Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, but debt is the money of slaves. -Norm Franz (whatever)
submitted 4.7 years ago by Had
Something we should all consider and remember. Usury is the tool of the jew.
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Doglegwarrior 4.7 years ago
bitcoin the money of fools? lol i like bitcoin figured some of you crypto haters might like it...
or debt ia the currency of jews... barter is the currency of real men honestly means you have an actual skill or trade
NarrativeControl 4.7 years ago
It's OK to buy bitcoin.
prairie 4.7 years ago
Everyone should own a little. It will either go to zero or be worth a lot.
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Doglegwarrior ago
bitcoin the money of fools? lol i like bitcoin figured some of you crypto haters might like it...
or debt ia the currency of jews... barter is the currency of real men honestly means you have an actual skill or trade
NarrativeControl ago
It's OK to buy bitcoin.
prairie ago
Everyone should own a little. It will either go to zero or be worth a lot.