yt4cz9 ago

I view them as non-white. I view them as not our problem. They are a weapon used against us by the jews--the real problem.

You view them as races to hate and waste time on while I'm laser focusing on the Jew so we can get out from under their boot.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's true. I sometimes engage in non-productive exchanges without an expectation of convincing.

And I agree, although I might not consider all non-whites bad, per se. Many are, but some are more on the order of competitors who can be fine under some or many circumstances. National and racial cultural interests can change, however, so their current status needs to be checked from time to time.

yt4cz9 ago

I'm not angry but I do see what you kikes are doing.

suckcoke ago

Why are they disgusted? If they are proud of it, why would they want it removed?

When whites say something blacks don't like they get doxxed to liberal cheers. Curious this upsets them.

honk_atcha_boi ago

I love the website. Tons of white bitches I know I can bang.

tanukihat ago

I take it you're a nigger? If so, you can have the pig slop. Your ancestors used to eat it every day!

honk_atcha_boi ago

I'm Voat's resident black man. I'm no nigger, though. But mainly I was making the same joke about how its not a website targetting undesirables, but instead letting 'brothers' know who's down.

tanukihat ago

When the "undesirables" are the only ones who are "down", that should tell you something Darkness.

honk_atcha_boi ago

LOL! "Darkness". I like it. You realize I'm joking, right? Race mixing is bad, no matter who you are.

tanukihat ago

The first logical thing you've said!

honk_atcha_boi ago

Look, man, its' simple. We can't have diversity if we keep race mixing, It's like when you poor all the colors of paint into one bucket to mix - you get a really ugly brown color that no one likes to paint with. With people we'll end up with a bland, culture deprived, amoral, virtueless society.

Plus, the majority of mudsharks are fat disgusting pig-whale hybrids. You can keep 'em! (yes, I realize the stereotypical black bitch is a fatass, too. But they dont try to fuck white dudes)

i_hate_sodomites ago

They would if they could, but boons are so disgusting no white man wants them. You can keep your fucking ugly nigger whore apes.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Its the attitude more than anything, man. They all have this holier than thou bitch attitude to go along with nappy heads and huge foreheads. Honestly, you should feel bad for us black guys, because we have to deal with that shit.

NiggadermCQ ago

Motivate you in FIGHTING and standing up...

random128dsf321 ago

That primal shirt was dope as fuck though. He seemed like a good guy. Probably a weeb.

ya, ya. Back to whatever. The website is free speech, it serves a public use, and falls under fair use for copy right laws.

Sneed-Chuckman ago

What about gay men who paid the toll? That'd be too funny.

Derpfroot ago

Yes! Thank you, tanukihat!

olinneserpona ago

I want to say thank you and praise you for your effort. We need a social construct that shames white women and you are actually creating a foundation for it. IDK if everyone sees the long term value of this except for the lolz. Thanks again, man.

jogger_please ago

Because that site is more important to their agenda than even race riots.

AlaskaMountain ago

You should send a response to the news station frpm am official acclunt. They would probably air it or at least state that they got a response from you

Fan the flames a little.

tanukihat ago

They did email us before the news segment, asking for info or a statement. We sent them this in reply:

在中国,我们使用社会信用体系。 选择要爱的人。 西方也需要选择人爱的系统。 如果不知道历史,就无法选择爱谁。

Unfortunately they didn't read it on air :(

capicua ago

this is pretty funny, someone should make a coalfax gay edition "to prevent the spread of HIV"

also it will confuse the fuck out of them, like I thought this was an alt-right thing?

capicua ago

to be honest, she so fucking fat, a white person would not date her

tanukihat ago

Judging from her Facebook timeline, she let herself go once she fell in with the nog.

TripleZ ago

When she said we're not naming the website, half of Houston yelled in unison:


pushthis ago

The vid quality is sligtly too damn high

Stubbabubba ago

This is beautiful. Excellent job

SithEmpire ago

Thank you again; clearly you have hit a particularly valuable target, and this is good confirmation.

