DohBoy ago

We are telling them why. And they just don’t want to hear it.

Atkho ago

Jews are communists and capitalists. We are the true center.

Intrixina ago

This perfectly sums up the difference between the leftist fuckwits and those on the right.

I have a personal experience with something non-politics related, where the people who I've encountered whilst doing this activity fall into two groups. The ones who criticise my efforts at every turn or see it their personal duty to shit on others' accomplishments, turn out almost every time without fail to be leftist spergs or blue-pilled. The ones who have been supportive of my efforts despite being still very much a beginner at the activity have all been on the political right.

WD_Pelley ago

This pic appeared on plebbit and the users laughed, asking, "So like, they're basically admitting to being radicalized?" That site is cancer.


Sie sollen sich hüten!!!! Einmal wird unsere geduld ze ende sein!

Fuhrer1488 ago

I didnt move to the right to be accepted or wanted by a group or to give myself a cool title, i did it because i believe whats happening in our homelands is wrong and should be fixed.

veteran88 ago

I can't wait for the next Hitler.

The God Emperor of all Aryans everywhere on Earth.

He doesn't even have to be elected.

He just has to show up.

minx88 ago

that’s right!

letsgoallthewhey ago

Women don't want to be objectified by men, but protest in the nude because it makes them feel "empowered". I don't get that.

I also can't imagine the horrendous braying coming out of the mouth of the one that looks like a donkey.

minx88 ago

Will you guys do not go to MGTOW do not get better by these crazy feminist they are not real women they are Jewish or they are brainwashed OK it’s stupid shit it’s nothing but contradictory shit I mean look first they say there’s a gender gap and then they bitch about there’s no gender that doesn’t make bloody sense that’s a contradiction but the Jews don’t care if they sound retarded because they are they just wanna push their anti-white communust shit

minx88 ago

Real women don’t think like this especially not right when women write women love the patriarchy it gave us opportunities it’s only the Jew communist feminist or the Jew that manipulated the young girls into thinking that that’s OK but these young girls wake up quickly and that’s why the Jews constantly go after the young kids because they know that way to wake up quick

minx88 ago

Guys don’t listen to those crazy feminist their communist they’re not really white women they’re fucking Jews bitching and moaning they’re hypocrites so that’s why it doesn’t make sense

wipeyournose ago

a lot of this would settle itself if we can re-classify demographics. Here's how the US Census defines "white:"

White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

North Africans and Middle eastern needs to be pulled out and on it's own. Once people see how many Jews are in powerful positions, even though only being 2.2% of the population, i think people would start to get the picture.

Dispite being only 2.2% of the population, they hold 10% of congress and senate. They are over represented on corporate boards, media ownership and banking.

When they say "there are too many white people in power," the Jews in power agree and then force out a non Jew white for a black. The Jews don't care who else is at the table as long as it's not one of them leaving.

tragicwhale ago

it's not only white

alalzia ago

Always blame someone else , i wonder what will happen if those who are never wrong start running things ....

honk_atcha_boi ago

Jess Phillips - is this the Jess Phillips that Sargon wouldn't even rape?

Moreauxxx ago

Many decent and conservative white women are joining too. You can generally spot us when we’re out and about by the fact that we are often with our families and by our well maintained generally attractive appearances.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

"I don't get it...we pushed our disgusting depravity onto people constantly. we didn't know there would be political consequences!"

Carpools ago

The slavers, and their communist useful idiots, must get you to embrace the "Nazi" label (who were communists, or who practiced the forced redistribution of wealth), and by divided by nonsense, rather than stand on American principle, and defy both groups being conjured.

Don't fall for their shit. Be an American, and stand for liberty and justice, and opposed to the lack of principle inherent in both of the teams they're attempting to divide us into.

See the push? It'll keep coming. Think the fascist "Antifa" was named that on accident? Think the "Refuse Fa" was named that for a reason? Think they started calling Trump "Hitler", and his supporters and all non-bigoted white people who don't hate themselves "Nazis" on accident?

