temp_lurk ago

Hoop earrings, always a dead giveaway.

Smallest_Skil ago


Cunty84 ago

She looks like a chola, not white.. but good fucking riddance.

changz ago

If only Lauren Southern would off herself.

jewsbadnews ago

Maker_Wolf ago

That's fucked up; no matter how you feel about blacks.

jewsbadnews ago

Lol @ downvotes from Qoomers. Go back to reddit or breitbart.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Could have had a happy fulfilling life. But went on to date niggers instead.

ianadba ago

Not too late to right your biggest wrongs.

0rion ago

Well, at least she tried to right her wrongs in the end. I'd say she still deserves a spot in heaven for that.

AlphaOmega ago

I’d imagine the thought process goes “I thought I liked black men then I had two black babies and the black man left me, now I need a white cuck provider who will actually stick around but I can’t find one because no one wants to be a cuck to two half-black children. Kids are horrible and life is depressing. Time to end us all.”

puggy ago

"I was sure Jamal would be just like the black doctors, police chiefs and lawyers on TV. He started beating me after the first baby but it really got bad after the second. He promised he would quit smoking crack but then he just disappeared. I'm sure everyone admires me for proving I'm not racist but I still have no job skills and no one will date me. My life is hell."

gazillions ago

Every female I've ever known that went black did it because they felt like White men weren't interested in them. Not because they liked black.

AlphaOmega ago

Interesting, so it’s maybe a low self esteem issue.

gazillions ago

If you want to use the language of the psychology cult go ahead. It just means they don't know how to date.

robot7247 ago

AKA, when twatter likes turn out not to matter.

Moln0014 ago

Burn the coal, pay the toll

Podge512 ago

And took the joglets to hell with her. Sweet!

facepaint ago

Now I understand why some mother kill their children.

Ocelot ago

Not a hero, she brought them into this world in the first place.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

She cleaned up her own mess, though, which is highly admirable.

anoncastillo ago

She might not wear a cape, but she sure did fly.

NoBS ago

Even Wiggers are still worthy of redemption. Except the ones who worship infanticide.

The only thing worse are the assholes who worship a superiority complex within a safe space of self centered arrogance.

Usernamenameuser ago

Wow, imagine how that poor father feels. Oh wait...

Doggy_Style ago

Dude is probably rejoicing

christophoros ago

he does not even remember her name

Helena73 ago

Her doting husband?

ootz ago

Would this count as "toll paid"?

black_trash ago

Yes, the toll was absolutely paid, she was either getting abused by her "boyfriend" or was abandoned, had no prospects, and her soulless half niglets were about 5 years away from their first crimes, she recognized her situation and did the rational thing. Whether toll paid voluntarily or not, the end result is the same

Splooge ago

The moment a coalburner can no longer produce mulattoes AND can no longer promote coalburning, the toll has been paid in full. In this case, both apply, so yes; the toll has been paid in full.

Many people fail to grasp this. For instance, some niggerlover whore gets beaten up by a nigger. Retards swarm in: “HIRR DURR TOLL PAID”

No. The whore is still capable of producing turdlets and promoting niggerloving. There is still a balance due.

Paying the toll in full doesn’t always involve death, it is just the most common form of payment. For instance, say a coalburner is forcibly sterilized, then mutilated so she can not communicate any longer (as has been done with acid in the UK). Even though she lives on (albeit disfigured), the toll may now be considered paid.

Butterbread ago

Well what about natural causes? Say the coalburners kids die before she does, she can't reproduce anymore due to age, and for whatever reason she can't talk... Maybe she went deaf in old age. Is that really paying any toll other than getting old?

Splooge ago

That’s up for debate I think. Personally, I think it counts only when the death or disabling comes via unnatural causes. The premature removal of the whore’s ability to spread her poison, as it were. Aging would clearly not qualify under that metric.

There is also the consideration of intent. If it happened by accident, some might call it “karma,” but it certainly would not be a toll paid. Most tolls are deliberately extracted by niggers though, so unclear scenarios are rare.

ootz ago

God I love you goats.

2fat2move ago

Repent. These "nigger" themed posts come from a really nasty place. Bunch of degentate shills.

