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WhiteMan ago

Jews are the slave masters. Always have been. Liars, cheaters and cowards.

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jj351 ago

I had a jewish girlfriend once. Literally one of the biggest whores you could ever imagine. Like comic book slut. She just didn't give a fuck.

BeingReplaced ago

Sounds like she gave too many fucks

philmchawk ago

Most of our mythos comes from jews. Goblins, trolls, succubuses, witches, vampires.

voatuser1128 ago

I had a jewish girlfriend once. Literally one of the biggest whores you could ever imagine. Like comic book slut.

Was she hot? Did she had a big nose or big tits? Was she good in bed? I hear Jewish girls suck dick like crazy good. Is that true?

Phantom42 ago

Was she hot? Did she had a big nose or big tits? Was she good in bed? I hear Jewish girls suck dick like crazy good. Is that true?

Imagine caring about such idiotic and low things.

The year is 2020, and the White race will go extinct.

Yet you sit and wonder if a jewish whore "muh dikkks" good?

Break your fucking mind, force endless pain on yourself through all actions, and cultivate a mindset only focused on war and how you might be effective and survive to stand guard until the day comes where you die of natural causes.

Mental conditioning is all it is. Love, kill it. Rend it. Fucking annihilate any thought of it because it will not find you. It is dead. Love is an emotion that will kill any "man".

Break yourself, wait five years.

fightknightHERO ago

Aye, Love makes us weak

but it also reminds us of the things worth protecting...

Phantom42 ago

Then I am reminded of nothing.

jj351 ago

Hot? depends on who you ask. Outsiders didn't think she was anything special. She knew she had to get naked to change your mind. Good in bed? Yes. She was a cocksmith.

CheeBooga ago

I've known plenty of jewish women and can concur. They are filthy demon sluts who will do anything and if they don't have a human dick to fuck they will fuck dogs.

jthun2 ago

I had a Jewish friend with benefits once. She was actually really hot... tall, slim, no witch face... not much of a hooked nose. Basically almost sports model quality except for small boobs. Also a massive slut. I think Jews are either messed up genetically or heavily sexually abused as kids. Maybe both.

jj351 ago

That was the thing, she wasn't unattractive. She was what I now refer to as "porno hot" because I can only see her as a huge slut now. But after seeing the people (girls too) she threw herself at it would appear she had some insecurity issues. I stopped fucking fat chicks in my early 20s because once you've attained a certain level you can never go back or it makes you feel like a loser. Always level up. But with her, it seemed like she would go for anyone who could talk her into bed with any level of confidence. She also generally liked to humiliate her boyfriends. The Woody Allen syndrome. Because in her mind, if they settled with her they must be losers worth cheating on. The grass is greener with the new guy, but if they expect a relationship as a result, well then they just signed up to be cheated on in the future.

serfer0 ago

I had a jewess friend in college, almost got with her. She did save herself for marriage, which is respectable. But my god did she kvetch. I was a simp at the time and committed way too much time to it.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, in college now and all of them may as well be what you described.

And this is a college in the US, not Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.

fightknightHERO ago

There is a difference? college nowadays is a breeding ground for jewish mind bacteria to sucker empathetic (and brainwashed) goyim unto shilling for white genocide and communism

it's has been this way for like what? 20 years? 30 years?

TheLesserApes ago

The one time a girl asked me out she was jewish. I wasn't even redpilled on the JQ but I still rejected her because something was up. Happy I did she's now a communist egirl.

fightknightHERO ago

always trust your instincts

New-World-Ebola ago

all jews come from inbred stock

CheeBooga ago

Their jewish DNA makes them degenerates.

Splooge ago

Same here, although my experience took place before I was aware of the JQ. However, once I did, I revisited all the little experiences I had here and there where I got cheated or screwed somehow and wouldja look at that, majority of them were shapeshifters.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

When I look back at my first Jew experience, it was some skinny big nosed guy at work. He would find stuff in the lost and found, or even be the first to find it, then take it and try to sell it to some other employee. Was also the greediest motherfucker I’ve ever met until that point. The stereotypes are fucking true.

AdolfHitler1 ago


Splooge ago

Yes, a jew that alternates between being "white" or jewish depending on what's needed for any given situation.

One moment, it's "My fellow white people, we must commit suicide to apologize for slavery!" and the next it's "How can I be racist? I'm jewish."

letsgoallthewhey ago

And they change their last names to hide their jewishness.

  • Natalie Portman - Natalie Herschlag

  • Gene Simmons - Chaim Witz

  • Gwyneth Paltrow - Paltrowicz (original family name changed in earlier generation)

  • Winona Ryder - Winona Horowitz

There's a lot more than these but you get the idea.

CulturalImperialist ago

Also the popularity of nose jobs to obscure the distinctive sheckle sniffer.

MuricaPersonified ago

That right there is the not-so-mythical "crypto-kike". Here's a handy little list of jews and cryptos.

letsgoallthewhey ago

"little list", Thanks for sharing.

AdolfHitler1 ago

damn. you're right. i think all races could live in harmony (everyone live where they came from) if jews didn't exist.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

They don't just pretend to be white. Shapeshifting is also about pretending to be philanthropists, charitable, fighting for equality, against racism, etc....but their real nature is the opposite. They "shift" back and forth from one to the other depending on if anybody is looking. They are both baby kissers and satanic fucks. Shapeshifters...

Fuckle_Chucks ago

That's not how Universe works. Stasis is a fantasy of the delusional. Everything changes given enough time. The goal should not be to try and fight Universe to maintain something that will be lost regardless, but to use change to get something more desirable.

AdolfHitler1 ago

well said. I've always believed conservatives arent against change. they just want to fight for the values and traditions that give them fulfillment. i want to see capitalism and blind consumerism change. boycott of big companies. environmentalism where appropriate to protect our land

jj351 ago

Yeah it was embarrassing. I actually thought her being Jewish made her special. I can only shake my head about it now.

AnotherGrayman ago

Dude I married a nigger. You want to talk about embarrassing? I lost almost a decade of my life to "we're all the same, fuck those dumbass racists."

Splooge ago

Hindsight is 20/20. What matters is you're here now, among your fellow goats.