ShapkaUshanka ago

Fuck football and soccer. Watch hockey

Fuckle_Chucks ago

You are a faggot if you watch any form of niggerball. In fact, what the fuck are you doing watching any sportstainment event? Is your future so secure that you can waste your life on such crap? You've acquired all possible knowledge and wisdom and are so infinitely powerful that you have no concern about anything? Or could it be that you're just retarded?

NolivesMatter1984 ago

If you are still rooting for the Niggers owned by the Jew from your town vs the other niggers owned by the Jew from the other town, then you are a faggot.

totes_magotes ago

So... a faglet then?

Javik2186 ago

Football is for nigger-pussies. You start talking about Rugby, now that's a true man's sport.

Riste2424 ago

I’m glad to say I never watched that bullshit. If I wanted to watch a couple of niggers run around and attack people, I would rather watch cops.

boekanier ago

Don't watch sports, practice it.

anotherdream ago

Slow clap*** been saying this for years. It’s not even about true competition anymore. It’s just another money wrangle, and filled with roofed out Africans and ducking idiots. They just wanna siphon your vitality, sell you beer a& shot food, and further distract you till you are nothing more than a fucking pathetic fat monkey on a couch. Fuck ESPN bullshit sports culture. You wanna be a man? Go hiking. Lift some fucking weights. For fucks sake.

892012518HEROS ago

I said the same thing today fuck the NFL white people keep it afloat without us they go away.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Replacing mainstream sports with things like poker night, lifting weights and golf is incredibly easy. I wouldn't recommend cutting all of it completely out but getting rid of things rife with politics like basketball and football have helped me immensely. Using that time to better myself and spending what free time I have online looking at other sports and only watching things or going to sites that keep politics separate will do wonders for your mental health. It is all easier to do than you think.

paperfolder1 ago

All pro sports are run by SJW faggots sucking jew cock.

greydragon ago

The best hockey game I ever saw was a local one. Three of my friends were in a championship game. My friend and I (for the most part, only ones in the stands) were booing the other team so much, I know it rattled them. I think they really wanted to get off the ice and attack us.

It was the greatest game ever.

Covfefeandeggs ago

20 of the 32 NFL team owners are jews

edwinthomasr ago

I have never watched any team sport garbage

GameBOB64 ago

I prefer to play video games than watch sports.

Zed_Leppelin ago

I stopped watching niggerball when they started wearing pink cleats. Those disgenic mongrels have no self respect.

Usernamenameuser ago

I dont think there's anything wrong with watching a sporting event from time to time. Going to a game with friends is a fun social experience, as is watching an event with a group. Nothing wrong with having it on the radio while you're working on something either. Its just entertainment, and should be treated as such. You cant deny that it isn't enjoyable to watch people with extraordinary talent do extraordinary things.

Where you become a HUGE FAGGOT is when you obsess over the shit. When you HAVE to watch every game of the season, and you pay tons of money to do so. Every Sunday is devoted to sport and sport only. When you get mad because of a bad play. When you invest emotion into it. You're a huge faggot when it takes away from your life being productive. You're a cuck when you spend $120 to where another man's name on the back of your shirt. Thats the gayest shit ever. You're a bitch when you hit your wife because your team lost. Even "having a team" is some faggotry. Having your electric jew on nothung but sports channels makes you a big homo, especially to get wrapped up in the politics of it all.

Casually enjoying a sporting event here and there is ok in my book though.

Before you say anything, I don't really care for sports or watch them. I will go to a sporting event sometimes if a group of friends is going, but i don't particularly care about the game or its outcome. I mostly enjoy the social interaction, and I like the atmosphere of a baseball stadium. Things like walking around, getting a hot dog, eating peanuts, looking at nice tits and ass, etc. (There's always tons of hotties at pro sports games.) Its more about hanging with my circle of friends or family than anything.

The biggest cucked faggoty ass shit is people who dont like sports, but invest time and energy learning about them and pretending to like them just to fit in. These are the biggest faggots ever.

This comment was made with zero consideration of the whole kneeling on the flag bullshit of the NFL. I will not be giving a single dollar or iota of my time to the National Faggot League. I am 100% for boycotting anything that stands against me, my people, or my country. The NFL can suck my regular white guy dick. I am in total agreement that contributing to the NFL, or anything that is anti-America for that matter, makes you a gigantic black cock sucking faggot.

