xenoPsychologist ago

why does he think global warming is real?

toggafreggin ago

It took ten years but the redpill I dropped on that retard finally kicked in! lol

andrew_jackson ago

Sir, is there a story to go along with that?

toggafreggin ago

Got into it with him regarding the total ridiculousness of his plan for utopia a few years ago on a forum. This was the first time I realized that IQ doesn't necessarily equate to wisdom and intelligence. At the time, he didn't get it, got flustered when he had no logical arguments left, he called me al-queda, deleted the whole thread, and somehow, got me banned.

It seems like he's starting to wake up if the post here is real.

AdaptOrDie ago

Noam believes the 9/11 official story.... Nuff said.

dummythicc ago

Chomsky is the same brainlet propped up as an intellectual by the establishment (much like how woody allen is a "genius") who is on video saying it doesn't matter who did 9/11.

Pirate008 ago

Guy with the verifiable highest IQ in the world has these "controversial views":

"Langan's support of conspiracy theories, including the 9/11 Truther movement and the white genocide conspiracy theory, and his opposition to interracial relationships, have contributed to his gaining a following among members of the alt-right and others on the far-right. Journalists have described some of Langan's Internet posts as racist, and accused him of veiled antisemitism.[14][15]"

This just made my day.

Don-Keyhote ago

That was beyond fucking cringe are you kidding me

voatbrowsingaccount ago

Noam Chomsky is an idiot and not even his linguistic analysis is worth reading.

Prove me wrong. I've read it because after reading his political commentary I couldn't believe he had a brain and was respected in another field.

So I dutifully read Reflections on Language as well as some earlier work and it's entirely uninteresting and was FOR SURE known at least 100 years ahead him. He simply rehashed old work in an very uninspiring way.

No idea how he is successful except maybe his verbal iq.

andrew_jackson ago

I get the same thing with Woody Allen. All of this vaunting as, "intellectuals." But if you look at the body of his work....it's a group of neurotic, self-absorbed films.

SlyerSoul ago

Well, pollution will not be a problem when civilization is gone (read: white people are gone). So an african invasion can in theory be supported as an end to certain issues with the enviroment. I have still not found anyone who holds this position, wonder if any do.

SurferBoy ago

How is it always overlooked that Soros has millions invested into Trump which a simple Google search will reveal? How is it also overlooked that during the riots Trumps properties were not targeted? Anyone have any insight?

turnnightmodeoff ago

and there you have it, the reason the "smartest man in the world" won't act smart like his title indicates, the reason and the person he is schilling for, the Jews, namely trump, the most jewish president we have ever had

ChargeField ago

Another smart man has a thorough takedown of Agent Chomsky.

mileswmathis dot com / chom dot pdf

It is worth a read and the addendum (an email to Mathis) adds some delightfully specific criticisms.

TheAssMaster ago

The smartest man in the world says "libtard." Top kek

usernameisnotthis ago

of course he's woke to jews lol.

Riste2424 ago

He is pretty based. You could tell if you read between the lines that he understands the JQ, race realism, and the great replacement.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

This faggot is slow walking Chomsky.

Infearmal ago


FightingTheDarkArts ago

I have came to all of these exact same conclusions over the last few years. I think we all have.

BW-414 ago

his summary of globalism is accurate. but i think he's wrong about chomsky. for decades, it's been common knowledge that chomsky is a zionist, and pushes communism on gentiles. chomsky is involved with the zionist n.w.o. conspiracy. he absolutely knows what trump is: a con man for zionist terrorists and their n.w.o.
probably, langan knows all of that, but doesn't want to mention "zionists", because he would be labeled an "anti-semite".

Blork_Blorkinson ago

I love this guy. He's a eugenics enthusiast and racist, and has a legitimate 200ish IQ.

Libs hate him but nobody seems able to refute him.

