Battlefat ago

Constitution intrinsically means of which one is comprised, or more simply, we are what we eat.

To become golden, one therefore need eat gold and not shit

8_billion_eaters ago

No one elected to have Somali niggers imported into Michigan. No one voted for that. No one in Lewiston, Maine voted to import niggers from Africa into their community.

Your vote is shit.

(((THEY))) will do whatever it takes to wipe you out.

AlabamaNigger ago

There you have it

wonderfuldonut ago

Breaking News, - Minneapolis is to be renamed Mogadishu West,

Rioters "r" Us if cant be in the Homeland, We will bring the Homeland to you

vastrightwing ago

Yea, why on earth do you leave a shithole like Somalia or Zimbabwe, come to America, only to bring the same shithole back with you? I don't get it. Wouldn't it be easier to stay where you were?

wonderfuldonut ago

Primitive Minds clearly function differently to Evil Whitey's You can beat stupid into someone but one can never beat SMART in! Probably sums it up best

Conundrum-NSA ago

Better shit to steal here, and we have gubmint giv me dats.

We're also less likely to shoot your ass for acting the way you do.

CowWithBeef ago

Meme magic is real.

PhilKDick ago

What if you elect a Satanist?

Uh oh

vastrightwing ago

I was thinking, if Hillary had been appointed instead of President Trump, we'd have people like Bill Gates, Marina Abramović, Jeffrey Epstein, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, James Alefantis, biljana djurdjevic, Dennis Hasterd, Christopher Boutlier, Sasha Lord and others of the like.

hillaryisanigger ago

Hastert is a republican.

All those people are still free haha haha ok

Do we not have bill gates right now? Like what the fuck narrative are you running?

vastrightwing ago

Political identity isn't the issue. This is a war between the technocrats and us baskets of deplorables. Hastert identifies as a Republican but that is meaningless. He is a criminal working for the jewish interests in the same way Bill Gates is. I'm not sure what you mean by we have bill gates. If you mean, bill gates has appointed himself as US health czar, I would agree.

My point is that these satanic creeps would all be officially part of US government if hilary had actually gotten installed.

hillaryisanigger ago

That’s an arbitrary fucking demarcation. The current “government” is protecting those people.

You’re a fucking moron.

vastrightwing ago

By government, you mean Israel, correct?

hillaryisanigger ago

something like that. Organized crime.

PhilKDick ago

In other words, we could be worse off

hillaryisanigger ago

We could be. That’s fucking profound.

Riots and disease and hidden pedophiles versus what the fuck ever your imagination can produce? Maybe Hillary would bring space aliens?

PhilKDick ago

Yeah. She lost, and things are shitty, but I just know that black-hearted bitch would have created worse

hillaryisanigger ago

Yea In your imagination.

I get it. In my imagination I’m being attacked by giant lizard spiders right now.

They’re really scary and their bites are poisonous!

PhilKDick ago

The giant lizard spiders attacking me right now have killary clinton faces, and cankle legs. Are you getting attacked by those scary fuckers, too?

hillaryisanigger ago

No because in my imagination everybody with Hillary’s face was already prosecuted by a president who isn’t a zionist spy.

You fucking nigger.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

A fitting end to Little Somalia aka Minnesota.

Communism-is-great ago

Stop noticing patterns, goy!

MrBateman ago

hispanic? his-turlders

green_man ago

They imported somolia before somolia was elected.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

I knew an Army Ranger who fought in the Battle of Mogadishu for the freedom to allow Hymie to bring retarded monkeys to our lands. "Thank you for your service."

AlabamaNigger ago

Them white girls needed some africa dick to suck

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voats4goats ago

We can thank Barry for that

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Shit started long before Barry.

hillaryisanigger ago

Barre was forced out of office in 91 and Somalia started getting visas in 92.

LibertarianForChrist ago

A cuvilization is determined by its people and not the other way around.