Intrixina ago

Going to a game with friends is a fun social experience, as is watching an event with a group.

You could choose to play a sport with said friends, or go to an event which isn't niggerball though.

Usernamenameuser ago

I'm talking about things I get invited to. I would never host a sports event where we were watching and not playing.

I dont hate on normies for being normies as long as they're not assholes.

Intrixina ago

It's your job to de-normify them though. Just because normies do normie things doesn't mean you have to lower yourself to that level.

Usernamenameuser ago

Do you honestly think that the best way to influence people is to yell at them and tell them that they have less worth because they like something different than me and that the things they like are stupid, just because i don't like them? That won't red pill anyone. Its obvious that you have zero sales experience, because the key tenant to being a successful salesman is to identify with your client and sell yourself.

Intrixina ago

Who said anything about yelling at them and saying they have less worth? I choose not to partake in such things, and I tell them exactly why - that I don't partake in degenerate bullshit which offers me no tangible benefit in life. I don't cuck out to normies and partake in such garbage. Period. The funny thing is, I've redpilled many people in real life with saying precisely that.

PS: A downvoat isn't an argument. In fact, it makes you a goddamn fucking hypocrite in this instance.

Usernamenameuser ago

The comment was my argument, the downvote was because youre an asshole.

Intrixina ago

Stating my opinion about people being degenerate is hardly "arsehole" territory, merely telling the truth.

Once again, you are implying via strawman arguments that I yell at people and say they have less worth - which the opposite is the truth. I don't need to do such things because my truth telling is enough.

Fuhrer1488 ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

The PINNACLE of the UNGRATEFUL nigger parasites!!! They GOTTA GO!

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Broke my heart realizing my childhood dream was just niggerball. I could have played pro niggerball, but I realized I would be destroying my body in 10 years for profits of mega corporations owned by jews.

I used niggerball to pay for some college and got out of that mess.

Cambidillio ago

I can't argue with that.

NoBS ago

What is this football you speak of? As long as High Schools don't have organized betting then I see no problem with kids playing ball. For adults? Only a fag gets paid to work out for bragging rights.

Soyboy69 ago

As long as High Schools don't have organized betting then I see no problem with kids playing ball.

What's wrong with organized betting? Would you prefer to have unorganized betting that results in beating because some dumbass thought he could get away with not paying up, and then the one who rightfully dealt punishment for failure to pay debts be put in jail all because some shitbag wouldn't pay what he owed?

New-World-Ebola ago

faggot ball is for niggers

Leveraction ago

Football has been dead for several years now. Don't miss it in the least. I refuse to watch or support nigger cry babies bitch about their 10 million "oppressive" pay.

spacelog ago

you nailed it buddy!

bingo-bango-bongo ago

Thankfully i never cared for following sports. Waste of fucking time

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I am an italian supremacist. Italian food is the best, and overall Italy is the best European country. All Euros should bow down to italian cock excluding gypsies, albanians, greeks, and other balkan turks

random128dsf321 ago

XFL was fun to watch. I'm sure Disney will change that.

Fancy451 ago

I tried to give football a chance back when Jay Cuttler had his second year with the Bears. They made it to the division championship or whatever playing against a clearly weaker team, were odds on favorite to win, and we all got to watch while two touchdowns were taken away with bullshit false fouls or dives and then the other team got a touchdown at the last moment while clearly fouling. It was such a bad game that the announcer was speechless. Everyone present could see the play was called wrong even the home team booed the second touchdown that was fouled.

So fuck that shit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Football is an American institution and the Jews targeted it for subversion to destroy America.

Continue watching and supporting your local high school football, don't let them take the sport away.

Ignore the NFL completely. It's jewed beyond belief.

Donald_Q_Trump ago

You're worse. You're a nigger.

1812 ago

subliminal advertising at its finest.

j3wish_fabl3s ago


prairie ago

You misspelled niggerball.

