You are, in real life, telling people not to post a cartoon because it will make Muslims angry, and making Muslims angry is dangerous, so we shouldn't do that.
let's focus on saving ourselves
They are not allowed to retaliate against you for cartoons, and if they do, it gives you an excuse to destroy them.
Find your fucking nut sack. You're the type of person who would have been executed in front of their peers as an example of the fate of cowards, so that everyone watching you die would understand that it's better to fight than be a pussy.
Boomer memes at their best. The Jew is the real enemy outside and Christcuckery is the cancer that's eating us alive from inside, and we're worried about sandniggers that shit in their front lawn.
That's great! One of my favorite insults is, "Muhammed gets fucked by pigs in Hell." I often say it. Then today I awake to a picture on VOAT of it actually happening. It's a May Miracle!
The owners of big porn companies in the US are both arabs and kikes.
I'm not sure why we distinguish them. Both are full of pedophiles.
Arabs are just jews that were conquered by their african neighbours and so became more shit skinned when their great-grandmothers and such were raped by primitive niggers.
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The Islamic Prophecies say that the Muslims and Christians will unite to defeat the Jews, and then they will fight each other over whether or not Allah or Jesus caused them victory. The hadith says that a man will erect a cross on the battlefield.
You're reading too little. There are simple, quiet, effective ways to make sure these kinds of enemies have no sway over you but they are boring and require discipline and self control. If you are still whacking your dick to porn and being childless and weak than you are doing it to yourself. Muzzies provide a convenient scape goat for all the wankers on here who don't want to put in the effort into improving their lives.
They have classes just like the jews, the upper levels of both work in concert. Christians also have this problem, but to a lesser degree because when they gain this power they usually leave Christianity.
SpiritExpedition ago
Got a copy without the boomer-tier text overlay?
Carigna ago
I don't think this is a good idea, we do not want to do anything to stoke tensions and increase the number of us dying. I really oppose this.
suckcoke ago
Go back to Reddit
AnotherGrayman ago
Fuck you, fear of consequences is how we got European cities full of Muslims raping and killing with impunity.
You are allowed to upset and criticize people through words and art, they are NOT allowed to kill over being offended.
You don't bury your fucking head in the sand and let them do whatever they want because you're afraid to upset them.
Carigna ago
Good point, I was simply saying, let's focus on saving ourselves. Posting this image can only cause more harm to us.
AnotherGrayman ago
You're still thinking like a coward.
You are, in real life, telling people not to post a cartoon because it will make Muslims angry, and making Muslims angry is dangerous, so we shouldn't do that.
They are not allowed to retaliate against you for cartoons, and if they do, it gives you an excuse to destroy them.
Find your fucking nut sack. You're the type of person who would have been executed in front of their peers as an example of the fate of cowards, so that everyone watching you die would understand that it's better to fight than be a pussy.
Rockfish1000 ago
This dude's account is 36 minutes old. Fuck this faggot divider.
AnotherGrayman ago
I need to get into the habit of checking that.
This fucker literally made their account just to defend Islam and sow fear.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Boomer memes at their best. The Jew is the real enemy outside and Christcuckery is the cancer that's eating us alive from inside, and we're worried about sandniggers that shit in their front lawn.
Atkho ago
Muhammad was a crypto Jew just like the pope that the Christ cucks worship.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
gas yourself
Brawndosaurus ago
Nice work, boomer. Now do one with jews.
kammmmak ago
Fake. Allah fucks pigs.
obvious-throwaway- ago
Do Abraham, the jews have some sort of affection for the pig fucking cock sucker. Probably why you don't see comics of him very often.
last18500 ago
That's great! One of my favorite insults is, "Muhammed gets fucked by pigs in Hell." I often say it. Then today I awake to a picture on VOAT of it actually happening. It's a May Miracle!
ChiCom ago
I'm surprised only 2 down voats so far. There's way more secret Muslims here than that. Must be worried about their publicity...
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
It's not so much "the secret muslims" but rather that this is just clearly jewish sense of humor.
kikes have the sense of humor of a 12 year old and are obsessed with shit, ass fucking and anything degenerative.
If you want a true peak into the imagination of a jew just look up some porn videos.
ChiCom ago
The owners of big porn companies in the US are both arabs and kikes.
I'm not sure why we distinguish them. Both are full of pedophiles.
Arabs are just jews that were conquered by their african neighbours and so became more shit skinned when their great-grandmothers and such were raped by primitive niggers.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
the porn industry is obviously jew central you fucking retard foreskin sucker
ChiCom ago
I knew you were a nigger Jew... Just provoking you to get it out in the open.
I bet kikes run much of it but I used to run a web dev company and met an arab guy who runs a huge porn website.
Thanks for outing yourself.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
lmao keep trying JIDF
nobody buys your shit you fucking jew
ChiCom ago
^^^ kvetching in nigger soaked jewness
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
Keep trying rabbi
SearchVoatBot ago
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YangGang1234 ago
We need muslims to fight the Great War against Israel. This is counter to the survival of whites.
VoatIsRunByJews ago
The Islamic Prophecies say that the Muslims and Christians will unite to defeat the Jews, and then they will fight each other over whether or not Allah or Jesus caused them victory. The hadith says that a man will erect a cross on the battlefield.
YangGang1234 ago
The guys in funny robes command the most vicious gangsters.
CheeBooga ago
Cool. Now do one for jews!
ciaozuzu ago
Just add (((him))) behind the pig.
Grask1901 ago
Masturbating into a ficas?
ciaozuzu ago
Weimar2 ago
One day, all of them.
PhilKDick ago
By Three Pig Night
Kekmasterson ago
beefartist ago
Keep masturbating to porn and being weak; blaming muzzies for your problems
TrialsAndTribulation ago
You're reading too much into the post, I think. It's not an either/or situation. Whites have many enemies who want us wiped from the Earth.
beefartist ago
You're reading too little. There are simple, quiet, effective ways to make sure these kinds of enemies have no sway over you but they are boring and require discipline and self control. If you are still whacking your dick to porn and being childless and weak than you are doing it to yourself. Muzzies provide a convenient scape goat for all the wankers on here who don't want to put in the effort into improving their lives.
HiJoker ago
It's a fat chick, nuff said.
AntiMason ago
We need to lay off the sand niggers until we solve the JQ.
They are being victimized by the kikes like we are.
peacegnome ago
They have classes just like the jews, the upper levels of both work in concert. Christians also have this problem, but to a lesser degree because when they gain this power they usually leave Christianity.