Maddmartigan ago

Noam is a (((commie rat))). He is not to be trusted.

thebearfromstartrack ago

He swallowed my roller coaster.

wokeasfook ago

Can anyone verify if this is true? Not to be a stickler but I'd like to use this and I was unable to verify. Any help much appreciated , cheers.

ilovejuices3 ago

Christopher Langan for president

AlexanderMorose13 ago

He hit that nail on the head. I roll my eyes whenever someone brings up the "global warming" bullshit. These people aren't self aware enough to realize that this issue appears every election cycle to drum up more support for hidden taxes because you're retarded enough to believe that they'll spend the money honestly. If you want to help the world, start following the money trails.

greydragon ago

Noam Chomsky might say the occasional thing against leftists or even jews, but he is still a jew promoting jew things. Trust him in any way and fail.

8_billion_eaters ago


All Jews must be driven from out lands. JEWS FIRST. Once we contain JEWS in their homeland, every other problem will fall by the wayside.

TauCeti ago

"reproductive incontinence".. apt term.

8_billion_eaters ago

Hey, dude. Fuck off.

The ++people++ that own the world banks have bred 100,000,000 Africans for the sole purpose of destroying western civilization.

Look at London. Look at Paris. Look at NY and LA. ++They++ have spread their plague worldwide. The JEW is the pandemic.

Killnigs3 ago

Dude its going to be 10,000,000,000 niggers by 2050

GoatofVoat007 ago

Is this really Chris Langan??? If so, I'm glad he's at least "semi-awake" (idk what else he knows...) and he's telling the evident truth of this current horrendous environment we now live in, with all the "intellects" acting all smart to make people believe that they know better than anyone else. It's great to have someone with an IQ of 180-190 (approx.) speak up for once, he's been dormant for too long on that farm of his haha (no offence to him). Now hopefully people will start believing that those fake intellects are not intellectual at all. I still feel like Trump isn't on "our" side though, he's more like a volunteered puppet who agreed to some contract that allowed him to become president only if half of the populace will hate his guts & the other half will love him (approximations...). Also, IQ scores are one of if not the most important trait among humans, they predict so much about our eventual success, failure, or an in-between. They predict if someone will be "awake" or still apart of the sheep pack, sure some people might look like their "awake" while 100% believing that the elite are lizards and/or shapeshifters (the actual crazy no evidence "conspiracy theorists"). You need to always have an open-mind in these "theories", don't be mislead into believing a conspiracy theory mindset (having only one set of beliefs about CT's..) or a fixed CT mindset that isn't open to change nor open to disputes.

gazillions ago

IQ tests don;t tell you anything except if someone is good at taking tests. The Human quality that tells you that your measure of success may be wrong in the first place can't be measured on any test.

amd2020 ago

Noam Chomsky is one of their gatekeepers.

1_Islander ago

Don't have anything to add. I wonder what he would say of the eternal Jew. I suppose it might be something simply and directly put as the Jew wants to burn and torch Western civilization until they are either expelled from it or they have turned it into a Jewish sanctuary that sucks off the blood and ghosts of Western civilization.

retto ago

Gnome Zionski will never admit that jews fabricated the heinous lie that is the holocaust, so why bother listen to anything he says, as it will just parrot whatever the (((msm))) narrative is?

romanstock ago

Noam is a disingenuous rat (just like every other jew). I've seen him on the gun debate say that the reason americans want to keep their guns is because they like playing cowboy and feeling powerful. That was legitimately his argument, of course to the cheers of the lib crowd come to hear him talk bullshit. Obviously he knows the real reason for why a population should keep guns, he's just a slimy rat who wants a communist takeover.

andrew_jackson ago

You know, I've ignored criticism of Chomsky for years, but I wanted to congratulate you as the person to finally change my mind. Guns are like the litmus test for me - I just can't take anyone seriously that rejects private firearm ownership.

9NaughtZ ago

He's right. I want to play cowboy. And if some mestican or bandit comes on my property i'm gonna drill him.

WTF other reason do we have guns for? To feel and BE powerful and look cool. The audience didn't realize they were duped.

romanstock ago

to defend yourself from govt tyranny you stupid fuck, hence why guns and militias are both written together. it's not about your individual desires or feelings.