The interesting part with that clip is how KPRC 2 took the conscious decision not to name for publicity reasons, whereas an impartial report would do. Normally an impartial report would only avoid naming its subject if it is a competitor, so in this case it amounts to KPRC 2 stating their position. It was hilarious how they also censored out "The Cucks".

Ultimately it's all perfectly reasonable; hooking up with someone is a transaction, and a primary criterion for normal people of or above basic intelligence to consider transactions to be fair is that they are fully informed. Retail was changed completely by the abundance of online reviews making everyone much more informed and therefore much less dissatisfied with purchases (either by accepting trade-offs consciously or by making better purchases), and this does the same for dating.

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

Any Goats here willing to breed with this woman and raise your children with her? I didn't think so.

tanukihat ago

If they do, they'll wind up on our site.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Congratulations, you deserve it and I hope it explodes into the site that we all hope it will be.

Bitches be thinkin' twice bout suckin' nigger dick.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Wow. She really is as fat as weve been told. The pics dont show the fatness as tv.

Fancy451 ago

Officially the best timeline.

New-World-Ebola ago

when can we leave comments again?

tanukihat ago

Comments section is the next feature we're rolling out. Stay tuned to Voat for updates.

New-World-Ebola ago

that's the most important thing so site visitors can see that every human with a 3 digit IQ is disgusted by these mudshark cunts, not just the admin(s).

kill all niggers for climate.

Intrixina ago

So, why is she trying to demand her photos be removed from the site? Isn't she proud of marrying her (black) husband?

How incredibly racist of her.

observation1 ago


New-World-Ebola ago

well done my nigger

temp_lurk ago

Wonder what would happen if Chritie Tokonawa brought a black bf home to daddy. Disowned is what would happen. Liars and hypocrites. Neither of the anchors would ever consider it either cause they would both be disgusted by the idea.

yt4cz9 ago

You purity spiraling kikes are funny. Good luck trying to end the white race. We will stop you.

Hand_of_Node ago

Statistically, accounts that call other accounts a kike! over the slightest thing are more likely to be a kike than anyone else. Yet you bring up "brother wars" and "purity spiraling" while engaging in exactly that yourself? You either need better training, or to cut back on the autism pills.

yt4cz9 ago

No, you need to realize when someone is stepping on the throats of whites about to exterminate them, you don't try to get them to focus on the fact they've also put their foot on a pile of ants. That definitely benefits the person trying to exterminate them which is very suspicious.

Also, please supply the statistics you mentioned or is that an example of you being a lying kike?

Hand_of_Node ago

accounts that call other accounts a kike! over the slightest thing

This is where I could point out that you're ignoring your own suspicious behavior, while criticizing others behaviors...

As for my statistics, I make them up on the spot. So they might not be precisely accurate, but they're probably not excessively inaccurate.

yt4cz9 ago

Kikes do things against the interest of whites. It's not in the interest of whites to focus on the Chinese while jews are sicking their pets on us.

I don't know if you're a kike or not in truth. I do know you're trying to get us to focus on the wrong thing and trying to create enemies when that's the last thing we need. These are kike behaviors.

Hand_of_Node ago

These are kike behaviors.

That's how I would characterize the quote I made in the comment above. Causing division. Calling people names. It's a jew tactic to make voat unpalatable and reduce engagement.

As for the jews, I think "too much" focus on them weaken your credibility, and makes you sound a little nuts. They're clearly the main problem, but finding the right approach to help people see that is not as easy as you would hope. I mean, we still have people on voat who think the earth is flat...

yt4cz9 ago

It's a jew tactic to make voat unpalatable and reduce engagement.