Bhanchod ago

same with amazon look at current home page

Tyrodragon ago

Just remember, it was yet another White man's sport that was popular before television. Football pretty much followed the baseball model. Basketball did the same at about the same time. I still remember basketball when it was largely a White man dominated sport. It was starting to turn in the day of Jerry West, Jerry Lucas, and John Havlicek. As a result of the civil riots, the message in sports was blacks and whites playing together was a "Kumaya" fantasy. Yes, this was the era when this song came out. It's ironic blacks of those days were so much different than the blacks today. If you think about it, they were pre-Ciivil Rights Act children and black families at this time meant something where mom and dad actually were married and stayed together. Television was the carrot for more revenue in sports. Since, Jews controlled the networks, they pushed for diversity in sports. Diversity is another way of saying -- letting the stranger within they gate.... The television allows exactly this. It is a portal allowing absolute strangers and their beliefs in your living room.

dadudemon1 ago

I find watching sports boring. I love to play sports, yes. But sitting around for 3 hours is rather boring. And it is even more miserable to go to a game and watch it in person. You can barely see what is going on, it's loud, dumbasses everywhere. Some people smell terribly bad. It gets very hot sometimes. And the food is horribly overpriced. Sometimes there are bugs that try to eat you (mosquitoes). There are drunkards. All around, going to watch a game is not my idea of fun.

Sitting at home having to watch all the damn commercials? I get bored, fast. I'd rather read a book, workout, play video games, do research, paint/sculpt/draw, etc.

BW-414 ago


the anthem protesters are useful idiots.
but if you watch new movies or t.v shows, then you are being hypocritical. even with the anthem protesters, football and all sports are way less political than every new movie or t.v. show. for years, literally every t.v. drama and sitcom, and hollywood movie is infested with zionist / communist cultural marxism.

Whats_my_password ago

I'm white. I never watch football or basketball. Or golf or tennis. You may be distressed to know that I also do not watch NASCAR or tennis or golf. Or baseball or cricket. Or bowling. Or poker championships. Or anything else like that.

white_garbage ago

little white beta faggots cant compete physically with the black man so go ahead and boycott, soy boy bitches. Boycott your fat girlfriend too while your at it, because shes getting deep-dicked by a nigger every time your back is turned. You get what you deserve

magic3383 ago

We need sarcastaball.

SparklingWiggle ago

little faggot


Why not just a faggot?

For the record, I watch no sports.


All sports...the last vestige of White competition is hockey...niggers tried to infiltrate but structurally they're built like horses, sturdy muscle but weak bones which makes them useless in the corners or against the boards, one good body check and they're out. Another drawback to the niggeroid is the "crack factor", smoking crack doesn't go well when barreling down the ice at 60 MPH on two thin razor blades...BUT...there's a big politically correct push on to dump more mud monkeys into the NHL regardless of how stupid of an idea it is. At one time I lived and breathed hockey, I played the game religiously for 45 years and now I won't spend two cents to watch a game because of the CULTURAL MARXIST destruction of the game. Also, the world is going for a JEW SHIT and people are worried only about sports, " BREAD and CIRCUSES " . Niggers need sports and music because they're good for nothing else and I am fucking sick of it...BIG TIME MISCEGENATION DESTROYING THE WEST.

Oh and one more thing...Michael Jordan can go fuck himself.

notajew69 ago

Never watched niggerball, never will.

Polic3Stat3 ago

I don't follow this trash at all, so overlook my ignorance if the story says otherwise.

But, I believe Kapernig is going to be back in a big way. If not playing, then being praised as a visionary for leading "the fight" when it wasn't popular.

Whites don't waste your time or means supporting filthy rich nigs who are no better than, but may be worse than, George Floyd.

I have a feeling this season of the NFL is going to be all about rubbing their militant propaganda in our faces harder than ever!

petevoat ago

How about all colors boycott because of NFL kneeling, no?

Irmaguy ago

imma get flamed for this, but Tom Brady was/still is a role model

awoken1 ago

I stopped watching all forms of nigger balls for a long time.

wgtt911 ago

And the NBA too ..

Nicoladepierola ago

I prefer college but it's all just an excuse to sit in the garage with friends and drink.

Drunkenst ago

but, but muh college feetsball !

