Glory_Beckons ago

Reposted this here since this post got fucked by voat going down right after it was posted. Would appreciate upvotes on the other one. Feel free to downvote this one.

Cunty84 ago

Seen parts of Africa look decadent compared to this.. this is pure excrement by fecal matter. Send them back one way to Ghana. No coming back.

videocodec ago

Swap them for the whites left in Africa. They can all go to South Africa and the white farmers can come here.

Cunty84 ago

As long as those white zulus bring biltong.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Time to wrap this up.

Severe sanctions are in order.

gimpyoldman ago

Can't wait until it comes to a neighborhood near me! I hope I stockpiled enough ammo.

WhiteChickens ago

Is that the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare map? I like it.

Fuckoffniggerfaggot ago

No, this is nigger infested cities after 2 weeks of unchallenged communism.

MrPancake ago

Here for this ^

madmardigan ago