That's literally what you are doing. Thanks for describing it so I can add it to my kike tactics playbook along with pushing promoting purity spiraling and brother wars.

pr0nw4r ago

Is the mod of reading any of this crap? I wish to give him a good book for a laugh, its called "the dangerous passion" david m buss. It describes why male violence happens in most cases. The quick gist of it is that when males suspect or witness infidelity in women, they become violent. And they do it with good reason, if they see the woman suddenly dressing better, or having a different scent, or hiding stuff from them. And if they actually catch the woman in the act then they get even murderous! It developed as a coping mechanism for when the man has no other quality so to speak off. No quality of income, not handsome enough, general low quality. Compared to the woman who has lots of options and quality.

So do you understand now why domestic abuse is so high with coalburners? They are cheating on their chimp monkeys most likely.

MaunaLoona ago

If you're a proud coalburner, why do you want the site shut down? Shouldn't you be supporting the site so that the whole world will know?

facepaint ago

One point, on your "Tolls Paid" page, I think you leave the description a bit vague and open for a "threat" narrative.

It says:

When a coal burner ends up a single mother or faces more extreme and unfortunate consequences

You need to make it clear that the "more extreme & unfortunate consequences" coming at the hand of her chosen partner.

The Australia they made it sound like a threat.

How about instead of:

Burn the coal, pay the toll. The toll refers to those who have been punished for their crimes.

When a coal burner ends up a single mother or faces more extreme and unfortunate consequences, her toll has been paid and will be moved to this section.

You go with:

Burn the coal, pay the toll. The toll refers to those who's poor life choice has lead to disastrous predictable consequences.

When a coal burner ends up a single mother or faces more extreme and unfortunate consequences at the hand of her partner, her toll has been paid and will be moved to this section.

tokui ago

I agree, bc some of those not yet dead will be. I kinda liked the first edit "we're providing a dating service for black men". The latest edit includes "miscegenation" and other trigger words.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's beastality, but that might be a little over the top.

VladDracula ago


yt4cz9 ago

Sorry you're a kike. I go by Hitler. Hitler wanted all races in their own homelands and to strive for the best for their people.

You're a kike and...hooray for you....looks like you might have a little kike following upvoting your absurd posts.

yt4cz9 ago

No I don't listen to kikes trying to push purity spiraling.

yt4cz9 ago

Maybe separating but not rejecting. There's nothing wrong with the Chinese in China. Jews I can't say that. They have done a lot of damage and still do to our people.

EricHedstrom ago

You are doing the Lord's work.

Thank you for your service.

tanukihat ago

Blessed be.

ravensedgesom ago

madly in love gives birth to niglet. Alone again naturally.

TypicalVoaters ago

Disgusting fucking site, but free speech, so people need start protecting their privacy by not blasting their personal pictures all over the damn web, fucking attention seeking idiots

tanukihat ago

Lmao dw/i

Commodore64Brannigan ago

Anyway to face scan the B.reak L.oot M.urder riots from YouTube for a special section?

massiveprivilege ago

Thats hilarious. Miss piggy got triggered hard.

prairie ago

Had her information.

Looking at the site, it's the person's name and photos and excerpts from their public social media pages. The only "targeting" is that guys can be informed before they date and choose not to. Oh noes.

It makes me sick.

That we agree on.

Charilko ago

Yeah, this is a really important point. Coalfax isn’t a doxxing platform, and hopefully it stays that way. It’s a really good example of what can happen if you post personal crap online.

saltine ago

204Mb download

smaller, low-res [2.2Mb, 2min 39sec]

At least they were married...

ReAwakened ago

Why is that an outrage if there's nothing wrong with it?

Hand_of_Node ago

Technically, it's because of the context and commentary. That coal burning whore is definitely being shamed.

ReAwakened ago

and rightly so.

tanukihat ago

The eternal unanswered question. Why do they hate drawing attention to something they're so proud of?

elfmaster5 ago


TestForScience ago

I wonder how this story came to be...
Did the NiggerLover and her nigger find the the site and then ask the news to do a story about them,
or did the news station find the site and go through the people in it to eventually find a Houston 'couple?'

tanukihat ago

Well, it's quite a story...

A previous coalburner made a YouTube video bitching about us ( In it, she says "They can see who you search for, and then they add those people!"