MrTwistedbad ago

I am white and "I have never watched a Football game" No pro, no kids. None

MuricaPersonified ago

Lucky. I can't tell you how many high school and college games I was forced to attend growing up. Hated every last one of them.

thelatestme ago

Fuck NiggerBall

MrBateman ago

They are intentionally trying to destroy sports. But boy is it the mindless retarded shit that degrades our country and then therefor a part of the REAL reason we're a third world nation or has to import their "engineers" and "everyone" just works a service job writing emails and creating power points.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Maybe all this football shit is a jew op to take yet another unique amercan tradition away. Just a thought

negrojohnny ago

One hundred percent agreed. Bread and Circus two point Oh.

devnulll ago

it is not a sport, it is show... only imbeciles would watch it.

bbqchipz ago

The Nigger Felons League playing Niggerball is for cucks and niggers.

saltine ago

Cuck, you meant to say "cuck".

o0shad0o ago

If you are White and you continue to watch football, you are nothing more than a little faggot.


Even not considering racial makeup, football is a shallow ghost of its history, even from ten years ago. Gone high-tech, with rules that come straight from the nanny state. Some decent athleticism, but you might as well watch the olympics.

Pickle_Rick ago

Agreed. Play it, but don't watch it or buy the lame gear.

boystosoys ago

the only sport i can really bother watching is hockey and even then, very rarely

StankMouth ago

All of our sports have been ‘blacked’, with Jews increasing their ownership of teams. Due to their high travel schedule, some teams are even used as massive drug trafficking operations.

AlphaOmega ago

I don’t watch any sports except the olympics and Tour de France.

Spend your life doing!

BentAxel ago

Hey, who watched it before? Fuckin' Motocross motherfuckers! Sport of Gladiators. Most demanding sport on the planet. 45 Minutes of full body, high intensity, 160BPM Fight!

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Most people don't realize how hard it is to wrangle a 250 lb machine thats trying to shoot out from under you.

tokui ago

It's not that difficult. It's even easier than riding a dirt bike off road - you got a motor.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

You are an idiot, and should try to get a hold of a dirt bike and enter the beginner class at your local track at the next motocross race.

You will see for yourself how dumb, out of shape, and unskilled you are.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

The most physically demanding sport by far .

TopTierCIAShill ago

Play sports, don't watch them. Faggots.

mustafa_mond ago

Roll Tide

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Ha but no.........T

anticlutch ago

smoke dude weed

look at porn

play vidya post early 2000s

watch any TV

pay taxes

be (((polite))) in public

hold your tongue

Cunty84 ago

Try not to watch anything with 80% nog demographic inc. basketball.

ardvarcus ago

I don't need to watch a game that simulates the way niggers carry big screen TVs out of WalMart.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Goaway216 ago

Wearing the jersey of another man is an incredibly beta behavior.

mean_dot ago

I see wearing a jersey with another man's name the same as a see a girl wearing a man's shirt after they fuck.

bobdole9 ago

I agree on professional sports. I like college though.

veteran88 ago

It's true.

Sportsball is the opiate of the cucks

Obrez ago

All niggerball, you want sports go play them yourself, or watch hockey; NFL, NBA, MLB all of it is kike perversion of white identity.

Maggotfeast ago

Screw you! Why would I fuck my wife when I can watch so someone else do it! I don't do anything myself!

Doggy_Style ago

I enjoy pretty much all college sports. Kids can go where they want to play for a program where they agree with the values taught. All professional leagues have turned gay though - they just exist to sell commercial airtime.

MikeyMo123 ago

Hockey (NHL) is getting super cucked. They are based in Canada, so not really a surprise.

ThreataGunberg ago

How dare you

PanteraFan99 ago

Hockey fan here and i can confirm this. Fuck NFL haven't watched in 2 seasons and sure as fuck never will again, it was a good ride till around the 90's

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Motorsports are predominantly white still.

Agent7851 ago

a lot of jew rules have ruined it.

suppose except motorcross and streetbikes

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Yes, motorcycles are one of the last bastions of the "race what you brought" mentality. They have added quite a few rules, but they usually stop at displacement and using the stock frame. Everything else is free game.

roman_socialism ago

Forming our own athletic leagues would draw local crowds and would be superior in every metric. Tailgating the boomers vs millennial playoffs would be an epic event in hundreds of neighborhoods

mean_dot ago

I've only just started telling White colleagues that I don't watch. Should have been doing it for years.

nvadr ago

been saying this for years EVERY gym fag huddles (pun intended) up with the token gym nigger and they ALL talk about some 300lb nigger like they want his BBC. They try to engage me with their nigger shit and I just stare at them in disgust. I am going out of my way to start telling Whites they are idolizing nigger men from now on.

puggy ago

Plus NFL games are rigged. It's entertainment like pro wrestling. Just search "nfl games rigged" for numerous video example.