Helena73 ago

I totally respect your objections to this sort of post but these are not shills these are real people who have been abused, betrayed and stolen from. They are not soros bots.

I for one and done being civil to people who hate me, hate this country and want me dead.

2fat2move ago

Real people arent this on the nose. This is a joo shill post

Helena73 ago

Did they change the post?

WhiteChickens ago

Fuck you, nigger.

Locked_Account ago

Ah, go fuck your self.

"Fatty" "Kikery" "Nigger" all live in your submission titles, nigger faggot.

2fat2move ago

Yeah cuz theres a dif between thinking words are tabboo and having nasty evil wretchedness in your heart

Locked_Account ago

Can you punch someone in the nose, then say it was just a joke?

Sowing the seeds of Love, eh?

2fat2move ago

Whos nose did i punch? Your big joo nose?

Locked_Account ago

Words are weapons, sharper than knives.

2fat2move ago


Locked_Account ago

Body noises. From a gasbag. Shocker.

SigHiyel ago

This isn't a shill post. Race mixing is against gods rules. That commandment about adultery means not to race mix...how convinent mistranslations and simplifications are to those that want to destroy your culture.

NoBS ago

Killing children is now hero worship? Do only white trash feel this way? Or can any fly by night Social Activist get a hard on for infanticide?

So it is true, Snowflakes really are into 4th term trimester abortions.

These people are sick.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

The coal burner giveth and the coal burner taketh away.

Drkadrka ago

The joke is she killed her mudsporg niglets, hence reducing the future crime rate.

NoBS ago

Infanticide is funny for feral and sub-humans.

Like our ever loving Satanic suck ups who laugh at the death of children.

Dead humor for a dying species.

Drkadrka ago

Keep melting cupcake. Nothing was lost. No humans involved.

NoBS ago

Melting? Exposing little children virtue signalling a superiority complex is my entertainment.

Thank you for playing.

Khash36 ago

They are a pack of race-mixed niglets. The greatest evil was the white woman who birthed those abominations. Race-mixing is disgusting those children are full on niggers who don’t even look like their single whorebag mom

NoBS ago

When the sins of the father are not enough feral sub-humans can blame the children for being birthed to a slut.

These people are sick.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Killing children is now hero worship?


NoBS ago

Infanticide is the religion of Satanist and third world feral sub-humans.The same assholes who get high off Young Blood or the modern marvel Adrenochrome.

scrimmmy ago

It would look pretty cool if she had a cape when she jump though...

Biobio ago

Toll: paid with interest

mean_dot ago

No, interest would only accrue if she took out the sperm donor as well. All she did was zero the invoice.

LettItBurn ago

Even in death, there's no redemption for a nigger fucker.

mean_dot ago

She corrected her mistakes and removed herself from the human race. There should be some form of absolution for that.

jewsbadnews ago

She will be reincarnated as a white women again for a second chance.

anoncastillo ago

Why not? Her toll's paid. Took the niglets out too.

1anddone ago

Burn the coal, pay the toll, redemption for those who take a nigger’s soul

DeadFox ago

She could be been alive and had white children. The Jews still win here

AmericanJew2 ago

Burn coal, pay toll.

Truth hurts.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

I love a happy ending.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Belated abortions.

anamazonslittle ago

Tolls have intetest the longer you go without paying them.

ranch-othelioma ago

Check the coalfax

DontBeRacist ago

When your kids are walking Coalfax reports.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

There's no need to. She has niglets.

massiveprivilege ago

Did't they shut down coalfax?

rebel_1812 ago

what is a coalfax?

Helena73 ago

You missed coalfax. That is sad.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Proof and public record that a black pecker touched her vagina

anoncastillo ago

Short lived website where you could report women for sleeping with niggers.

eongoat ago

kinda - FBI intimidated the webmaster and owner didn't have any backups (honestly there wasn't much to the website, anyone could make another one using a website creator)

jewsbadnews ago

How could they intimidate the site owner if there was nothing illigal about the website?

eongoat ago

Planetoftheclown ago

Coalfax is a FBI honeypot that is more offensive to the SJW's than the CP sites the FBI runs.

mrpaliza ago

a website creater? can you please name one? i can learn !!

eongoat ago

example, there are many if you search for website builder or "build your own website"