Now at the time, we actually couldn't do that. But it sounded like such a good idea, we added that function to the site. That's how we found Miss Piggy, from the news segment. She searched herself on the site, and we got her name.

Our other admin wrote up her Coalfax entry, and then I used my fake Faceberg profile to send her the link. She posted a thread about it on her profile, and the post EXPLODED. Hundreds of comments and shares.

And that's when her local news channel got involved. What drama!

Hand_of_Node ago

"They can see who you search for, and then they add those people!" Now at the time, we actually couldn't do that. But it sounded like such a good idea, we added that function to the site. That's how we found Miss Piggy, from the news segment. She searched herself on the site, and we got her name.

Okay, that is pretty funny.

TestForScience ago

That is beyond hilarious hahaaaaaa!
Do you have any worries of your site getting taken down?
I read your FAQ - it has apparently happened before - how do you guys guard against that? (or is that something you don't want public?)

tanukihat ago

Oh yeah, we're definitely losing the .me domain after this little stunt lol. We have everything backed up though, so we'll just pop up elsewhere within hours of going down. We also have some top secret security measures in place to prevent getting hacked like the old owners. Don't worry, the truth will prevail!

IsaacJan ago

You guys are doing great if that’s the case.

saltine ago

Probably a tip and possibly a setup (besides black-related issues being topical). It might have been a topic in a drawer waiting for oppertune time as well.

Often the people on the news are, highly notable in some way. At political events it is always the case. The couple likely had connections (or were noticed by someone who did).

Just re-read question. It is possible the initial tip came from some liberal watchdog group / activist network... But I don't know.

Hand_of_Node ago

A previous coalburner made a YouTube video bitching about us ( In it, she says "They can see who you search for, and then they add those people!" Now at the time, we actually couldn't do that. But it sounded like such a good idea, we added that function to the site. That's how we found Miss Piggy, from the news segment. She searched herself on the site, and we got her name.

OP responded.

ALIENS2222 ago

Wow... Thats fucking amazing! Did they talk about Voat specifically or just coalfax?

tanukihat ago

They didn't even mention the name of our site, but they did show the front page of with the coalburners' faces blurred!

Hand_of_Node ago

Oddly, they showed that one girls face AND name.

tanukihat ago

She must have given them permission. I doubt they tried to contact any of the other girls.

moscowjade ago

Single mom in 3....2....1

version7 ago

It really is interesting that talking out against this in any fashion triggers them so much.

Deceneu ago

You got it wrong. The site is celebrating their union. Damn fake news.

Chimaira92 ago

Lmao she looks even fatter than on the coalfax page too. Coalburning whale ahahahaha

tomdogg ago

This is going to really suck for them when she starts posting about being beaten or being a single mom.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

This is going to really suck for them when she starts posting about being beaten or being a single mom.

18 months?

12 months?

6 months?

AnonThrowaway ago

When they showed her hand there was a noticeable bruise on it.

eongoat ago

They are 2 months in now, gotta wait till mutt jr. shows up.. And that shirt... says Primitive. LOL

steven_feelsperg ago

Coalburner: "It has to change. This can't go on."

Why? No reason stated, no fucks given.

SparklingWiggle ago

Is she in love or did she feel so much guilt from propaganda that she is sacrificing for change? Dumb. Fucking. Cunt.

That comment is what I came to post on. For what reason must we change? What is the alternative? Life the way it was? Okay.

Asshat12 ago

That nasty looking fat bitch couldn't lay off the doughnuts for long enough to find a reasonable mate, so she accepted a nigger as the next best thing.

Now she wants everyone else to accept interracial marriage so she isn't rejected for being a low status piece of used up meat.

SparklingWiggle ago

I just love that she hates being on a site that makes public what should be the best decision of her life.