CapinBoredface ago

If thats true why are there not people making a shitload of money off bets?

"Its rigged, thats why the results arent my fault," said the nigger.

seriously? Football is gay but if you think its rigged youre a smooth brain.

AlabamaNigger ago

Who you thinks making the money...are you new here

CapinBoredface ago

Jews dont make money off rigging niggerball games. They make money off advertising and tickets and merchandise.

12 months

Nigger. Go back to reddit, faggot.

puggy ago

What makes you think there aren't high level mafia people with NFL connections making a shitload of money off suckers each week at the casino sports books? Well, that would be illegal! Yea, sure sonny. Keep watching and betting..

Agent7851 ago

You don’t think Vegas wins the most money?

CapinBoredface ago

Congrats, youve found an actual case of rigging games.

If you think niggerball is like a slot machine you might be retarded.

Agent7851 ago

You’re an actual retard thinking I’m talking about slot machines.

CapinBoredface ago

Blackjack and poker are less rigged than slots, idiot.

What are you talking about? Craps? Roulette?

Slot machines are the most controlled gambling device in a casino. If you’re using a rigged game as an example and you aren’t talking about slots the you’re fucking brain dead.

Agent7851 ago

Holy fucking shit I’m talking about the Vegas run SPORTS BETTING. You’re too dense to even bother continuing.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

They do

Herbert666Marcuse ago

If thats true why are there not people making a shitload of money off bets?

Obviously you have never heard of the (((Adelson))) or (((Pritzker))) families.

Hopefully you're just JIDF, because it would be a little scary if you were a legit Heritage White Amurikkkan.

CapinBoredface ago

Nigger Ball isn’t any more rigged than the supposedly “rigged” system against blacks.

All the people who say that nigger ball is rigged just happen to be niggers that are mad they lost. Weird coincidence right?

Herbert666Marcuse ago


ALL nigger ball is rigged.

By the jews.

Since about the 1995 to 2000 timeframe, the jews have realized that there was no longer any money to be made in copy-able intellectual property [movies, books, music], and so the jews threw all their money into purchasing live-action professional sports teams and the commissionerships of the professional sports leagues.

Even friggin HOCKEY has a jew commissioner now - that's how quickly the jews seized control of professional live action sporting events once they devoted their collective hive mind to the task at hand.

"Bettman was born to a Jewish family in Queens, New York."

CapinBoredface ago

Jews own the niggers, yes.

I don’t think you guys understand what rigging a game actually means. It’s not just tilting the odds a tiny tiny bit.

If it was actually rigged They wouldn’t allow bets.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

If you know any probability theory, then you'll realize that they only need fractions of a percentage of an advantage over normies in order to become billionaires.

And over the long haul, the systemic corruption gives them all the advantages they need.

CapinBoredface ago

That’s not “rigged” though.

Did you guys never learn what rigging a game actually means?

LegitimatePen ago

It isn't so much "rigged" directly. The referees manipulate the games though, it's really fucking obvious

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Nah, it's rigged directly

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

This. I used to watch then wondered about the refs.Did some research ,then stopped watching .Kinda like cheating at a game of chess or something an empty win. once your eyes are open the games no fun

CapinBoredface ago

Thats not what rigged means.

Ihateyuppies ago

i watch football like a good niggerfaggot goy too!

CapinBoredface ago


Ihateyuppies ago

neato faggo

It_was_the_juice ago

Because the owners make more money by slightly tweaking the outcomes to maximize the marketability of the league. And it's not blatant enough for professional gamblers to reliably figure it out.

NiggadermCQ ago

Some people do.

CapinBoredface ago

If it was actually rigged you can bet your ass it would be more than "some".

Killnigs3 ago

No it being rigged solid would mean that ky select few individuals would be permitted to make winning bets, no one wins when the stats start bearing out too many losses and the gambling boards wouldnt have iij t if tr hey had to payout to losses because they got fucked on the odds

Backlot ago

The NFL. There is too much money involved for the sport to be honest.

