I just feel sad when I think of my slavery. What have I done wrong if any, I dont even have debts.
For slaves there's really limited options.
You can obviously try to revolt for freedom. Accept your enslavement. Try to be an uber slave and hope the master gives you a promotion in status, or at least a level up on your living conditions to not-so-slave-like.
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ComradeUseless ago
Considering how much debt the US is in, is the US a slave country?
noob_tube ago
Considering that the US military exists solely to serve Israel's interests, is the US a vassal state?
ComradeUseless ago
A vassal is better than being a slave, at least we are not their slaves
noob_tube ago
We are slaves. We're not even master's slaves', we're master's vassal's slaves.
ComradeUseless ago
I just feel sad when I think of my slavery. What have I done wrong if any, I dont even have debts.
For slaves there's really limited options.
You can obviously try to revolt for freedom. Accept your enslavement. Try to be an uber slave and hope the master gives you a promotion in status, or at least a level up on your living conditions to not-so-slave-like.