Cunty84 ago

Deceptive tranny

minx88 ago

Portman is an ugly little kike.

All Jews are ugly if there’s some that are less ugly just look at the rest of the facial features if they did their nose job look at the concave witch face

jogger_please ago

I wonder if Justine Damond felt safe.


Bull Shit. Police never made me feel safe. They can freely carry weapons and I can’t. One little fuck up they can arrest me or give me a ticket. Meanwhile, they act with impunity. My guess is they’re speeding off to rape their 15 year old slave girl.

capicua ago

not because she's white, because she is jewish, police also kill white people

GusStappo ago

Portman was born on June 9, 1981, in Jerusalem to Jewish parents. She was given the Hebrew name Neta-Lee. She is the only child of Shelley (née Stevens), an American homemaker who works as Portman's agent, and Avner Hershlag, an Israeli gynecologist. Her maternal grandparents were American Jews and her paternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants to Israel.

What do you suppose her thoughts on Israeli's training the US police to use these knee holds?

rebel_1812 ago

Instead, how about we defund all military actions in the middle east, we defund the Israel police and military and stop aid and free trade to israel. Lets see what she thinks about that.

I dont' care that niggers feel scared around police. It is because they are criminals. Does the establishment care about all the Caucasians that niggers have attacked that feel scared around them? What about all the Caucasian children in schools that are bullied by the niggers? They are dealing with physical and verbal abuse daily. If they fight back in any way they are punished. Fuck the niggers and how they feel. The fighting time is here.

ciaozuzu ago

Jew privilege is being white for convenience.

Bori ago

I will never watch another Hollywood movie again, nor will my children! The anti-white HATE coming from Hollywood and the RADICAL LEFT are terrorizing law abiding citizens. I'm a Native American Indian with family still on the reservation and because I don't look like Pocahontas, I've been told recently my family isn't truly native American Indians. This is a form a DEHUMANIZATION; We are a very small minority and "they" still want us DEAD!! What I see is GUILT PROJECTION being pushed onto Whites who weren't involved in the slave trade! It's wrong!!!! I explained to this person who said that only blacks and hispanics were native Americans that my family was registered when it was UNFAVORABLE TO DO SO, I have a role number; I belong to 6 tribes! However, the U.S. government only recognizes two of the largest ones our family belongs too!

thebearfromstartrack ago

Can't play both sides of the fence. CHOOSE feminist cunt. You will not have BOTH.

ratsmack ago

Her "black friends".... both of them.

SPAMsammich111 ago

(((My white privilege))). It's beyond theory at this point. It's a law rooted in objective fact.

TrueGoy ago

cry wolf bitch

jthun2 ago

oh look, suddenly Jews are white.

Despite all those op-eds saying that Jews aren't white.

I wonder why the most high IQ people on earth are so inconsistent.

Charilko ago

Good lord, is anybody in Hollywood not Jewish?

Gargamel ago

man this whole "we white ppl are to blame" shit from non whites is an eye opener, then u find out who was buying the slaves from africa and its like no fucking wonder slavery seemed so foreign.

fightknightHERO ago

Neta-Lee Hershlag is a slimey shape shifting cunt

DoyouSEE ago

She’s a fucking shapeshifter what do you expect? Found the antifag docking sight. Figured Voat would be happy. I’m going to spam some posts with it. Blow me if you don’t like it schlomos

theKiernut ago

A credit to her Race. Which is it, again?

facepaint ago

Let them rape her. It would make her feel better as a white woman.

dassaer ago

Fck this joo bitch ....

"She added .... 'police are the sixth leading cause of death for black men in this country. "

- Oh ok then natalie, could someone tell me what the other five causes and rates are ?? (dollars to donuts 'Black on Black' violence and crime should be one those aaand no doubt be hidden away under a more generic titled metric, stated simply as 'Homicide/ Murder') ...

Mr_Quagmire ago

Who fucking cares about Natalie Portman.

American-Patriot ago

Look blacks cannot call themselves white so Jews should not be able to either.

Bill_Williamson ago

That kike bitch is a major donor to jew causes. She's pretty militant Israeli cunt. Anyway, if fuckers like that do get rid of the police, the day after... hahahaha I'm calling dips.

Doglegwarrior ago

she is one lf the decent looking kikes but i would touch her with mandingos dick because she is a filthy kike and black evil to the core.

heywoodnj ago

Don't know why I clicked. I know she's retarded,she just keeps verifying it. Tits or ass probably, let me know when she has a mute button.

CheeBooga ago

She's a jewess and fucks niggers & dogs.

fightknightHERO ago

Dogs are arguably cleaner than Niggers

CheeBooga ago

I can't argue with that. They are both beastiality.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Hey there, dogs can be sexy too. Arguably Huskies are the hottest.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

To think she was just that cute bitch who couldn't act to save her life in those Starwars movies just 21 years ago.

andrew_jackson ago

Worse. She was in an exploit movie called The Professional. It encourages adult-child sex. I'm not making this up.

FuggBenis ago

Neta-Lee Hershlag. Fuck that bitch, Anakin would've still had natural legs if it weren't for her flirtatious attitude toward a child slave.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

I had no idea that was his real name.

jthun2 ago

eh, I remember bumping into her in boston when she was 19 or so... definitely would have tapped her. She's getting Jew witch face now.

FuggBenis ago

Oh, I don't blame Anakin one bit.

nvadr ago

we need to red lightsaber these niggers

killkillkill ago


BentAxel ago

Oh yeah sure Padmae knows all about politics and city budgets. Get the fuck outta here with her. Shut it.

CmdrRockwell ago

she learned a lot about the keys for a successful marxist revolution from her time spent with V.

andrew_jackson ago

That's right. I forgot about that. Wasn't that a particularly lackluster performance?

green_man ago

Jewish media narratives are very powerful and niggers are very dumb and susceptible to propaganda especially when you tell them it's someone else's fault.

Fruedroid ago

(((They))) are pushing the (((we are racist whites))) narrative really hard now.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Good. It's time to sort the Wheat from the chaff. Before the Boogaloo gets going you want to know who you can trust. Anybody not with you is against you—that should be plainly obvious by now. Anybody who doesn't choose a side will have one chosen for them in a most unpleasant manner.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Its not a narrative anymore, they are trying to push a full blown law that makes white have to suck nigger cock daily or else go to jail or have their heads blown off by federal police.

IQueue ago

That’s a lot of fantasy you shared

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Shut up, Fed your trying to pacify us! We will not submit, we will fight till the last sword and katana is drawn!

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blumen4alles ago

The 38-year-old said: 'My whole life, police have made me feel safe. But that's exactly the center of my white privilege.

It is all so tiresome.