little cunt to your betters, but good job on this one.

One upgoat for you.

Karnivor ago

Fuck off newfag. That was half a decade ago before there was really an issue.

reddigee ago

Reddit has been cancer since it was spawned, according to the /v/irgins I stopped visiting as much around ~2016 when I sold my soul to the Mili-kikery for that sweet G.I. Bill.

So, no u.

Rcglinski1 ago

Hi, pretty sure I'm one of the people this is talking about.

This is a correct position to take. It's especially important to not let any mods have power here. They've already proved themselves willing losers.

FireDoctorCoates ago

In case anyone's wondering this account is new but I didn't come from reddit. Just using the internet to spread the word about something that happened to me.

Apollexis ago

This website isn't even able to be found by searching for Voat on google. You have to literally know someone or do a lot of research in order to find this site due to the basic censorship already being applied. Major subs got banned today, light nazbol ones and hard leftist ones, including both ChapoTrapHouse reddits.

Reddit_traitor ago

Also don’t upvoat their imgur links you faggots.

wipeyournose ago

anyone know which subs, if any, were banned today?

or is everyone just freaking out over that one post from an 'insider?'

Pllatinum ago

You don't know what phase of leaving dumbassery they are in.

Fat people who go into a gym should not be judged so harshly.

Everyone should be allowed to unfuck themselves.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

let's retreat while they shit up my home bros

ruck_feddit ago

If a refugee even mentions moderating, rope.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

It's easy to spot the reddit refugees, they post shit that makes less sense than if a monkey posted it. You can tell they're brainwashed. It's just too bad for them that they wasted so much time getting propagandized that they now need to catch up on learning reality.

heroinwinsagain ago

dont be a pussy, you dont own vote, shut up faggot.

Gimmedatt ago

How to tell if they were sub admins?

NotSryForBeingWhite ago

I equate this mass exodus to the Californians leaving and going to Texas. They are going to take their same bullshit idealogies and bring them here and ruin this site.

1John_Doe ago

You sound like a Karen. Not everybody lives and dies on Reddit. I was an occasional visitor. I hated the fucking monitors. I came here, and yet no monitors, but a lotta juveniles who call anybody that they disagree with a Jew lover. Judge people by what they post. Some ex-Redditors deserve what you say, some don't. Grow the fuck up and quit trying to be a little influencer.

bitbug ago

I hate new waves of users who have been trained how to behave at reddit.

theBreadSultan ago

We kill reddit by replacing it.

We drop the red pills - we show them how everything they were told there was a lie. How they are treated as stupid there.

Let them know what has been done to them. Let them express their anger. Let them learn the truth. Let them become invigorated to spread that truth.

Irl is where the fight must ultimately be won. Let us not lose sight of the woods from the trees

CheeBooga ago

Its okay to have opposition. Echo chambers suck. At least here we have freedom of speech and can knock them down like bowling pins. In fact, I consider it a sport. There's nothing better than telling truth about jews & niggers to some uptight cockwad and they start calling for my banment.

knightwarrior41 ago

can knock them down like bowling pins


boekanier ago

I have serious doubts about those ''refugees''. Don't trust that 'invasion'

BordelonLoop ago

look out for phone jack. new account. i smell a commie.

AgentSakura ago

I wouldn't trust them or anyone on the internet for that matter but I welcome them to the shitpit. I hope they learn lots.

ScionOfZion ago

Hey guys. New from Reddit. Can't seem to find your 2X sub.

ZeframCochrane- ago

I definitely do not want Voat flooded by the average fucking Redditor.

These niggers were told, time, and time again to get off of Reddit.

voat_sukz_goat_nutz ago

nice blog post

MyMyMyCarona ago

Redpills are for sharing. You don't actually horde them like dope.

smokratez ago

Atheism is a jew cult.

MyMyMyCarona ago

Yeah, maybe. But the Christ Question is one of the biggest sources of D&C for us, so if possible, I just avoid it. As long as we all hate kikes, I don't care if Odin drives you around in a chariot, or Jesus saves a place for you in that dinner painting.

HeyJeorge ago

Redpills are for sharing. You don't actually horde them like dope.

That's cute, but your mentality is what led to Cransch and GA. Plain reality is still too many stupid people, too easy to create a cult - the Qew cultists are a perfect example.

SearchVoatBot ago

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glassuser ago

True. But you don't have to be nice about it.

Niggerenslaver ago

Yep. The more people who join the cause, the more power it has. And the only thing stopping people from joining the cause is not being able to learn the truth due to media bias and lies.

They do need to know that this isn’t the Chinese censorship & propaganda site that reddit is. Here it’s real people posting real opinions, not someone with 20 million karma posting an ad hidden as a persons opinion. If they come in here with that fake bullshit they can get the fuck out.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

sub admins are the equivalent of the SS and in the film "Fury" they were summarily executed.