They need you to be no better than them. They need you to be as bigoted, and as unprincipled. Don't be.

minx88 ago

No stupid .Hitler was against the Boskovic Jew because the Jew is a parasite don’t even try that shit carpool you’re a fucking Jew who is trying to wordsmith , And turn it around that’s not gonna work

Carpools ago

minx88: No stupid .Hitler was against the Boskovic Jew because the Jew is a parasite don’t even try that shit carpool you’re a fucking Jew who is trying to wordsmith , And turn it around that’s not gonna work

I don't give a shit about the communist or Nazi losers. I'm a principled American who values liberty and justice for all, and neither group of those idiots are.

Spin that motherfucker.

itstheirculture ago

(((They))) know exactly why white, Western men are joining the alt-right. But it doesn't help (((their))) agenda to admit it.

itsgettingcloser ago

And that's why (((they))) are idiots... they will be destroyed. Just keep pushing, kikes. You're gonna fucking pay.

wipeyournose ago

How much more do they need to push us? They have pushed to the point wehre their plan is in full execution mode. The mindless white drones they have been programming the past 20 years are ripe for their mission.

We need to start some kind of movement that exposes those who are really pulling the strings. The first step is to Jews in their own category with other Semites for census purposes and what not. If you don't identify as a Semite on the census, you can't claim haite crime or any of their other bull shit.

Once we pull them away from our demographic, we can shine the light on them. 2.2 % of the population shoudl not have all the wealth they have. Should not have all the political representation they have. Should not have the vast control of mainstream media, etc.

That's where we need to start. Fuck breaking windows and camping out in gross Seattle.

minx88 ago

The tell mood is hate speech!!

Everyone’s tired of their bullshit word anti-Semite it’s victimhood tactic in order to silence people and we’re fucking tired of theiranti-Caucasianism

wipeyournose ago

Yup. If they think anti semitism is so rampant, then maybe they need to start identifying as semites so people know what the fuck is going on. At that point, we will be able to see how over represented they are in every category. But they don't want that. They want to use the white to blend in, then use the black to attack us.

angryspin ago

All it takes is one charismatic man who has the courage to lead other charismatic men who have the courage to follow.

wipeyournose ago

Agreed. We desperately need that man. I think everyone is kind of shell shocked and taking time to regroup. We need to let 2020 get over with, vote trump back in, then get a handle on the idiot whites and darkies.

rebel_1812 ago

lol very based. i used to support the left when it was about union rights and bring antiwar. now it is just a cult of caucasianphobia. how can any caucasian support the left? perhaps i just dont understand self hate and cuck fantasies.

wipeyournose ago

how can any caucasian support the left?

It's literally insane. White guilt to the freaking max. They will willingly start to elect blacks into political positions. Us white folks will be left holding the bucket while they ruin all the work we did to build this country.

I'm not saying some things don't need to be fixed, but WE are the ones who need to fix them. Not the dumb blacks and immigrants who can't even order a big mac in english

rebel_1812 ago

There is nothing to be feel guilty about. White guilt is a racist submission trick.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

done on purpose, leftwing economics do make sense and in fact the national socialists did have union rights and socialized health insurance and regulated bankers and spent massively on infrastructure. Now the rich in american own both parties and don't want that so they have the dems only focus on weird sjw topics like tranny bathrooms and they have repubs focus on tax cuts for the rich and endless wars, so the the result is americans have no one to vote for that represents their interests and they get apathetic or radicalized.

rebel_1812 ago

You said it. Neither party represents the interests of Caucasians because anything that benefits Caucasians is seen as racist.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

One thing that does represent caucasians is limiting immigration and Trump has somewhat done that and one good thing about coronavirus really is they really shut down the borders and stopped immigrants from china and elsewhere, good stuff really even if corona is a hoax at least that was good, and dems were supporting it as well. My worry is as we reopen back from corona trump will start wanting certain immigrants again like rich chinese students to go to our colleges.

