Coolbreezyfuck ago

What is this "we" business she is mentioning - Is she personally going to hit the streets with full clips?

Doomike ago

Fine! Then let's start by agreeing that Judaism is, contrary to widespread belief, not a religion, but in fact a RACE of subhuman inbreds and their prime motive and goal is and have always been world domination, effectively making them enemy #1 of EVERY OTHER RACE OF HUMAN BEINGS!!

BalfourYourFace ago

White liberals say the same thing. Always confirm the jew

concernedpikachu ago

race war kicks off tomorrow

average room temp IQ nignog cant tell a white and a jew apart

she gets raped and murdered by the nearest pavement ape

good job.

ootz ago

Wonder how long she will stand with them after she gets raped and left for dead.

Stubbabubba ago

What's funny is jews hide behind niggers. It's as if, should they win, they think they would get along once were gone. So they not also realize they would be next? Just for looking white they would also be fucked.

Side note. What kind of shotgun should I buy for my first home defense tool?

Apathy ago

To be honest BLM has more than doubled the murder rate of blacks, so like abortion, I'm sure most of you would approve in that regard.

Charilko ago

So Jews really think the blacks will spare them in a race war?

ShitLady_Sith ago


iyskreem ago

Time to tune up your jew-dar. It'll be whites vs everyone else

Rabid_Robot ago

It should be illegal for Jews to change their last name in an effort to conceal their ancestry. My Slovakian last name sucks when non-Slavs pronounce it but I kept it anyway to honour my ancestors. Why can't Jews do the same unless they have something to hide?

Firinmahlazer ago

Bring it on. I promise you they're out gunned.

John_B_14 ago

Jewish Actress (((Frances Fisher))) Calls For A 'Race War' Against White People In Wake Of George Floyd's Death

May. 28, 2020

Actress Frances Fisher called for a "race war" against white people in response to George Floyd's death and said she is on team "#BlackLivesMatter."

Fisher, who identifies as Jewish, tweeted Tuesday: "They want a race war. We'll give them a race war. I'm with #BlackLivesMatter. We will win."

"It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains," Fisher tweeted, quoting cop killer Assata Shakur.

Fancy451 ago

Operation Darkie Shield.

kenzokenny ago

So Eastwood was a kike burner..?

DanaNordic ago

He shopped around quite a bit.

great_white_saxon ago

This dumb cunt thinking niggers wouldn't think she's white and kill her.

MrBateman ago

we'll win lol? with their secret MS 13 army and foreign intelligence backing them up?

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

Would be funny if she went to a BLM riot and got raped and beat by some niggers.

boekanier ago

Jews are using dumb niggers to do the 'work' for them. Sneaky as always.

wonderfuldonut ago

has been actress just trying to stay relevant, a d grade Alyssa Milano doing what degenerates do.

she better hope her beloved pets recognize her as a non famous has been actress, if the shit hits the fan should they chimp out

registeretakes10s ago

funny thing is that in an actual race war the blacks would rape and kill her

concernedpikachu ago

they think they could win an all our war with white designed guns and various types of stick. If this shit gets real we'll see the first improvised nuclear bomb.

starrychloe ago

These can't possibly be every, single, time?! There's got to be a regular white socialist who says stupid stuff?!

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Slavic vermin always lie. This is literally why the human races look down on them, they post misleading shit like this.

The vermin who posted this wants everyone to think this Christian woman is Jewish. Slavic accounts are the only people who do this; try to make Americans angry with Jews.

DanaNordic ago

Her father was of Russian-Jewish and Hungarian-Jewish descent. Her mother had Norwegian origins.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

That makes her Christian, not Jewish.

DanaNordic ago

Ashkenazi Jew is more of an ethnicity than religion as most Ashkenazis are atheists. Same with Norwegians. Even though their birth records will label the State religion Christian (some sect), most are not practicing and consider themselves atheists. Of course, when it is politically or financially beneficial the Ashkenazi will claim their Jewish heritage.

FoundingUncle ago

I hope she ends up in the middle of a large gathering of her BLM heroes.

GeneralDisposition ago

I love how the three symbols are used long after the jew is known. Get mad goyim. Dog pile this unknown user because i want upgoats. Hey jewed, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better.

acr1120 ago

They realize that in a real, legitimate race war, white people would clean house, right? Nigs aren't organized and don't have advanced enough critical thinking skills to plan a coherent military strategy, plus are largely concentrated in weak areas, and the kikes don't know how to fight for themselves. Then the whole fact that we outnumber them.

