YugeDick ago

Jesus never owned slaves.

Trapezoidal ago

Muslims owned white and black apes one for fucking the other for labor

whatisbestinlife ago

bahaha! this is the next iotbw!

green_man ago

Jews ran the slave trade, ban jews.

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SpreeFeech ago

There are a lot of better reasons to ban islam.


alcogiggles ago

You get 2 blacks for the price of 1 arab. Seems fair.

FridayJones ago

We overvalued ours, at 3/5ths of a human.

spaceman84 ago

I prefer to feed Chinks to my tigers. A little more expensive, but the smell isn't half as bad.

Don-Keyhote ago

Islamic slavery is nothing like slavery. Often slaves would purchase their freedom, or be prized eunuchs or work the orchards in between friendly volleyball matches.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Islamic slavery was much much worse than anything endured by Black slaves in the West. Europeans/Americans just made slaves work and took care of their needs. Islamic slavery was vastly more brutal. In reality it is a system of genocide and conquest by which Muslim minorities took over and made a 100% Muslim society.

For example after the conquest of the Byzantine Empire, Muslim rulers were less than 5% of the population. They quickly set up a system which used the European Christian population against itself. Sharia Law was used to force Christians to accept Dhimmi status and pay the Jizya or be killed. Under Sharia, a Muslim is superior in all things to a non-Muslim. If a Muslim herdsman wanted graze a Christian Dhimmi's farmland the Christian had to accept. This forced Christians to either convert or starve to death. Further, the Christian still had to pay the Jizya. If he didn't pay he had to pay with his children or wife placing them into slavery. European Christian girls as young as 4 were placed into the Harems of Muslim men to be raped and used however they wished. Usually to make more Muslim children who would be used to kill Christians. The boys once they reached 7 would become sex slaves of Muslim men and were subjected to extreme torture and brutalization in order to turn them upon maturity into Janissaries; unthinking shock troops used to kill their Christian brothers. Christian European armies were often forced to fight Janissaries in the first waves. It is the first historical example of ritual abuse mind control used to create soldiers. Imagine having to fight a group of White young men instructed to kill you by Muslim mind control. It was very demoralizing in battles. The Muslims literally used Christian children as cannon fodder to shock and demoralize Christian armies.

Don-Keyhote ago

Dude you're a fucking Jew or a boomer-tier faggot, imagine how many hours wasted on JihadWatch kike websites lmao

ScientiaPotentia ago

I'm just a history buff. Rather than address the truth of my statements or refute them, you chose to attack me personally. Weak.

Don-Keyhote ago

Are u insane ur a fuckin faggot for making Christianty th sine qua non of europeanness. This is a racial site not religious. Fuck your gay self-justifying pseudohistory, I notice you didn't mention when janissaries/mamluks established entire dynasties

ScientiaPotentia ago

I can tell you are cognitively female by your argument. Your father must have been absent from the home or a genuine beta. Sad. So your pro-Islam argument is that slaves were able to overthrow their masters in a relatively bloodless coup in Egypt and Turkey. Again weak. They soon adopted the same brutality of their masters.

Are u insane ur a fuckin faggot for making Christianity th sine qua non of Europeanness

Don't put words in my mouth. Your reading comprehension is poor. Also, Christianity forbids homosexuality disproving your insult.

Don-Keyhote ago

Also, Christianity forbids homosexuality disproving your insult.

And thus it was that no homo ever found his way into the church again.

Fuck off boomer lmao

Guy_Justsome ago

You do know they cut their slaves' balls off to turn them into "prized eunuchs," don't you?

Don-Keyhote ago

That's the definition of a eunuch you dolt, and is both based and redpilled

Lurker618 ago

Its so their faggot muslim owners could ass fuck them and pretend theyre not gay