rebel_1812 ago

we need to stop foreign invasion completly. then start evicting them from the country until house prices and the labor market improve.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago


no immigrants unless we have 0% unemployment, and even then only from good white countries

rebel_1812 ago

use the word invader. that is what they currently are.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

I like illegals, we are letting them in, or at least we were, is it really an invasion when you let people in willingly.

rebel_1812 ago

i am not letting them in. its the traitors letting them in. so yes they are invaders. especially when you consider their hostile view towards the natives. immigrants want to be part of the society.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

true but like it or not the USA represents us

rebel_1812 ago

no they dont. we we march to the new civil war it wont be the usa flag on our shouldier. those fags sold us out.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

the idea of flags comes from banners used in battles during wars. This civil war is not going on yet or we'd be actively fighting. I am guilty of it too I know.

Plavonica ago

Unions are a cancer. Collective bargaining however I fully support. I support wars with good causes, such as un-diversifying America. I don't support wars with bad causes, such as anything in the middle east not involving green glowing glass.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

none currently going on that is a good cause

hagelangs ago

i used to support the left when it was about union rights and bring antiwar

You and me both, friend.

I stopped being a leftist in the early years of the Obama presidency. That's when they abandoned their white working-class roots in order to embrace mass unchecked immigration, "social justice" and the Deep State.

I mean, sure, the Clinton years weren't great either, but they weren't even as close to being as batshit insane as they are now.

rebel_1812 ago

it isnt immigration. it is an invasion. if it was immigration it would be stopped during recessions, when housing prices are too high or the labor market too weak. the fact the were still arguing for the invasion during a pandemic lockdown shows this isnt about us being a safe refugee.

minx88 ago

It’s the Jews supporting the invasion using manipulation of this hippie lie of the quality and multi called in order to except the muslim n black sub humans which are raping children and murdering people in every city.

They’ve tried the same tactics every century and every decade because they are genocidal parasites scamming for reparations for a fake holocaust using constant victimhood in order to scam for welfare and make excuses and justifications to smash things up and steal

rebel_1812 ago

I totally agree especially about the hippy lie that we have a better quality of life. Everywhere else in the world it is easier to be a first time house owner. How do we have a better quality of life if we have a generation that will never own their own home?

hagelangs ago

Not going to argue with you about that. Invasion/ immigration, call it whatever you like.

Either way the end result is that we're gonna be like some dystopian mix of El Salvador and Liberia if we don't put an end to this.

itsgettingcloser ago

Carter was the last real liberal/democrat.

Phantom42 ago

Have any of you felt interested in joining a local SS battalion?

No? Well, fair enough. How about the National Socialist American Worker's Party?

Ihateyuppies ago

Fuck the unions, they only serve the weak.

rebel_1812 ago

i prefer to get regular raises from my job to keep up with inflation thanks. unskilled union jobs make more money then jobs that require uni education without a union. unions are proven to increase wages and the standard of living

superspathi ago

I make $150k working from home, full medical/dental/vision, unlimited PTO, stock plan, and NO UNION DUES.

rebel_1812 ago

That doesn't work for everyone. Unions were about raising the standard for everyone. If you really care about your race, then you don't want to see Caucasians that can't afford a house. Those Caucasians won't be able to attract a wife or start a family. If you only want to look out for yourself and say fuck it to everyone else, congrats your a boomer. Not go to one of the riot areas and enjoy that fact that no one will defend your or stand up for you against the horde of niggers. This fucking mentality is why we don't unify like the other races. We got narcissists peacocking around not giving a shit about others.

superspathi ago

I expect white men to swim.

rebel_1812 ago

Enjoy swimming in the sea of niggers without anyone to help boomer.

superspathi ago

Everyone knows niggers can't swim.

rebel_1812 ago

everyone knows boomers have no allies amd enemies everywhere. enjoy getting fucked. you deserve it.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

you'll likely be laid off at a moments notice

superspathi ago

Been with them over 5 years now. I'm fine with at will employment. I expect to be able to quit when I want, so they should be able to fire when they want. That's only fair.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

you'll be crying when laid off, probably blame unions lol

Ihateyuppies ago

Lol not if he's skilled at his job and a top performer.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

like with cops, their union is what stops sjws from getting them all abolished and defunded right now, even though most of them do a good job.