Soyboy69 ago

The full force of the military would be deployed against whites, even if the white populace was at an advantage and we take other countries out of consideration the government still has the MAD option.

registeretakes10s ago

unless china comes in . were not organized right now. yes i too like to think wed clean everything up real quick if that happened, but thats wishful thinking

CheeBooga ago

kek I can't wait to see their faces when they get to the rednecks.

Yuke ago

Calling for a race war whilst also quoting "we must love each other and suppport each other"

Classic tiny hatter.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

From a convicted cop killer no less

New-World-Ebola ago

frances fisher needs to be butchered south african style

MrTwistedbad ago

This is one of Clint Eastwoods exes. She be crazy. For get this redhead and go after Katheeeee griffffffffunn

therage96 ago

Now that BLM is involved, it's confirmed this is just another Soros sponsored counter-op against America. Fuck Soros and this bitch.

BentAxel ago

Air Rifles come in multiple calibers and as much as .50 cal. Can shoot at subsonic speeds and over 500 foot lbs. Rarely do the rifles exceed 115 decibels. For comparison, a .22 is 140 Decibels and approx. 1100 fps. OH, this isnt the target shooting sub. My mistake. I will put this where it belongs.

TauCeti ago

I picture Soros as a sort of semi-vampire, hanging on by transfusions of young people's blood so he can continue to fuck with the world.

Gorillion ago


Fully scripted Covid Pivot.

Chimaira92 ago

Covid is the seasonal flu. No other country brings in as many Chinese as Australia and we have only had 103 deaths in over 6 months.

angryspin ago

Gotta keep those playgrounds shut down though

I spoke to three different people in a sequence in this country who all said there's a global agenda - we're probably about 3 years from just openly naming the jew.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SpiritExpedition ago


Mind_Games ago

White lives are the only lives that matter.

New-World-Ebola ago

it doesn't need to be said, it's a given.

all you do is sound like a nigger using their stupid slogan.

SpiritExpedition ago

You don't think it fits into the same category as "it's OK to be white"? You get to ask what's so objectionable about the statement that "white lives matter"? Then get to point to nog on white crime statistics to demonstrate why whites lives need advocating much more than black lives do. All lives matter was about abortion. Did nothing to raise race consciousness.

New-World-Ebola ago

all lives matters = cuckold kike faggot shit

i hope anyone who honestly believes all lives matter dies

chirogonemd ago

Classic gaslighting and projection. The tactics never change, just the technology.

ciaozuzu ago

That's how (((they))) will do it. Race war between whites and blacks ... culling most of their "problems" while they clamp down on our liberties and get rich.

DeadBeatNigger ago

There won't be a race war, becausw blacks won't leave the city. I dont think even Jews realize this. The only whites living in the city are left wing hipsters, so until the niggers come into the suburbs, or rural setting, they're just gonna kill their white voter base, beat up Jews, and loot stores.

kishind ago

That does give tactical advantage.

Hell, niggers won't even go across town to loot the white Target.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Think about it like this. It's not easy for us to get into a downtown area surrounded by cops, and figure out where to begin, but it's easier than going to some urban sprawl, or a farm, and knowing where the redneck is hiding. They're not smart enough, or brave enough, and the ones that are dumb enough, wind up going full Trayvon.

veteran88 ago

These Jews are instigating the monkeys to fight, they know full well every jew who can pass as white is going to change there name and deny being jewish when shtf.

gazillions ago

Fuckin monsters. How many people are they hoping to see die? Does she want exploded heads or is she hoping to see the full bodies go apart in pieces?

veteran88 ago

Their rabbis are already saying there will be a civil war here and all Jews should go home to Israel ASAP.

gazillions ago

They won't fucking go though. They want the war so fucking bad first. Just hate hate hate and shit all over everyone that let them in in the first fucking place. Kick them and their niggers out, including the white niggers rioting it up for Soros bux.

Funny how all the parasites stick together. If there's a drop of blood left in the host they aren't going anywhere.

greydragon ago

Why stop at just Whites and blacks? Let's make it a three-way race war. Whites, blacks, and jews. I'm even okay with the blacks and jews teaming up.

Gorillion ago

Make it a form of parlay. Carrying a (fresh) kike head on a stick affords you the ability to gain passage thru a contested zone or come to the negotiating table.

Make it a kind of political currency if you will. The irony would be fitting since they like to insinuate themselves into other race's business.

greydragon ago

Carrying a (fresh) kike head on a stick ...

Fresh? Nah, I was a decaying Barbara Spectre head on a pike. It will be the gold standard of negotiations.

drhitler ago

What a stupid looking head, you seriously put that in that photo

con77 ago

stupid jew whore should be careful what she wishes for

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

I advocate the government exterminate all kikists.

jesus_is_lord ago