Luis_Sphincta ago

I said it in another thread today. Start singing/playing the Star Spangled banner anytime the opposing team has the ball. Make the kneelers look even retardederer.

mean_dot ago

Or, don't watch overpaid blacks grabbing at each other for four hours?

Luis_Sphincta ago

I don't, but if some shitlords started doing that, trust me I'd tune in afterwards to see the "highlights".

Intrixina ago

Who watches that garbage? I call it "pussy-ball" for a reason - wearing copious amounts of padding because they can't even handle being hit without screaming like little girls.

Maggotfeast ago

I've never watched football but wearing pads sounds like a retarded reason to talk shit lol.

Intrixina ago

Wearing them because they can't handle being hit without screaming like a little girl shows how pussy they are.

KLDB ago

They keep dieing from head injuries!!! what do we do?

give em some padding... we are making too many shekels to stop!

xDaleksz ago

As if you could do better. Shut your white obese mouth, you waste of space 😂🤮🐷

Intrixina ago

I'm not obese. Secondly, I do indeed do better - I don't watch pussyball or any sports. Funny how you, who is actually the waste of space, comes out of the woodwork to sperg out when someone calls your precious niggerball the garbage that it is.

Go crawl back into the hole from whence you came, simpleton.

xDaleksz ago

Sure you're not amerifat 😂🤮 You're a failure and your mom should've done the world a favour and aborted so you didn't fail the world like you did her 🤮😂

Intrixina ago

0/4 on those, and if you had even read my previous comment you would realise this. I know reading comprehension isn't your strong point though.

therage96 ago

Haven't watched that shit for years at this point.

Leveraction ago

Well stated!!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

You white boy wouldnt say that when you see a muscular nigger breaking in your houses window, and crying for a 2A

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Get the fuck off this website nigger.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I am an italian supremacist HM. Italian food is the best, and overall Italy is the best European country. All Euros should bow down to italian cock excluding gypsies, albanians, greeks, and other balkan turks

tokui ago

"Italian" grub is fancy cafeteria slop. Pasta, tomato sauce, cheese.

Intrixina ago

The nigger would be dead before he even got through the window due to exercising my right to defend my house.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Then the spooky scary jew police would arrest you and take your kids and wife

Intrixina ago

That's assuming I got caught. Or that I didn't live in a place that has "stand your ground" laws.

Bobtheviolent ago

I thought it was cause they wore tight pants and slapped each others ass

voatusernamevoat ago

jew nigger ball, you're paying jews to watch and fawn over niggers, quite a cuck thing to do.

majb ago

It's an acceptable form of slavery for jews to own blacks and put them to work for entertainment.

minx88 ago

Yes guys stop wasting your money on football start getting into the gym read books and get back into the gym

Intrixina ago

I'm doing no such thing. I don't watch sports.

WokeazfuQ ago

A lot of homosexuality among college football fags, so I would say Jew Nigger Faggot Ball

Splooge ago

Based and rugbypilled

mememeyou ago

jimibulgin ago

This would be more interesting if they were all carrying claymores.

Intrixina ago

Haha. Even that is a waste of time to watch, when you think about it.

Splooge ago

That's how it is with pretty much all sportsball, but at least there are no copious amounts of padding in rugby. Just dudes running and hurting each other over a ball.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

"Just dudes running and hurting each other over a ball." I'm just gonna ignore that! 😂

Splooge ago

You can enjoy your rugby if you like, just don't pretend it's not what it is -- a buncha dudes running around. And hurting each other. Over a ball.

Eyepoop ago

Watching some UFC right now

areyoumygaffer ago

same. NFL is bs. NBA is bs. baseball is just stupid.

IsaacJan ago

Baseball IS fuckin stupid and I really like your name

areyoumygaffer ago

thanks. out of curiosity, what about it?

IsaacJan ago

Reminds me of the old gaffer from LotR

areyoumygaffer ago

gotcha. it has a few meanings

Jock_Sniffer ago

I haven't watched a football game in 10 years. I'm not about to start now, Besides, NFL games are unwatchable because of all the interruptions in play I keep hearing about from others.

hels ago

It's not enjoyable to watch something that should be 60 minutes taking over 180 minutes. Can't recall watching a game from kick off to final play.

Charilko ago

If the clock kept running, it might be interesting.