Ihateyuppies ago

Not speaking upon government unions. Private business unions.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

dumb distinction

Ihateyuppies ago

Not really. Weak ass nigger

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

take the L

Ihateyuppies ago

For what not agreeing with your socialist mindsets?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

muh govt unions good private business unions bad. muh!

Ihateyuppies ago

Actually you made me think. The public unions are worth shit all as well. They did nothing to help the cancer stricken firefighters after 9/11, and they are doing fuck all now to help the police officers/ departments that are being dragged through the mud. They are complicit to what is unfolding in front of us with blm and the MSM jewgenda, They are touting party lines and it's sad to see. Your name definitely suits you.

Ihateyuppies ago

so you're not confident or prideful in the work that you do and need to pay your dues monthly to a union that is self-serving to secure your job, Got it.

rebel_1812 ago

Hey boomer, do you enjoy going to the riots and knowing no one will defend you or stand up for you if the horde or niggers attacks you? I hope you try to peacock around then. There is a video of some old boomer with a bow and arrow being savagely attacked by these niggers in texas. That could be you.

Ihateyuppies ago

You sound like a dumb nigger. And that guy wasn't a boomer with the bow and arrow lol. How old are you 15? You really are a dumb niggerfaggot.

rebel_1812 ago

you are all talk boomer. maybe you should fuck off to reddit because you would fit in better with the self centered, all-talk cry babies there.

the real voats know we are at economic, cultural and physical warfare with the enemies of are race and we only prosper together.

you are a dumb boomer that took all the generational wealth of your forefathers, and the system they set up; amd you sucked it dry spending money on dumb crap and fucking over the next generation.

you are a loser that is totally alone. careful you dont get the cough. cause corona is boomer remover and no one will care when you are gone.

Ihateyuppies ago

Lol okay nigger

rebel_1812 ago

sure thing lonrly boomer. better watch out for corona. people arent wearing masks.

Ihateyuppies ago

How old do you think I am, lol? You work a job that is meant for highschoolers and expect to get a raise every year? Sounds pretty niggerish to me.

rebel_1812 ago

you are a self centred boomer. you font belong with us other voats or any where really. no society lasts we people that take and never give back. go to reddit and call them niggers.

Ihateyuppies ago

Okay 7 months guy. You keep calling me something that would be an impossibly. But you are a nigger that wants to work nigger jobs and get paid like his non nigger counterpart that went to school to learn and master a trade. Sounds like Communism to me dude, you have to want better for yourself, no one is responsible for you, only you are able to elevate yourself. Stop looking for hand-outs and for someone or thing else to even the playing field, like a fucking dumb nigger.

rebel_1812 ago

you just keep repeating boomer bullshit. you want to know why society fell apart look at your self. you never did shit for your family; surprise your family is fell apart and hates you. you never did shit for your friends; surprise you circle of friends fell apart and does car about you. you never did anything for your community; surprise, it is full of foreigners and even your own race disrespects you.

Ihateyuppies ago

Lol I'm probably around the same age as you, same generation dude. And you are probably the smartest nigger in your hood. Yeah and nothing will change bc you expect everyone else to do it for you. Are you qtarded by chance?

rebel_1812 ago

i saw something on the internet that reminded me you you. a christian preacher went into the chaz zone to preach. he was beat up and forced to kiss a fag.

that is you trying to preach your dumb boomer shit. you stabbed your own people in the back so now no one cares about your boomer system or about you anymore.

you are all alone in the coming civil war just like the preacher in chaz. you will be beaten and sexually assaulted like him too.

