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tankingwrong ago

Gold isn't going to do me a lot of good when I need ammo. Or a saw. Or a shovel.

It's a timing thing, solid tools and objects may not appreciate in value in our normal world but may skyrocket in the post-apocalyptic, where trading gold around will be a hassle to find people who see worth in it.

Had ago

The first investments I ever made were heirloom seeds and guns/ammo along with some land (which I mistakenly went into debt for). I have thousands of rounds of every type of weapon I own, and I continue to add a few hundred every month, so I guess we are in different investment phases of our lives.

Precious metals will nearly always be valuable in the long run as industry picks back up after a collapse. I don't see us ever going to a Mad Max style scenario unless there is a nuke dropped or a giant solar flare hits, so gold/silver are a great protection vs. "money printer go brrrrrrrrr". Metals aren't going to give 1000% return in 5 years like bitcoin, but they will always have value due to their usefulness in industry, specifically in electronics.

But the real idea of this quote is to avoid debt slavery.

FactsNblacksDontMix ago

I'm currently looking to purchase a tact of land, what did you end up buying(acres)?