9NaughtZ ago

okay stupid fuckadee fuck.

Why do you "feel" you need to defend yourself from anything? If it's not about individual freedom and self-actualization then you are just part of the global machine.

I prefer to feel like a badass. When the tyranny comes i'll prob just join them because they pay better and i can shoot stupid idiots like you for sport and not get in trouble for it.

romanstock ago

ok 14 yr old

DohBoy ago

He’s very intelligent and still came up with that bland pastry of an argument - proof he’s a liar. It’s just like you said: He knows damn well why we want our guns.

Moon_Central ago

Christopher Langan "smartest man in the world" doesn't name the jew?

DohBoy ago

I’m glad he doesn’t. Because he does. He’s just smart about it. So he doesn’t get completely censored like he would if he were openly throwing around the JQ. It doesn’t take long for people to figure out what he’s talking about. He’s much more effective that way.


Moon_Central ago

If he really was smart he would be naming the jew and providing a solution for the jewish problem.

Something like 'gas the kikes, race war now, White revolution is the only solution'.

kishind ago

If you were really smart, you'd be studying the science of persuasion. If you want to feel special about believing a narrative, you're carrying part of the problem. I want to win. That means fighting persuasion with persuasion. This is a great time for recruitment.

Moon_Central ago

Who is in your opinion "Out Jewing the Jew"?

andrew_jackson ago

you're a tool

Glory_Beckons ago

doesn't name the jew?

What do you think he's doing here:

unabashedly on the payroll of Soros and Goldman Sachs and the banksters and the global money monopolists

I don't really see how he could get any more obvious without getting banned.

magic3383 ago

This looks like a Facebook post. Naming the jew on Facebook gets you banned. Just have to point people in the right direction.

TheManyHands ago

Not if you block the moderators using the Tinfoil app. You can only block them after they've reviewed a report on you or have taken action against you though, but it prevents future bans from them. All you do is search for "Facebook security" in the "blocking" menu. Everyone who has reported you and the aforementioned moderators show up in the results. You can't normally block the moderators, so that's how you know who they are, but for some reason you can using Tinfoil.

fuckinghell ago

How about.. I don't know, just not using Facebook?

KoKansei ago

Wikipedia says he's an anti-Semite, so he probably understands the JQ.

kingE ago

You meant (((wikipedia)))

TheManyHands ago

He criticized Chomsky, so that's enough to get called an anti-semite.

Kaiserkrone ago

An anti semite is someone that the jews don't like.

Killnigs3 ago

I have guns becUse human beings are soft bags of meat and blood and sometimes popping them is the only way to sustain a safe future for my family and white children everywhere.

CowWithBeef ago

Wouldn't a red pilled jew simply continue doing what Noam does since the jews are thriving by subverting western civilization? Which red pill could even make a jew ourguy? Jewish atheism and race-mixing rates? Prove jewish dependency on the west?

andrew_jackson ago

Plenty of Jews are red-pilled. Look at it this way, if you were in Israel you would be surrounded by Jewy artists (like Naomi Shermer), yiddy fundamentalists (who refuse military service), hipsters like Adam Neuman and then swarms upon swarms of Arabs. I would argue that more Israeli are red-pilled than Americans.

cantaloupe6 ago

So very smart; lays it out succinctly. Noam might be losing it, although he's always been left.

andrew_jackson ago

You know one thing that is clear to me from his writing, despite that the fact that he is a brainiac and has been a bouncer at times, is that he's a sensitive man.

cantaloupe6 ago

His step dad tried to kill him as a young teen.

Plant_Boy ago

World is over populated which is causing too much pollution mostly coming from the third world.

Just an idea... just stop the charity to the third world. Let nature take its intended course and curb human population by natural selection. we are 16% of the world's population, we can't save the other 84%.

9NaughtZ ago

The pollution isn't coming from the developing countries on a per capita basis. The western powers consume a far more disproportionate about of resources. Our consumption of shit out of China is probably the biggest contributor.