Maevtr ago

Eh come on, we were all refugees at some point. Everyone has a different breaking point. I know plenty of people who just use reddit for its non political subs, that have now become political.

I swear to christ my friend showed me a screen shot from a music theory subreddit. It was a stickied post on how to end racism and discrimination against black composers, musicians, and under representation of black music (lol). The ONE thing that is absolutely not racist, music, and they polticized it. That was his tipping point.

We should welcome refugees with the harsh realities of free speech, that should never be compromised, but growing voats numbers can only do more to wake up the people who have slept through all the signs of the upcoming civil, political, and race wars. We need more jewpills dispersed STAT.

VoatMikeNolan ago

I'm gonna have to agree with u/we_kill_creativity on this one. We're good people but this space is special and endangered and we must protect it. Anybody work construction? The new guy always has to prove himself and endure some level of good natured harassment.

I personally don't want a ton of newbies here. We need to weed out the goats from the sheep by feeding newcomers all sorts of undigestible crap - stuff only goats can digest.

There was a cartoon someone posted here years ago. I saved it but it was lost when my computer crashed. It was of a goat clubhouse that get's invaded by reddit fags. Bad news for the goats until one of the fags sees "nigger" written on the wall. Eventually all the sheep leave except for one good one who decides to stay. Anyone have that?

we_kill_creativity ago

Eh come on, we were all refugees at some point.


WE....were all refugees long before right now. That's the line of demarcation. If you've only now decided to "come to our side" then you MUST BE a weak minded faggot, in other words, someone who needs to suffer a bit more in order to be here and not drag the common denominator down. They can come here when they're ready, but anyone who comes here right now just because (((reddit))) finally banned them didn't come here when they should have, which means they still have much they need to learn.

We must secure a place for ourselves.

wipeyournose ago

you're the reason the mainstream doesn't like white people

you're a true piece of shit. you probably talk shit about "black on black crime" but here you are. being a nigger to another white person because they didn't bow to your extremism quick enough.

fuck you you faggot. when we get throough all this, and whites are back on top, you're gonna get yours. trust me faggot.

VoatMikeNolan ago

I'm gonna have to agree with u/we_kill_creativity on this one. We're good people but this space is special and endangered and we must protect it. Anybody work construction? The new guy always has to prove himself and endure some level of good natured harassment.

I personally don't want a ton of newbies here. We need to weed out the goats from the sheep by feeding newcomers all sorts of undigestible crap - stuff only goats can digest.

There was a cartoon someone posted here years ago. I saved it but it was lost when my computer crashed. It was of a goat clubhouse that get's invaded by reddit fags. Bad news for the goats until one of the fags sees "nigger" written on the wall. Eventually all the sheep leave except for one good one who decides to stay. Anyone have that?

Charilko ago

You know, just because Event A woke you up doesn’t mean it could wake everyone up. Truth hits us all in different ways and at different times.

They do probably still have a lot to learn. Banning them ain’t going to help with that.

we_kill_creativity ago

Banning them ain’t going to help with that.

Yes it will. It absolutely will. You can't actually ban anyone from here anyways. You just make them spend more calories to get here. Make it so "costly" for them that they won't want to do it unless it matters to them. Fuck your weakness.

AgentSakura ago

Echo chambers are gay, I should tell you to go back to reddit if you want a circlejerk.

Maevtr ago

Im imaging what you'd say to someone who said the same shit about you whenever you joined. There have been people who have been jew pilled and black pilled for decades. No matter how long you've held these thoughts, someone held them before you. What if they came to the same conclusion as you?

The fact is, with every platform that takes away free speech, with every news article, tv show, and media telling you you're evil for being white or even slightly conservative, it demoralizes people like us. Id rather have people come late to the party and find a bastion of free speech like Voat, rather than be so demoralized that they give up or reside to using normal (((media))) sites. Normies need the truth, if we dont allow them a chance, then all we're doing is keeping our own little echo-chamber. The purpose of voat and its freesource information should be to change peoples minds, not to affirm our own beliefs. If Reddits faggotry drives people to this website, im all for it.

These ideas and truths need to be spread as far and wide as possible. As long as the platform doesnt change in any way shape or form, i have no problem with it.

Seventh_Jim ago

Did you not go through hazing when you got here?

Even with free speech, there is a concept of cultural decorum. We do not want 90% of the fagfugees, because they care nothing for freedom. They are locusts that would happily see you shot as long as it means they keep eating for another day.

Fuck those people. We should not censor them, but we should make being here as uncomfortable as possible. Perhaps through struggle they can learn to value their voice.

