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knightwarrior41 ago

the prob is that is illegal for americans to have gold,at least in huge quantities or so am told.

btw,the same people that manipulate the stock market are the same people that manipulates the metals.

but regardless, i think that the upcoming commodity that the bankers will try to banter with is PEOPLE .the bankers are already filthy rich but they desire power and control....

Bill_Williamson ago

Told by who? Some faggot on Twitter pushing bitCON? How do you manipulate something physical? The weight and purity is fixed.

knightwarrior41 ago

Told by who? Some faggot on Twitter pushing bitCON? How do you manipulate something physical?

so do you think that the prices set themselves up? like stocks,prices are always fluctuating not only by demand but also by those who provide the metals to their clients. a real free market driven economy doesnt exist today despite of what you might think or believe.

The financial sector has never been known for its transparency or forthrightness. In fact, it's probably the single most mysterious industry there is. Bullion banking is so shrouded in secrecy that even most bankers don't understand it. Recently, bullion bankers have come under fire for allegedly dishonestly fixing gold and silver prices. Whether or not the allegations are true, the ongoing investigation into bullion banking has led to some surprising discoveries about the industry. The question raised by the investigation is whether or not some bullion bankers are playing by the rules.

Bill_Williamson ago

Retard, you have NO IDEA who you're addressing. Your reference, isn't experience, it's a fucking blog. You don't have a business degree, I know you're also too stupid to own your business and were never hire by any financial instituion to do any sort of meaningful work. Guys like you, own an ounce at best. You yodel about bitCON but don't even have 1.0. Don't even know what you're looking at with the code and I can go. So crawl back in your fucking hole.

knightwarrior41 ago

You don't have a business degree

and you do?you seem very touchy about this subject and are behaving more like a kid than an adult.

You yodel about bitCON but don't even have 1.0.

i have never mentioned anything about bitcoin,who is the retard now,asshole?

Guys like you, own an ounce at best. You yodel about bitCON but don't even have 1.0. Don't even know what you're looking at with the code and I can go. So crawl back in your fucking hole.

great explanation there,moron. it shows how smart you are when you are retorting to name calling instead of explaining what little knowledge on the subject you have.well, go and get fucked by a golden cactus! IDIOT!!

Bill_Williamson ago

'retorting'? You mean resorting.

A guy who owns NOTHING is going to tell me about finance. FANTASTIC. Another dumb fucking reply from a mentally ill CHILD. You put your pennies in whatever you want. NO ONE CARES. You're as irrelevant as a fucking nigger.

knightwarrior41 ago

A guy who owns NOTHING is going to tell me about finance.

TELL ME WHAT YOU OWN.yeah anybody can say that they own anything on the internet

Another dumb fucking reply from a mentally ill CHILD. You put your pennies in whatever you want. NO ONE CARES. You're as irrelevant as a fucking nigger.

again,you must like get fucked by a golden cactus.keep it going it shows how fucking GAY YOU ARE. mongoloid

Bill_Williamson ago

TELL ME WHAT YOU OWN.yeah anybody can say that they own anything on the internet

Your great grand daddy you fucking nigger.

knightwarrior41 ago

Your great grand daddy you fucking nigger.

this is you

knightwarrior41 ago

this is really bill_williamson