Cut off China

Cut off Israeli charity

Kill all the Saudi's Take the Oil

Build the US Farming overflow in Africa and move anyone on welfare there to work

9Naught for Prez 2024

Plant_Boy ago

I agree with most of your points apart from Kill the Saudis, take the oil and on the fence about Moving welfare to Africa to farm as it could end up with another penal colony type situation, though I do recognise the need for returning Africans to Africa. African-Americans are not American if they still retain their African as a precursor to the American. They've made it known that they're African first and foremost, before their American.

9NaughtZ ago

I've actually thought a lot about these topics. It's not safe for me to post or talk about these ideas in most places.

When Rome went from Republic to Empire they had to offload their grain cultivation to Africa. Egypt primarily. In our case we could offload it to central America as well where we needed.

I'm not sure the US as a country (Republic) can survive much longer. Either it turns into some euro style socialist shithole / it implodes / or it goes imperial and has a direct run in with imperial china.

Food production, oil industry, and the military machine are all tightly coupled. More than most people realize. You might already see it. Ag companies are almost as powerful as defense companies. I mean what nig gives a shit if boeing goes under but if tyson shut down all the fried chicken places would ignite a revolution.

China has been moving operations into Africa for some time. The US has tried to set up a military presence and can't. It doesn't stick. The blacks there like Chinese for (((other))) reasons.

Saudis are the biggest supporters of radical wahhabism or whatever radical islam is. They all need to die. They are in cahoots with israel on most of the major shenanigans. Wiping out Israel and the Saudi lines would allow us to pull all military operations back out of the middle east and start bracing for the inevitable clash with China in the Pacific. Totally diff kind of war.

Plant_Boy ago

My only issue is that the UK tried to create an Empire and now foreigners think they're entitled to live in the united kingdom, and I suspect that may be what happened to the Roman Empire as well.

And the British politicians are to weak spined to say No.

9NaughtZ ago

That was indeed part of the reason Rome got diluted. They spread things out but the empire had a massive grain dole. That's why they had to build up egypt. It was a constant suck on the welfare cock. And then the original blood people started getting soft and taking government jobs. Then pensions stacked up and they hired non citizens. Then gave them land.

The only way to keep paying for the cheap labor and influx of people was to keep the conquests going. It's almost a pyramid scheme.

Brits were able to run their empire out for a while. We prob can do. We need to round up the jackasses and send them to die in a war. Problem now days is we can't have wars of attrition. The nuclear era halted that. Another shitty thing about right now is the people we have coming in to work are all pussies. Foreigners are weak shit compared to our heritage. Latinos are tough but not very smart and easy to ball over. It doesn't look great for us unless we pull off something intelligent. I can see us ending up as the world police for the judan empire.

Plant_Boy ago

I think Russia and the old soviet countries have got a pretty good political model going, and post-jewish communism too.

9NaughtZ ago

If you haven't spent time there I think you are mistaken. Russia is very well controlled by Jews. They are well integrated there. They just don't stand out. They control most of the major government contracts and are flying ahead. There is no mistrust of jews from anyone I have talked to there anymore.

Also the government is pretty corrupt. My buddy tried a few times to get a business going. Only his jew friends have been able to pull it off. I think a full jewish takeover is probably 25 years out. It will happen slowly this time and as the frog boils they will wake up too late. Sadly.

It is post-communist but it's not clean at all. Most people live in destitution.

Remember Slavs are an Asian breed. Just because they are white doesn't mean they are like the westerner. I learned Russian and spent little time over there. The women are fascinating and beautiful. That's an extreme level of crazy tho. I miss my rusky GFs

Plant_Boy ago

Maybe you are right. I think highly of Victor Orban because he essentially banned Soros and all his funding crap form Hungary.

9NaughtZ ago

Satellite states are based. I have a lot of friends from various states around it.

We talk shit about the Muslims but at least the booted them out.

Something i never hear about either is Masons. They were super powerful in Russia right up till the end of the Tzars. And when I was touring i saw they built most of the buildings. Then they vanished. So of course there isn't any major cultural advancement since then.