BiochemistryStudent ago

Those two look familiar.... Isn't the nig a convicted abuser or something?

blackguard19 ago

We spoke to our legal analyst (((Brian Weiss)))

cuntniggerniggercunt ago

Of course I noticed that immediately as well. To his credit, he gave the proper answer and didn't try to grabble.

blackguard19 ago

He reluctantly admitted that the 1st Amendment exists.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Herbert666Marcuse ago

(((Brian Weiss)))




Like phucking clockwork.

You can set your Swiss watch to it.

Crankbait ago

You can say fuck here you nigger fucker

SparklingWiggle ago


BeingReplaced ago

OMG! I didn't realise this site was actually a thing. Which one of you made this site? ahah

tanukihat ago

Myself and a few non-Voat friends slapped it together a week or two ago. We aren't the original owners of, the old site, we just cloned the code and added some security they never had.

constitutionranger ago

OP says he owns the site.

FashyOnRunescape ago

Great work.

bobdole9 ago

The site that shall not be named. I see a "say the name" meme in the future.

500five ago

You need a counter website to "fight" your website. A website which promotes black men and jewish women to be together.

I wonder how the media will respond to that.

IsaacJan ago

ChosenCouples. Com

The true Israelis of old finally reunited. So beautiful, as god intended.

Hand_of_Node ago

This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.

Potentially available?

IsaacJan ago

I haven’t the skill or autism to build a Jewish nigger dating site but I wish someone would

constitutionranger ago

Now yer thinkin like the Synagogue of Satan. Play both sides.

500five ago

::Hand rubbing intensifies::

CokeOrPepe ago

That news lady has a nice set of tits.

Dr3dpierat ago

Ho lee fuk, love u faggots

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Looks, Like Houston news media is pretty desperate for attention and views if they covered

ranch-othelioma ago

anons are the news now. Goats are the news now.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

That is only because the news and their political donators have an agenda to push on the normals.

saltine ago

You are correct. They used the P-word ("partner") even though the featured couple was straight & married. Everyone does that because of single-mothers, even televangelists.

MrBateman ago

Wow they had to investigate if speech was legal.

Kleemin ago

the trick they are pulling is that the mudsharks are claiming "people are threatening their lives because of this site" They obv aren't, but that's the tool they are using to justify their calls for censorship.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The new US Government doesn't respect the founding fathers. They infringe over the constitution whenever they feel like it or whenever it pleases their jewish masters.

random128dsf321 ago

Thats because the majority of Americans no longer have ties to the people who founded the country.

Import 1-2 million people per year, and that happens quickly.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yeah filthy immigrant scum, we should have never took in all those Europoor scum . One thing lead to the next and now we have a shit ton of white liberwls in the west, guess why? Because europoors took American freedom with fear because they are used to being codled by monarchies.

Acerphoon ago

Especially the founding fathers are shit on over and over again. Can't believe how many times it needs to be said: The only one, who can be an american citizen needs to be a "FREE WHITE PERSON OF GOOD CHARACTER". That's what the founding fathers intended.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Obviously that definition failed since America was still infiltrated by jews.

MrBateman ago

I thinking to go around to the cops and see what their opinions are on the idea that they may need to mutiny against the city.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Cops have no loyalty to the land they live in. Their loyalty is only for those who provide paychecks for them and train them, never ever trust a zogbot or ever think they will go against their superiors, they are specifically trained in police camp to never do this and to be subserviant to their handlers.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

they are specifically trained in police camp to never do this and to be subserviant to their handlers

I think it's vastly deeper & more profound than that: The police officers are now SELECTED by the system to have precisely the personalities which would never question a superior.

In particular, the case of Robert Jordan versus New London CT, wherein the appeals court found that police departments were allowed to descriminate against HIGH IQ WHITE MEN, was pivotal in this regard.

We're now two decades post-Jordan/New-London, and the municipalities throughout this nation have been free to staff their police departments with very low IQ sycophants, who will never ask questions such as:

"Gee, I wonder why the Town Manager is suddenly driving a brand new Mercedes G-Class SUV..."

"Huh, it's strange that that Alderman is always surrounded by one or two underaged boys..."

