00the00virus00 ago


Gigglestick ago

The daughter looks blacker than the dad

Jeffreyisafag ago

Who are these bigots with their heteronormative bullshit.

ciaozuzu ago

Despite being only 15.4% of marriages in the USA ...

tratakat ago

The commandment is to cut off Edom's descendants or the Messiah ain't coming (Psalm 109:8-13 "May his days be few; May his children be fatherless; May a creditor seize all he has; May his descendants be cut off, their names blotted out from the next generation.").

The faster the White race is subjugated, the sooner the Messiah will come.

New-World-Ebola ago

RAHOWA when?

MaunaLoona ago

Weak. They're not even race mixing.

boekanier ago

What is that nigger doing there? You said 'family' didn't you?

Tyrone_Biggums ago

If they had made the guy white, he would be skinny and feminine.

CheeBooga ago

Roaches hab big famblies

gazillions ago

So if studies indicate an instinctive dislike of seeing mixed race couples that means that ultimately, those businesses are going to be avoided

MrGoober ago

We seriously need to start taking this to jews. They are destroying civilized society and laughing at us while doing it..

Goaway216 ago

Unrealistic. The jogger father's still there.

kishind ago

It's like 3% of black fathers that stick around with non-black baby mamas.

Virtually no families look like this, and that's the point. They want families destroyed.

AmericanJew2 ago

It’s like 4% of black fathers that stick around, period.

kishind ago

That is true of marriage status. Almost a third of black children with two black parents have both around growing up.

That's still pathetically bad.

turtlesareNotevil ago

So the fat white lady with a nigger thing is accurate.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Yeah, but not the "they're raising 2 kids together" thing.

Maat4u ago

I saw something similar, with black male hand on white female hand. Sharing mode for chrome book. Then today on feed on wechat. This fkn nig had a blond chick. I should tell her he was banging mad chicks and “living it up” while we met in China.

RushYYZ ago

Globohomo Art style

00the00virus00 ago

I'm pretty sure it's part of their psychological warfare tactics to display human beings as cartoonish, out of proportions golems.

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JesusRules ago

Kike blue flag colors

tankingwrong ago

I have never seen a black, Chinese couple.

acheron2012 ago

US Army conscripted (drafted) blacks seemed to rape every female they encountered in East Asia. The problem was euphemistically called “Amer-Asian babies.

Vietnam and South Korea being very traditional, moral, and above all homogeneous societies these children (and their mothers) were TOTALLY ostracized from society. No small number of them were just killed outright.

So Chinese? This may be one of those times you can actually say Never and mean it. But for the countries in which American corporations perfected the concept of “The forever war” they were an enormous problem and today form the dirty underbelly of polite society. Prostitution is one of the few areas where they really thrive.

Maat4u ago

So China’s off limits from kike social engineering programming... for now.

NoTrueScotsman ago

The kikes are still in the infiltration and gaining control phase with China, maybe. Mark Zuckerberg and a lot of other figures like him have Chinese spouses. They've married in and are breeding their shape-shifters, the subversion is on its way.

The_Ghost ago

Indeed, they have thousands of years of history and experience infiltrating white societies.

500five ago

What about black men and jew women. They would be the perfect couples.

LightestHour ago

This idea's been around for a while, but I've never seen it actually take off.

noob_tube ago

Because no one is paying them for it. Jewish media companies hand out cash like candy for interracial propaganda.

Maat4u ago

Because China and Israel have an agreement. Once psyop Q and trump continue destroying this country, China will then take Taiwan and California. With the help of Putin.

BillyLuath ago

Its like a commercial.