Come to think of it... is there any place the jews thrive that culture also thrives. They consume it. Like a sports drink. Haterade. They have been in Israel and that place is all their own and it's still a dirty shit hole.

Plant_Boy ago

Masonic lodges still exist in the UK

9NaughtZ ago

They still exist here but are kinda pointless. Their power base is pretty much eroded. They aren't world builders anymore. That happens in (((temples))).

Plant_Boy ago

I'm pretty sure they exist to give the illusion of influence to keep the masses engaged in the greater good.

Atkho ago

90%? Africa is the only ones that can't feed themselves.

greydragon ago

True Whites are 9% of the world population. Where did you get this 16% from?

Plant_Boy ago

I was running on estimates of whites europeans make up approximately 1 billion of the 7 billion global population.

Plant_Boy ago

Dammit. Thanks for the update!

greydragon ago

Ah, all good.

Er, that is sill 14.3%. Doesn't matter. I could be wrong. Everything is bullshit nowadays. I'm sticking with the 9% until I get facts that counter it, ha ha.

Plant_Boy ago

I didn't think long and hard about the calculation, I did an estimate of 1/7 in the head. I could have dragged out a calculator if I wanted to be precise but most people will just glance over this comment so it's a measure of effort vs accuracy.

greydragon ago

Ha ha, I can't help myself. Effort versus accuracy? Wouldn't they be similar? Unless you mean lack of effort versus accuracy.

My keyboard has a calculator button that pulls up Windows cheesy calculator. Probably the only reason I am so fast to check math (besides my head just has a natural "gut" feeling about numbers).

Plant_Boy ago

I'm trying to keep my mental arithmetic exercised!

It's not too much use if it's too inaccurate so I appreciate you calling me out when I'm wrong.

Well, effort can go both ways. Taking effort on more neutral terms, like a unit for measuring work done, you can have more effort or less effort.

greydragon ago

And you can have less or more accuracy. Then words stop meaning things. Good can mean bad, just not that bad.

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

Plant_Boy ago

Fair point but if you want to get into philosophy then is Black Lives Matter good or bad? For Europeans it's bad but for Blacks its good. So arguably it's both good and bad but with different meanings depending on your heritage.

But using words correctly is something I agree with. I hate using double meanings so that was not my intention.

greydragon ago

Come on, dude, get it out. Or did you fall asleep or something? I even got another beer for you. Sigh. I'm up way too late as it is.

Plant_Boy ago

I tend to want to be more accurate when engaging in philosophy!

My comments take a little longer to type as I want to think and articulate about what I want to say.

greydragon ago

Roger. I'm just on a dying wind right now. Sorry for rushing. I need sleep. I probably will not be able to respond to you until the next time. Nonetheless, cheers man! Great talking to you!

Plant_Boy ago

Good to chat with someone that won't bellow RACIST NAZI BIGOT!!! as soon as I try and throw some thoughts out there.

greydragon ago

Same. Cheer man!

greydragon ago

I hate using double meanings so that was not my intention.

You were playing a game. All good. I like games. And it was your intention. Don't back out now.

... if you want to get into philosophy then is Black Lives Matter good or bad?

Define good / bad first off. I won't dance though. I'll get straight to the point.

BLM is a horror for civilization. It is destructive to blacks. Some niggers think it gives them power to act like apes in urban areas and elsewhere. They are too stupid to realize it is at best ephemeral. Many businesses will close their doors never to return to server the nigger areas. Maybe a vacuum will occur and Asians or whatever move in, but I doubt it. The fear of the nigger is there.

My point is that it doesn't depend on one's heritage. The nigger fucked up. I guarantee there will be future calls of racism over the lack of urban black consumerism.

I've said enough, your turn to respond while I get one more beer (final battle for me).

Plant_Boy ago

I'm just using BLM as a generic model for Good/Evil is hard to determine and it usually needs context.

Nah, I can appreciate that BLM is bad for both parties, it doesn't set a good example to build a society with. Instead it builds to the mentality of the Gibs me dat. But I think you consider Good as the building of the community.