"Wow, it's odd that the mayor's brother-in-law suddenly moved up from a $200,000 house to a $2 million house..."

Nowadays the average policeman [in most jurisidictions] just isn't smart enough to notice jarringly abnormal patterns like that.

And I'll go a lot higher in our nation's LEO infrastructure than mere beat cops: Listening to all the testimony of the Obama "Intelligence" staff - Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Wray, McCabe, Strzok, Page - I haven't heard a word out of any of them which would indicate an IQ above 120.

If we go to war with China whilst relying on "talent" like that in key positions, then the Chinese are gonna slaughter us.

It'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.

God in heaven, I hope & pray that there are still some Heritage White American Men in the DOD & the NSA with IQs in the 130s &140s & 150s...

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

If we go to war with China whilst relying on "talent" like that in key positions, then the Chinese are gonna slaughter us.

It'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.

That is why military doesn't use the same system to the zogbot system. When the military goes to war they will just draft as many individuals whom are prefferably male to go to war. Speaking of war.with China I honestly believe the US will fall to the hands of a civil war before they ever go to war with one of the big countrues which will lead to China making military occupied territories on American soil. We also have to secure central america because chinese constructers are building a canal right through nicaragua as a way to avoid using the panama canal. In the event of war America immediately would need to secure central america and mexico.

saltine ago

So-called "intelligent" people can be a pain in the ass sometimes... But yeah.

cokesmcgee192 ago

Also lmfao at the nog "for those on the other side, just listen." I gave you nogs the benefit of the doubt for 30 years. Listening is what got me here.

MuzzieJuice ago

Saaaame lol. I thought all of them were real people. Just to find out only a handful of them are even human.

New-World-Ebola ago

and the brainwashed coalburning cunt said that "things need to change"..... no they don't. Tradition and a future for White people is the only thing that matters.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Listening is what got me here.


Thread. Winner.

MrBateman ago

"for those on the other side, just listen. Just take a look at the riots right now."

4thUsername ago

Keep up the good work brother!

CerealRapist ago

You're awesome man.

cokesmcgee192 ago

Goddamn! Tubby added a few extra rolls since she started burning coal

ReAwakened ago

Black mens likes dey womens to hab a little meat on dem.

Faggot1234 ago

What the fuck is this?

MrBateman ago



We were

Is the person who made that site a goat? I thought it was someone from 9chan

tanukihat ago

The original site,, was run by someone else. It got hacked and filled with nigger dicks. Luckily, a friend of mine managed to clone the site, and so now me, him, and a couple others run the new and improved (and more secure)

CerealRapist ago

Im pretty sure its @tanukihat & co.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Now that you mention it sadly 9chan is gone now. Jewsh decided to shutdown the site because he simps for chrischans manboobs. Anyways so, the creator couldn't have been both a 9chan and voat user right? Use your head man of course the creator used both sites.


Now that you mention it sadly 9chan is gone now.

Well that's simply not true.

voatusernamevoat ago

they are disgusted

“That indicates that viewing images of interracial couples evokes disgust at a neural level,”

aka, such beastiality is revolting at the biological level, goes against nature, wrong, bad, vile.

Commodore64Brannigan ago


Richard Cohen caused a furor when he wrote that New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s interracial marriage incited “a gag reflex” among some people...

Wait until they see his daughter.

Commodore64Brannigan ago

my Caucasian

serfer0 ago

Hope she doesn’t Escape From New York

phenomenaldouche ago

It's a brownish Ellen Degenerate!

themasterrace ago


rndmvar ago

It's like the Trollz Dolls, but real life, and a nigger.

The_Ghost ago

Muh based Cohen?

Commodore64Brannigan ago

I was talking about the gag reflex part of the article, I in no way meant to laude the Jew author of the article lol

Torqueness ago

Our guy.

saltine ago

Those ideas have been floating around for years. (example) The MSM and leftist blogs respond in some way whenever ideas/memes spread too much or provoke them...