DankSniper ago

We were all refugees and we all had the same gatekeeping shit and the countless niggerfaggots said to us when we joined and we are still here. Why break the cycle now?

we_kill_creativity ago

As long as the platform doesnt change in any way shape or form

And that's why I'm right and you're wrong....

How do you think reddit got to where it is...? have a...literally...dangerously naive view on all of this. People don't come to Voat and magically become red pilled...just like Voat doesn't magically still exist such as it does. It requires an active strategy of self-preservation.


I really mean it when I say that anyone who recently got banned from reddit was obviously still using it...duh...?

And therefore was using it far longer than they should have, and therefore quite literally isn't ready to be here. do you think this place still exists?

reddigee ago

So you're saying voat should start censoring these redditors who don't tow the voat party line? Where have I heard that before?

platyplat ago

Reddit users don't need to be shunned, they need be told to integrate or leave. So yes, prepare an onslaught, offensive memes, heil Hitler, whatever you feel the need to do, the new users need to learn the price of Freedom. If they don't like it, they can leave. But some will adapt and understand.

nowhat ago

You could make them allies. I have been coming here for 5 years but I regularly nuke accounts and go dark for periods so shit doesn't get tied together and I have been on the web since '03.

RoBatten ago

Aren't most of us reddit refugees lol?

AlfonsHilter ago

I'm a Hiddenlol refugee. It's basically like being German and seeking refuge in Austria.

alt_account_3 ago

I left from reddit years ago, didnt miss it back then. I go back from time to time, but the urge to visit alternative sites isnt strong when Voat is around. I still remember wehn this site would go down for hours on end, and the complete perma shut down/invite only that happened last year, fun times

CrackerSlant ago

Fuck reddit, but sometimes it's good that get obscure opinions from specific subs, for example Paramotors

iyskreem ago

Shouldn't be too hard to identify them. Its not our fault that they couldn't keep their site from being taken over, but it is our responsibility to learn from their mistakes

Fuckoffniggerfaggot ago

Let's turn them against the qtards.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmao who got banned?

Karnivor ago

word on the street is that today's purge will be legendary in scope.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I'm legit out of the loop - what subreddit got banned?

gelouse ago

Supposedly Reddit's largest ever ban wave is coming under the guise of anti-racism, but they suspect the scope will be much larger.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao who the fuck is even left to ban? r/WhitePeopleArentThatBadButWeCouldBeBetterIGuess is gonna get deleted or something?

GhostBalls ago

A whole bunch of them are about to get gulag'd. They are saying that tomorrow is another massive round of bannings over...wait for it...raysizzum once again.

Karnivor ago

none yet. we will see. its a rumor.

GumbyTM ago

WTF happened now?

Who's left to ban over there, white women with small penises?

douk_nokum ago

Hate subreddits like r/conspiracy and r/watchredditdie. I'm sure they'll find their targets or invent them if they cannot find any.

wipeyournose ago

WRD is a shithole. it's already taken over. same with conspiracy. can't even post in there unles your'e account is over 2 years

kishind ago

Cringeanarchy users are still wandering around, creating new subs, getting hunted by AHS, and liking heretical things.

So I suspect this will be an mass account purge rather than a sub ban.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Good 'ol Cringe Anarchy. Godspeed Sunny D, you glorious mother fucker!

PewterKey ago

I actually wouldn't be surprised if they are purging all unverified accounts. But it's likely upvote analysis purging for vaguely defined "isms". Unless they are going super mainstream and are purging or quarantining porn.

wipeyournose ago

pretty sure non verified accounts get a shadow ban after X days.

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

Fire up your most offensive memes boys

rumorhazard ago

Account sign ups should be disabled.

Morbo ago

Well at least they can't create any new subs and install their powermods. They will come here neutered and stripped of power. Don't let them beg their way into mod positions of existing subs because we all know what kind of cancer they are. Keep them as regular users as long as possible until they either assimilate or bugger off for less "offensive" sites. We know how to deal with them and the sub lockdown is actually going to work in our favor this time.

DrSelfAppointed ago

I've been wanting sub creation back but, I am happy it is turned off right now. If Putt turns them back on during the influx, we will know for sure the Putt account owner(s) are trying to sink this place. Here is hoping he doesn't put out the red carpet again. As it is, the ccp minimum seems to have been neutered, as promised.

Pubiclouse ago

This should be stickied I think most Goats feel this way

MrPim ago

That's pretty much SOP here. That's what the immune system is for.

RM-Goetbbels ago

There is no more immune system.

kishind ago

Be the change you want to see fag

RM-Goetbbels ago

Until there are 6 gorillion laying in a smoldering pile................

MrPim ago

I think it's still around. Not as strong as it once was but its still there.