A lot of people consider altruism a definitive of Good. But we also live in a lawful society. I do not think you can be both Altruistic and Lawful at the same time. Rules are necessary to ensure fair treatment but altruism is a necessity for innovation.

A completely altruistic society would be plagued with unfairness and corruption though and living in a lawful society would grow stagnant and predictable.

But anarchy would be good for those that support it even if we, the supporters of order, think its evil. Similarly Anarchy would consider order evil. Ideally we live in some mix between the two. Order to protect your own but sometimes you need to release the monster to act on what we're told is order, so good and bad tends to work on shades of grey.

Your go!

greydragon ago

BLM is evil. Through and through. It's supposed value is stopping cops from killing blacks. That is the least problem for blacks. It's other blacks, which leads to a Catch-22 for them.

But I think you consider Good as the building of the community.

No, I never said that, and I don't believe that. Good is morality. It is independent of "building of the community."

A lot of people consider altruism a definitive of Good. But we also live in a lawful society. I do not think you can be both Altruistic and Lawful at the same time. Rules are necessary to ensure fair treatment but altruism is a necessity for innovation.

Rules of Man are bullshit. Rules of God / Nature are the only true ones. The rules / laws of man are intrinsically corrupt. I guess that is why you are making your argument about altruism and law. Maybe I am wrong.

[repeating] ... I do not think you can be both Altruistic and Lawful at the same time.

That's a load of crap. Where did you get that notion from?

A completely altruistic society would be plagued with unfairness and corruption though and living in a lawful society would grow stagnant and predictable.

Where are you getting this from?

But anarchy would be good for those that support it even if we, the supporters of order, think its evil. Similarly Anarchy would consider order evil.

I used to be an anarcho-capitalist (and I am still very close to one). They heavily support order. Anarchy does not mean chaos. It means supporting no government. It also does not mean "do whatever you want."

Ideally we live in some mix between the two.

Well, if you mean 99% anarchy and 1% government, I guess I agree. But I am pretty sure that is not what you meant, ha ha.

Order to protect your own ...

Anarchy can be order to protect your own. You seem to think anarchy is some punk rock shit. In some categories, maybe it is, but not mine.

Conch handed to @Plant_Boy

Doglegwarrior ago

99% anarchy and 1% goverment would maybe work if you had 0% jews in your society. ad 1% jews to the mix and they will eventualy try to be 99% goverment (((aka communism))) with the 1% being jews in absolute power over the goverment. just my 3 cents

greydragon ago

13% = 52%

99% + 1% = 0%

What is wrong with math nowadays?!

Plant_Boy ago

Well Altruism would be the ultimate in liberal states. Your neighbour can do as they please and you just live and let live. Whereas a society with rules is dependent on people living between them, and so not living free.

Laws of Nature can be argued as anarchy because you survive by playing on your strengths. Laws of God, in Christianity, were generally built for building societies containing how to live with your neighbour, Talmud was how to take advantage of your neighbour, and Qu-ran was how to kill your neighbour making space for your family. Law of man, I agree is corrupt and was largely set in place by law of religion, in our case originally christian then corrupted by jewish double standards.

The unfairness of an altruistic society... is a good question. I see altruism in my society and it's plagued with social peer pressure that we have to be accepting of those different from us which was maybe compounded by the fact we live as such a strict hierarchical society with laws of man. And the jewish corruption element comes into play there.

Currently I agree with the John Birch Society motto, we need less government and more responsibility. But for that to work I think you may have to ban global travel otherwise some other country is going to just come over and roll over all the scattered individuals who can't agree on the level of threat, and so won't fight until it reaches their corner of land. When I say live between the two, I don't think I have a full appreciation of the issue so I couldn't determine what a good balance between government and anarchy would be. Ideally a God fearing government would be better because it's less susceptible to corruption, see the eastern European states heavily invested in Catholicism or the Muslim countries who don't treat gays, women, and foreigners fairly but men get equal treatment. (Though I would agree that there may be corruption issues with regards to placement within the religious hierarcy like the current pope kissing nigger boots.)