Sometimes the ideas were conceived by a liberal in the first place (e.g. Dawkings -> "meme"). Oh, that was from 2016.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Damn but I don't know man there are some she-wolfs paintings out there that make you wish she-wolves were real.

therage96 ago

found the furry

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

We furries hail hitler too!

IsaacJan ago

That’s nice. In the oven.

stbelmont ago

Please pray and read the Bible first.

RockmanRaiden ago

A flashlight would be hate if used on them.

spacelog ago

we're all proud of ya, tanu!

SearchVoatBot ago

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ravensedgesom ago

He gives hope to today's confused children.

RockmanRaiden ago


ARsandOutdoors ago

And Voats servers crash in 3, 2,

Shlomoe_McJerky ago

It’s been running pretty solid since he put some masking tape to hold the battery in.

TestForScience ago

The site he’s talking about is , not voat.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Trust me. I’ve been through a couple of these “things.” Eventually Voats name will come up, along with 4chan and gab, and then we’ll have a million viewers and voat will go full blown immune system/hate machine and then things will calm down again.

Not my first rodeo. Not on this site. Not on the last, or that before it

glenny ago

我們中國共產黨認為,白人和黑人之間的通婚是一件美麗的事情。 我們希望宣傳這一行為,並在我們的網站上對此表示讚賞。 沙洛姆!

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago


Our Communist Party of China believes that intermarriage between whites and blacks is a beautiful thing. We hope to promote this behavior and appreciate it on our website. Shalom!

tanukihat ago

That's the statement we sent to their news producer (in Chinese) when he emailed asking for info on the site before running the story. We're kinda pissed they didn't mention it or read it on-air, but I think we still did pretty good.

Shlomoe_McJerky ago

Tiannamem Square.

glenny ago

Ironically, the Chinese version of affirmative action and race mixing are what lead to the Tiananmen Square protests and massacre. Most Chinese would support a coalfax site in China. In fact, I bet one already exists but isn't talked about on English language sites.

tokui ago

Chinese do not entertain racemixing lightly. It's jew media pushing mixed couples. Confucianism and ancestor worship would condemn to hell.

gazillions ago

I've known of Chinese dads trying to kill White boys that were dating their daughters.

tanukihat ago



yt4cz9 ago

The narrative against China is kikes trying to redirect. Stay on point.

offender ago

Chink shills are subhuman. Right, they're just competing by taking over the world through usury and bribing (((politicians))). It's just fair competition when they sponsor SJWs and promote anti-white propaganda. Chinks are no better than jews.

yt4cz9 ago

No, you're just another kike. So many today.

offender ago

Because chinks are "brothers". Cool story chaim.

yt4cz9 ago

For anyone reading this, I'll eventually get around to posting a common tactics of kikes list. The first one is pushing purity spiraling and the second one is pushing for brother wars.

offender ago

yt4cz9 ago

Too general. Don't see the top two: promoting purity spiraling and brother wars.

yt4cz9 ago

That's the next thing you'll do. Should we attack Italians and not ally with the Japanese? Hmm...odd you go against the strategies and beliefs of Hitler himself...just like a good little kike.

offender ago

So what exactly is this "next thing that I'll do"? I've never promoted or pushed for "brother wars" and don't plan on it, but I will call out retards like you acting like china is a "homogenous country" that's just trying to compete. Also, keep trying to put words in my mouth, it's entertaining.

yt4cz9 ago

Tell me kike, why should we focus on China instead of the kikes that have their boots on our necks. Tell me why I should take my eye off the prize? Explain why it's simply not a distraction.

offender ago

Try not having tunnelvision and focus on both.

yt4cz9 ago

That's ok. The kikes are trying to end us. The Chinese are not.

gazillions ago

Don't fall not the either or stuff. When it comes to geopolitics, nobody is your friend friend.