Ihateyuppies ago

Cry more nigger.

rebel_1812 ago

hey boomer keeping flapping your gums while the niggers and corona gets you. your just a talker.

Ihateyuppies ago

lol im in my thirties and this coming from the kang nigger.

itsgettingcloser ago

You're an idiot

Ihateyuppies ago

lol and you're weak

Neskuaxa ago

Systemic abuse from all fronts can warp a mind easily.

BalfourYourFace ago

The left used to be pro America, anti illegal immigrant, niggers are super predators, enacting 3 strikes laws, anti war, less government.

We didn't change. They did.

wipeyournose ago

As recently as 2012, even obama ran on a platform of closed borders and traditional marriage. just saying

oneinchterror ago

You mean the democrats used to be that way, and now they have embraced leftism. You're right that is was them that changed, but leftism has always been the same force of destruction and chaos.

we_kill_creativity ago

but leftism marxism (satanism) has always been the same force of destruction and chaos.


Leveraction ago

This says it perfectly!

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RecceRat ago

Is the third pic down a horse with tits?

minx88 ago

Yes what are those two teeth that looks like a Jew they are always so ugly . If the family mix to get blonde hair they still have his big noses and even if they get a nose job they have these concave face is like witch hags,

MuricaPersonified ago

Donkey. You can tell by the smaller size and obnoxious braying.

oneinchterror ago

Could be a mule, since I doubt that thing is capable of reproduction.

J_Darnley ago

/me applauds

Leveraction ago

Ha,ha, what tits?

minx88 ago

Really no one wants to see these ugly Jewish females naked or these big fat obese females naked no it’s a turn off it’s ugly it’s an eyesore

Fence_sitter ago

They know why, it's just convenient to ignore the real reason and create their narrative has to why.

ggolemg ago

Throw in the jews and it would be exactly perfect

MrTerry ago

Coming on the clouds with a host of 6 million White Martyrs to put an end to this shit.

minx88 ago

Yes but since everyone knows the holocaust is a big fat lie and there’s leagues have evidence to prove it do use are not gonna get the reparations anymore that’s finished

minx88 ago

And this time we’re going to use real gas and not show them to Mercy since the Jews didn’t show anybody mercy in holodomor.Which we will take out reparations from their ass

And torture them the same way that they have been doing to our children in Hollywood and politics of torturing children and eating their adrenal gland

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

like how the real Hitler ended it?

do you faggots see that we can immediately see your scam?

We don't want to transport you. We want to make a violent war against your physical persons for your many crimes.

MuricaPersonified ago

Why are you so trainsphobic?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

2001: 19 years of americans celebrating their many wars.

2020: noooooo you can't kill jews like you kill muslims and yugoslav christians. noooooo stop talking about transportation. you aren't really a nationalist unless you hate war.

itsgettingcloser ago


A_Punkass_Bitch ago

he's a bot so he isn't really going to reply in context

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

i caught it the first time fuckface

itsgettingcloser ago

But WAT the fuck are you talking about?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

the manner in which you die with the rest of the zionists of course.

sans transportation.

itsgettingcloser ago


Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

you aren't getting safety camps kike

minx88 ago

The cakes are scared that’s why they’re at least unleashing they’re flying monkeys and Muslim cockroaches that attack children another really scared because of the lockdown We are of course stuck inside talking so what are the kikes do they bring out that bitch rat gates and his vaccine and try to threaten us with illlegalllly force vaccines Which is poison with a chip.

Which they can’t so they’re going to pretend it’s good for us are they going to threaten Us anyway they can because they’re so scared and they’re so desperate but we’re sick of their threatening us

while using victimhood bs

minx88 ago

Exactly no pools in theaters and football games for you this time you child raping vampire parasite kikes