Ball is in your court, I'm going to get outside for some sun!

greydragon ago

Were you at one point @fellow_man?! Your account it older. Just wondering if you had an alt or something, because you sound like him. Anyway, I can't respond right now intelligently at all right now. Catch you on the flip side!

Enjoy the sun, mate.

Plant_Boy ago

Nope, just us chickens.

Sweettendiesloving ago

Natural selection is the cure to almost everything.

godamn ago


Plant_Boy ago

I didn't properly calculate it out. I was taking an estimate, white people make up approximately 1 billion of the world's 7 billion. We are about 1/7. Blacks, Asians, and Arabs make up the other 6/7.

godamn ago

15% of humans on this planet reside in the American continents, whiteness comprises roughly a third of all people, with the other two thirds overlapping brown and black. Skin color is more of a sign of latitudinal distribution from poles and the equator and the affordance of covered dwelling, than it is of bloodlines of “pure genetics” from inbreeding.

Killnigs3 ago

Lol obvious jew calling whites inbred for staying within their own species ha go piss some maple flavored pee you inbred kike niggerfaggot

godamn ago

If you had ever grown anything, you’d know how domestic dogs came from wolves, how your corn got so big, and why blackwater does your genociding for you.

itssomatic ago

Blackwater works for the Zionists.

godamn ago

Who works for blackwater?

itssomatic ago

ZOGBOTS, but they don't work for "American" interests like you're suggesting.

godamn ago

Lol, are you saying most of the us military is full of zogbot soldiers? Who is the most American?

itssomatic ago

I am saying the actions of the US military and contractors are not in the best interests of the American people, even if soldiers act under the assumption that they are.

godamn ago

I remember that the line zog says, “best interests” to determine the will given to the people. You are fighting shadows of your own projection, just as the us mil does, and just as zoghive intends.

Plant_Boy ago


godamn ago

Morphogenetic rats come in all colors, uv exposure darkens their skin / lack of it lightens them, and with time they are all verifiably in tune and will process mazes on average the same.

You do not know enough soldiers. They’re all the same. Put whatever color over them, the game is the same.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Chomsky has always been a disappointment. He's a linguist who can only speak English ( I can speak four and I'm a total bumpkin) and hes written books with obvious themes. Media is used to coalesce public opinion. Ok, thats nothing amazing.

Turn he turns around and trashes activities of the Weathermen Underground. They got into shootouts with cops, and bombed a ton of places, he claimed they broke coffeeshop windows. The guy can't reconcile himself to interpersonal violence because he's never been punched in the mouth. He is the active voice of the establishment telling you violence wont work.

gazillions ago

An amazing amount of socialists would stop being that if they were punched in the mouth and told why.

The rest are obsessive fucking nuts and have to be thrown from helicopters.

Chomsky is just another jew looking to enslave the global population with totalitarian communism, and wipe out Christianity and free will.

By 1929 he'd lived a year too long already.

greydragon ago

... because he's never been punched in the mouth.

I think this is a huge problem with not just folks on the left, but those in the center and right. I think all my previous fights made me cautious, but also willing to fight.

andrew_jackson ago

It's all good, Bud. We're a hierarchical based tribal pack-hunting species. Males that don't engage in combat aren't emotionally healthy. Why should Chads like you and I place any faith in males who refuse to fight?

greydragon ago

Why should Chads like you and I place any faith in males who refuse to fight?

Because they are White and moral. That's good enough for me. I'd prefer they fight, but oh well. Ha ha!

itssomatic ago

A conversation got real awkward once, when I asked a linguist how many languages he spoke.

tankingwrong ago


itssomatic ago

A taste of the quim.

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

Chomsky seems a lot like Jordan Peterson to me. A supposed intellectual that will say enough true things to lure in an audience and then carefully steer them in a "safe" direction.

TheManyHands ago

Pretty much. His big claim to fame though is his theory that media is naturally complicit with government without any collusion whatsoever. He has tons of lectures and books on this one topic alone, so it starts to sound convincing.

godamn ago

Gta armchair

tokui ago

reproductive incontinence

love it.