Ocelot ago

China is just a homogeneous country competing

With very jew-tier behavior but even so I agree with you. Even many of my white nationalist friends act like they'd be down with a war with China. I suppose it's just very appealing to have a cut-and-dry "go here and kill all the gooks" situation rather than the messy rooting out of domestic jewry.

yt4cz9 ago

It's being pushed by jews. It's actually acceptable in the media. Notice they aren't even labeling people racists for it mostly. It's like boomer cucks supporting Israel as a form of cuck nationalism. It's absurd.

Ocelot ago

The jew, an eldritch monster with myriad tentacles attacking from every angle at once. How tiresome.

It's like boomer cucks supporting Israel as a form of cuck nationalism

Indeed, I think nationalists and even non-nationalists are so starved for a genuine expression of nationalist interests that they'll hop on even the absolute worst jewish pitfall of an idea just because they CRAVE some kind of legitimate fight for the nation. Like the decades of mindless support for atomizing Muslims in some desert seven thousand miles away. Ahhhh, we really need to get a handle on things soon or it's going to get VERY bad.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

I don't think people realize what it would be like facing a nation of over a billion citizens.

MacArthur watched the Japanese taking on the Chinese for a decade or more, and realized that the Japanese simply couldn't manufacture enough bullets to kill all of the Chinese.

Before they both died, MacArthur & JFK became very close, and MacArthur's advice to JFK was to NEVER get involved in a land war with the gooks.

Instead, MacArthur counseled JFK to deploy the USN to blockade China.

I.e. we would be fighting the gooks on our turf [the Pacific Ocean] rather than on their turf [Asia proper].

HolePunch ago

god, she is mudpig ugly

tanukihat ago

She really is gross. I'm glad we got her on TV. And her nigger is fat too!

HolePunch ago

i did't realize you were coalfax, thank you very much for your work. what you are doing is brilliant and highly effective, keep it up.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Nice try kike

tokui ago

Congrats! They should be proud.

SearchVoatBot ago

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tanukihat ago

Thank you! "They" is us!

tokui ago

I 80% meant the smiling burners, so proud of themselves, should be proud to be the news lead-in, no?

tanukihat ago

They should be proud their miscegenation is top story, but for some reason they hate it. Really makes ya think.

SexMachine ago

I thought Josh Moon of kiwifarms had something to do with coalfax. I dunno, I can't keep up with the drama anymore.

tanukihat ago


blumen4alles ago

Thanks I just cancelled the download of the 200+MB file.

tanukihat ago

Yeah, some people can apparently stream it directly in their browser, others have to download it. Make sure to leave a like and comment on the YouTube mirror!

blumen4alles ago

Well I could stream it but the quality was too high for a ~2 min video and playback was choppy. Would have been fine in VLC but it would take a while. Easier just to jewtube it.

Hand_of_Node ago

Congratulations on the site, and publicity!

tanukihat ago

Thanks! And God bless the haters for giving us SO MUCH publicity. At our peak last night, we hit 500,000 UNIQUE visitors in 30 minutes. I also woke up to over 20 new submissions lol, I'm sorting through them now.

Hand_of_Node ago

This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.

If you're not too busy with coalfax, someone suggested a jew/nigger dating site with the above name, to promote jew beastality. Possibly available.

But on the shaming side, I imagine the chinks and japs find it pretty disgusting too. Just in case you're open to becoming the interracial dating shaming kingpin of the world.

tanukihat ago

We do plan on expanding once we have the Coalfax site functioning the way we want it :)

AntiMason ago

Cant even watch the video. Download too slow. 😭

tanukihat ago

kneo24 ago

Congratulations. I sincerely mean this.

tanukihat ago

Thanks bro. It felt really good when it came on, we weren't sure they'd actually run it.

TurdLord5000 ago

Verified. The Srayzie dox was legally protected free speech. A oriental lady on the news said so.

SlapRackPull ago

Silly Goy

lanre ago

Does coalfax have a way to donate money?

Gigglestick ago

Yeah, check the FAQ’s

Attac ago

Just want to add that she looks like a disgusting pig,

oink oink

Crankbait ago

Nothing of value was lost.

lord_nougat ago

That is an insult to disgusting pigs!