Glum-County ago

Just don't say cracka with a hard R and we're cool

Smokybubbles ago

All these black people jumping around remind me of slavery. They are making my life more unpleasant.

New-World-Ebola ago

fucking bigtime.

they need to be eradicated.

the damage they've already done is mindblowing.

DontBeRacist ago

You can't house a bunch of communist pawns that are ready to chimp out at a moment's notice.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Print it and go put it up in public places. Don't be a faggot.

New-World-Ebola ago

i made it specifically for you to do just that, kike nigger.

Ocelot ago

Sounds like both you faggots should do it, and me too.

New-World-Ebola ago

it's easiest if you create 2 columns in word and fit about 6 or 8 pics per page and print them on postage labels.

makes it super quick to bomb them up everywhere and you can't be charged for vandalism because it's just a sticker.

NuclearDiarrhea ago

This morning I pooped in the microwave.

New-World-Ebola ago

stop trying to clone niggers

Rockfish1000 ago

Maroonsaint would like a word with you.

HoodSafari ago

Black men,,, kill white wives. Thank God the “HA and Mg will stop it.”

DontBeRacist ago

Make sure you check the CoalFax and since the site isn't that big yet, you might need to do a Coal Toll investigation yourself or hire a white private investigator.

CheeBooga ago

The kalergi plan kills

IncognitoVoatGuy ago

White lives matter. Black lies don't matter.

Thereunto ago

"Black lies matter"

Why wasn't this used as the counterpoint?

squiremarcus ago

memory hole done yet? "It's ok to be white" was the only message we ever needed with this format

New-World-Ebola ago

parrot faggot

lipids ago

"Islam is right about women" was a good one. Maybe the next can be "china is right about Africans".

Rockfish1000 ago

"It's all so tiresome"--Chinese Road Construction Man.

squiremarcus ago

Does the average person know what China thinks of Africans? No

Islam one was ok because most people know that Islam treats women as property.

Carpools ago

This is meaningless. If you said "kill", instead of "cost", it would mean something, but it would then be wrong.

You useful idiots are used against your own interests so easily. If you'd strike the root, and point out that we have an issue of forced integration, and betrayal of principles of liberty, you'd actually be right, and not sabotaging your own to the point they will be genocided.

DontBeRacist ago

We need to undo the "civil rights" movement. Everything is so saturated with niggers, I don't think we can do it. I was at the gym early and saw a young, fit white girl. I noticed her phone, and she had music playing. It was some piece of shit nigger. Fucking stupid white bitches and white faggots go around pumping nigger garbage into their heads all day. Fucking tools will listen to whatever shit Moshe Goldstein, the record exec, puts out there.

Carpools ago

The "Civil Rights Act" of 64 was a litany of right violations. One of the tremendous steps cementing our enslavement, and one of the biggest obstacles if we are to regain our freedom.

The root of the problem is always force, or violations of the right of the individual.

Freedom is always the solution.

DontBeRacist ago

Pretty much all the major government policies since the 60s were intended for destruction:

the 1965 immigration act

the war on poverty

the war on drugs

taking the Fed off the gold standard in 1971

Thanks to Jews the US government, became a tool of the communists in addition to the entirety of the media and the schools. Now we are thoroughly Jewed.

New-World-Ebola ago

well what the fuck are you doing, faggot?

instead of criticising people who are trying... why don't you show us all how it's done?

Carpools ago

New-World-Ebola: well what the fuck are you doing, faggot?

instead of criticising people who are trying... why don't you show us all how it's done?

Please see my comment history.

an_account_hello ago

"black lives kill white lives" isn't wrong though, at least as long as things go as they've been going with integration.

Carpools ago

Sure it is. If you said some black lives kill some white lives, that wouldn't be wrong... but then that lessens the hate intended in this message, so they won't bother saying it.

It could also say that some black lives kill some black lives. Some white lives kill some while lives. Some white lives kill some black lives. Some black lives kill some white lives..

It's simple sense we all have, and it betrays their attempt attempt to bypass that sense, and inject communist collectivism into the mix. It's inaccurate the moment you do, but it is effective at dividing stupid people against each other.

an_account_hello ago

perhaps would would prefer "integration costs lives".

"black lives in white spaces" do kill white lives, historically, pretty clearly, as a trend.

Carpools ago

As always, force is the root of the problem. Forced integration is a violation of the individual. Organic integration means everyone is involved on their own volition, and if they didn't like it, they would leave.

Force/violating the rights of the individual is always the problem.

Freedom is always the solution.

an_account_hello ago

then why did what happened to tibet happen, if not using force always leads to the best outcome?

Carpools ago

I don't know what happened in Tibet, but I can tell you that the best option is not utopia. Don't fall for the utopian fallacy. There is a difference between what is real, or ideal, and what is fantasy/perfect. One is a distraction from what could be.

For example, the best, safest, freest, most righteous, most secure, society is on that is free, and has distributed security. This doesn't mean that there has been an elimination of violent crime, but that it is minimized, and dealt with, in the best way possible.

If the entire world woke up sane tomorrow and said that natives in their native land were now the only ones who had any say on how their native lands were run, and maybe the exceptions were say the United States, Australia, and Brazil.. hatred, and the sabotage that comes with it, would drop by 99.9999%. If you didn't like "others", you'd go to where "your kind originated". If you wanted to live in the United States, Australia, or Brazil, you'd go to one of those places. The only reason you'd be in any of those places is because you'd prefer it to any other. When someone tried to tell you you were a victim of that place, it would fall on deaf ears as you'd be free, and free to leave.

What the liars take advantage of is convincing us to exchange liberty for security, which is impossible, but it is their pretense. They do this over and over again until we are slaves. Then they divide us, and tell us our unhappiness, and our enslavement, is due to others.

an_account_hello ago

If the entire world woke up sane tomorrow and said that natives in their native land were now the only ones who had any say on how their native lands were run, and maybe the exceptions were say the United States, Australia, and Brazil..

is it not already like that?

Carpools ago

It is not. In fact, the world is attempting to eliminate natives from their native lands, destroy our origins, and eliminate our diversity/adaptation.

an_account_hello ago

where? india? china? africa? japan?

Carpools ago

China & Israel seem to be the exceptions. Any ideas why?

an_account_hello ago

I don't think it's just China and Israel? Not Japan? Not most African nations? Not most Asian nations? Not Russia? Maybe South America? Not India? I thought this was mostly a problems with invaders into the Occident?

Carpools ago

Japan absolutely is. Everywhere except China and Israel. Russia and Japan aren't really interested in the pretenses, however.

I may be wrong about China, btw. It may also be that China just has over a billion people, a "Great Wall", and is no listening to the pretenses, either.

The communists are using their racism poisoning where people are dumb enough to be effected by it to get them to sabotage their own land.

Africa is a different situation, as Africans have always been divided against each other, and having the lowest average IQ, they're being cultivated as a bioweapon to enable the rest of the tactic we're talking about.

Forced redistribution of wealth is dysgenics.

ChiCom ago

Black Lives are too expensive for what they're worth

edgelord666 ago

white's would be no better than monkeys without jews inventing technology for you

ChiCom ago

A jew did invent zyklon b

DontBeRacist ago

How much are we spending each day on nigger lives. When a billion people in the world live on less than a dollar a day.