starrychloe ago

Do you have any evidence?

AntiMason ago


boekanier ago

With the help of an army of white useful idiots, jews have nothing to fear.

Cunty84 ago

There’s also lots of useful kikes too! One died of an asthma attack, I couldn’t stop laughing!

Doglegwarrior ago

why would the freemasons who are a majority white and in small towns and not stupid help the jews? are they being subverted and used as useful idiots? goos chance

romanstock ago

there are many sects within freemasonry with the illuminati being the most notorious and a solely jewish enterprise. in fact Weishaupt claims he targeted it for infiltration because of its public image back in the 1700s, when they had lodges everywhere but the populace mostly ignored it as harmless because it was just seen as a trade union. and again in modern america you are sharing that same sentiment. there's millions of freemasons across the world now, the low-level members and lodges are nothing. they're not freemasons, they're idiots who think they are part of something who provide a nice cover for those at the top. it's also a rule in freemasonry that you have to do what a higher ranking member tells you no matter what. for that reason alone, anyone who is part of it is a cuck. and cucks love to submit to jews.

AntiMason ago

Freemasonry is the Kabalah occult religion practiced by jews. Look at their degrees, they are replete with hebrew characters and words.

shillaccount3344 ago

It's like all religions that get subverted. There's someone at the top and if you look it's probably them.

AntiMason ago

It was always bad.

rebel_1812 ago

dont believe the media. real people are waking up to tge lockdown hoax and the racist caucasianphobia of these riots. the time for us to act has come

SirNiggsalot ago

What exactly are " shabbos goy " ? I know what goy means, but not shabbos goy.

sharkinfestedwaters ago

Jews aren't allowed to do anything on Saturday. They can't drive a car or turn on a light switch. A shabbos goy was some dumb goy that the rabbis convinced to do all these menial tasks for a pittance every Saturday. That's where the term comes from.

SirNiggsalot ago

Thanks !

IsaacJan ago

Means good goyim who willfully or ignorantly go along with jew shit. The crazy bitch at the supermarket screaming and crying at you for not wearing a mask or going down the aisle “the wrong way” for example.

SirNiggsalot ago

Ok. Kinda figured it was something like that, or Evangelicals

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

most evangelicals support israeli now cuz they think jesus comes back if the temple is rebuilt

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Islam/Christianity say that the antichrist's throne will be in Jerusalem because he will try to impersonate Christ. They will end up following the great deceiver.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

ezekial prohesized the messianic era in a third temple. Jews didn't think Jesus was the messiah cuz he died and didn't bring the messianic era, heaven on earth, of course christians think he was reborn but still where has he been in 2 thousand years? Catholicism says it already exists in a spiritual realm but that is lame and obviously just a way to try to excuse the lack of jesus, and goes against the bible.

The great awakening voat sub here, based on Q, is actually a reference to evangelicalism, that's where the Q symbolism comes from, and they think Trump is harolding the return of Jesus soon, they see him helping out Israel so much as a sign of that. They think it is fulfilling end times prophecy. So it is funny seeing a lot of people here also being anti jewish.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

The great awakening voat sub here, based on Q, is actually a reference to evangelicalism, that's where the Q symbolism comes from, and they think Trump is harolding the return of Jesus soon, they see him helping out Israel so much as a sign of that. They think it is fulfilling end times prophecy.

In Islam every single minor warning sign Mohammad (saw) mentioned to his followers about the coming of the antichrist has been fulfilled. I would not be surprised if he comes within our lifetime. He will claim to be God and Jesus and have a throne in fake Israel next to Palestine. He will be a Jew who is missing his right eye. The real Jesus will descend and slay him in Damascus where a huge army of Jews will have gathered to kill the last of the Muslims.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

one thing I don't like is when they say if someone who seems like jesus comes back, he is the anti christ, I'm thinking what if it really is Jesus, unlikely I know but watch them all kill him again because of antichrist prophecies saying not to trust him. It's like you can't win, and religions want it both ways. I think it's similar to 2+2=5, getting you to believe something fake. The trinity is like that, how can jesus, god and a ghost all be the same..

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Muslims believe in an authentic narration of the Prophet that says "anyone who has even had an ounce of faith in God, when they see Dajjal - the antichrist - the illiterate and literate alike will see the letters ka fa and ra written on his forehead, denoting that this one is actuslly a kaffir"

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

well muslims are idiots so who cares. Mohhamad was a warlord who made shit up so he could get money and young brides.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Thank you for regurgitating for me.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

i'm regurgitating known facts, get off this site muslim

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New-World-Ebola ago

it's ridiculously obvious now and whoever cannot see it is a fucking moron.